
Forthcoming general issue, Summer 41.3

Featuring essays on:

Sexuality in E. M. Forster

Lesbain Modernism in Gale Wilhelm's We Too Are Drifting

Foundational Narratives in Thomas Pynchon's Mason and Dixon

Neo-Soicism and Revenge Tragedy

Thomas Hardy's The Well-Beloved

Trauma and Identity Politics in Ai's Dread


New introduction to the work of Edward Said published by Conor McCarthy, Associate Editor of College Literature.

Conor McCarthy recently published The Cambridge Introduction to Edward Said. This book serves both as an introduction to a major critic and public intellectual of the last 40 years, and draws out themes and continuities in Said's work, from Beginnings (1975) through his Orientalism (1978) to Culture and Imperialism (1993), his work on late style, and his lifelong work on Palestine. McCarthy shows how Said wove together strands from Romance philology, Western Marxism and post-structuralism to produce a striking body of critical and intellectual work of ongoing cultural and political relevance.

Further details at Cambridge University Press