Excel Basic Skills Exam: Simnet version

This web page contains the information you need to prepare for Excel Test 2016. Read through this entire page and then follow the steps below. For any information not covered on this page, please contact the staff at EXCELTest@wcupa.edu.

Purchase Registration Code

You can purchase the registration code from the University bookstore or online. The product is called the Microsoft Office 2016 Single Module and is made by SimnetOnline. Staff at the bookstore can help you find it . You will find the 20-digit registration code on the back. If you are a student at the Delaware County Community College or you are off-campus, you can also buy it online at the West Chester University Simnet site.

Please remember we do not process any code. We just proctor the test.

Excel Test Instructions .

For ANY OTHER technical assistance with the Simnet card or your Simnet account call 1-800-331-5094.


If you are a transfer student from Delaware County Community College you can also take the test at the DCCC. For more information call 610-325-2776.

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