For best service starting December 18, 2024 and through January 10, 2025, please reach out to Writing Center via email at or call us at (610) 436-5664. We will be available virtually during this time and will be happy to assist. 


The Right to Our Own Language

The West Chester University Writing Center affirms that everyone’s language of nurture, and all Englishes, are inherently eloquent and equal. Each of us owns a language that is a legacy from those who loved us. Our language is a testament to where we come from. No language is less than another.
This said, the Writing Center also acknowledges that the systemic and intersecting forces of racism, xenophobia, and class prejudice create a present reality of double standards in which some so-called "non-standard" English is disrespected, while other objectively just-as-non-standard English is given a pass. Language prejudice is brazenly and unapologetically used as a justification, both in education and in the workplace, to restrict access to opportunity. Furthermore, language prejudice is inextricably linked to racism and xenophobia so that the way we look or sound often means we can’t be heard, regardless of our mastery of the “standard.”

The Writing Center acknowledges the harm and trauma of language prejudice and systemic racism. We commit to fundamental respect as a ground rule in the writing center. Our goal is to ensure students get the support they need to communicate powerfully and persuasively in writing without being judged or stereotyped on the basis of the way they speak or write.

To contact the Writing Center: email

Also see our Anti-racism Resources page.

Writing Center Mission Statement

We help writers in the university community achieve their goals as they engage in the challenging and rewarding process of writing.


Tutors collage

Visit the Schedule page via the green appointment button to access the online schedule and make an appointment. Registration is necessary for your first appointment.

We are located in the FHG Library in Room 251. Enter the library at the circulation desk level and take a right.

To access an online tutorial, use the Zoom link in your appointment form or go here.


We request that you cancel your appointments at least two hours in advance by logging into the scheduling system. If you miss three appointments at the Writing Center, you will be barred from using Center services until the next semester. If you have any questions about the Center or your appointment, please contact us directly.

Thank You!

Winter 2024-2025 Writing Center Hours

Virtual Only Monday - Thursday 10:00 am - 9:00 pm

Friday 10:00 - 2:00 pm

WCU writers are saying…

  • "I was skeptical because I was afraid that I would feel dumb. I was SO wrong. My tutor was wonderful and I plan on going back for help on all my assignments."
  • "My tutor helped me by guiding me to find my own problems in my paper rather than just telling me what they were."
  • "I love the space here! It felt great talking about my ideas and projects with another student."


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