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Latin American and Latino Studies Program

206 Ruby Jones Hall
Linda Stevenson, Coordinator

Any student in the University, regardless of his or her area of specialization, may earn a minor and a letter of verification in Latin American and Latino studies after satisfactory completion of 18 semester hours of work, distributed as follows:

Minor in Latin American and Latino Studies

Required: Either A or B (18 semester hours)

  1. 1. Spanish or Portuguese (6 semester hours)
    (Intermediate level or above)
  2. 2. Latin American history (6 semester hours)

    3. Electives (6 semester hours)


  3. 1. Latin American history (6 semester hours)
  4. 2. Latin American culture, politics, geography (6 semester hours)

    3. Electives (6 semester hours)

Selected under advisement from Latin American-oriented courses offered by the departments of Anthropology and Sociology, Geography and Planning, Political Science, Economics, Art, or others. In track A, one three-credit course must be devoted to literature, art history, or music.

For advising, see Dr. Linda Stevenson in the Department of Political Science.

A student should maintain a 2.5 average in area-studies courses to be recommended for graduate work in the area-studies concentration.