Registration: Undergraduate Non-Degree Terms & Conditions

  • Transcipts
  • Graduation
  • Electronic Diploma
  • Calendar
  • Take a Class

Non-Degree Terms & Conditions

All non-degree students must agree to the following:

  • Enrollment in the non-degree program does not imply admission to the University. To make a request for formal admission into a degree-seeking program, students must apply through the Office of Admissions or The Graduate School. Students denied formal admission to the institution are eligible to enroll in coursework through the non-degree program, assuming they meet the enrollment requirements for non-degree.
  • Enrolling as a non-degree student to complete graduation requirements is not permitted. If a former student is looking to complete graduation requirements, they need to contact the Office of Admissions or The Graduate School.
  • All non-degree students are required to remain in good academic standing while at West Chester University.
  • All non-degree students must comply with University policies, including academic guidelines, requirements for attendance, and class/campus behavior. Students are responsible for following all dates published on the Academic Calendar.
  • Non-degree students are not eligible to receive financial aid and must pay all tuition and fees by their due date.
  • Admission into the non-degree program is contingent on meeting the application requirements and supplying supporting documentation. Non-degree applications will not be processed until supporting documentation is received.
  • Course registration is dependent on submission of supporting documentation, meeting the prerequisite requirements, course availability, and in some cases, department approval.
  • All grades received will remain on the student’s permanent college transcript. Accordingly, release of those records is bound by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Information pertaining to student’s coursework will only be released to the student.  For more information on this Act, see the WCU Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) policy.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to activate their RamNet ID Network Account, including e-mail, once the student receives their RamNet ID number. All communication with University staff and faculty members will be through the student’s West Chester University e-mail account.
  • The grades earned as a non-degree student remain on the student's transcript and will be included in the computation of the cumulative GPA should a non-degree student be accepted into a degree-granting program.