Programs of Study and Course Offerings

Guide to the Catalog

Departments are arranged alphabetically (see list on page 61). Interdisciplinary programs are listed as a group under "Interdisciplinary Programs."

Students may obtain a typical sequence of courses for any program from the office specified in this catalog.

Please note that all courses, course descriptions, course sequences, and course substitutions are subject to change. Current information is available from the appropriate department chair, dean, or program coordinator.

Guide to Course Prefixes

Many program descriptions in this catalog refer to courses offered by other departments using a course abbreviation called a prefix. In addition, some course prefixes do not use the logical initials of the courses to which they refer (e.g., ABC is used to indicate instrumental music courses). To assist in locating the department or program which uses each prefix, the following guide to course prefixes is provided.

ABC Applied Music
ACC Accounting
ADM Administration
AEB Applied Music
AEL Educational Development Services
AEO Applied Music
AER Educational Development Services
AES Applied Music
AIC Applied Music
AIM Applied Music
AJZ Applied Music
ALC Applied Music
AMA Applied Music
AMC Applied Music
AME Applied Music
AMF Applied Music
AMS American Studies
ANT Anthropology and Sociology
APC Applied Music
ARB Languages and Cultures
ARC Applied Music
ASC Applied Music
AWC Applied Music
AWM Applied Music
BAR Applied Music
BAS Applied Music
BIL Biology
BIO Biology
BLA Marketing
BSN Applied Music
CBA Applied Music
CHE Chemistry
CHO Applied Music
CLS Comparative Literature Studies/English
CLT Applied Music
COM Communication Studies
CRJ Criminal Justice
CRL Chemistry
CRW English
CSC Computer Science
CST Computer Science
CSW Computer Science
DAN Theatre and Dance
ECE Early Childhood Education
ECH Languages and Cultures
ECO Economics
EDA Special Education
EDC Counselor Education
EDE Elementary Education
EDF Professional and Secondary Education
EDM Professional and Secondary Education
EDO Professional and Secondary Education
EDP Counselor Education;
Professional and Secondary Education
EDR Literacy
EDS Professional and Secondary Education
EEE Professional and Secondary Education
EFR Languages and Cultures
EGE Languages and Cultures
EGP Early and Middle Grades Education
EIT Languages and Cultures
ERU Languages and Cultures
ENG English
ENV Health
ESP Languages and Cultures
ESL Geology and Astronomy
ESS Geology and Astronomy
EXS Kinesiology
FIN Economics and Finance
FLM English/Comparative Literature
FLU Applied Music
FRE Languages and Cultures
FRH Applied Music
GEO Geography and Planning
GER Languages and Cultures
GRE Languages and Cultures
GTR Applied Music
HAR Applied Music
HBI Political Science
HBW Languages and Cultures
HEA Health
HIS History
HON Honors College
HRP Applied Music
HTL Health
INB Management
IND Geology and Astronomy
INS Applied Music
ITA Languages and Cultures
JRN English
KEM Applied Music
KIL Kinesiology
KIN Kinesiology
LAN Languages and Cultures
LAT Languages and Cultures
LIN Languages and Cultures/Linguistics Program
LIT English
LPN Philosophy
LST Liberal Studies
MAK Applied Music
MAT Mathematics
MGP Early and Middle Grades Education
MGT Management
MHL Music History
MIP Applied Music
MIS Management
MKT Marketing
MRC Applied Music
MSI Educational Development
MTC Music Theory and Composition
MTL Mathematics
MUE Music Education
MWB Applied Music
MWJ Music Theory and Composition
MWP Applied Music
NSG Nursing
NSL Nursing
NTD Nutrition
NTL Nutrition
OBO Applied Music
ORG Applied Music
PAX Philosophy
PEA Physical Education/Kinesiology
PER Applied Music
PHI Philosophy
PHL Physics
PHR Physics
PHS Physics
PHY Physics and Pre-Engineering
PIA Applied Music
PMG Political Science
POR Languages and Cultures
PPD Pharmaceutical Product Development
PSC Political Science
PSY Psychology
RUS Languages and Cultures
SAX Applied Music
SCB Biology
SCC Chemistry
SCE Geology and Astronomy
SCI Geology and Astronomy; Physics
SMD Sports Medicine
SML Sports Medicine
SOC Anthropology and Sociology
SPA Languages and Cultures
SPK Communication Studies
SPP Communicative Disorders
SSC Ethnic Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Social Studies
STA Mathematics
SWO Social Work
TBA Applied Music
THA Theatre and Dance
TPT Applied Music
TRB Applied Music
VCL Applied Music
VLA Applied Music
VLN Applied Music
VOC Applied Music
VOI Applied Music
WOS Women's and Gender Studies
WRH English
WRT English
YES Youth Empowerment and Urban Studies