We have to be part of ending racism.
And that requires us to do more
than just believe in equality,
but to learn and practice antiracism.
Change Begins Here:Dismantling Systemic and Everyday Racism
This website was established in August 2020 and continues to serve as an educational
resource for West Chester University faculty, staff and students. It will be a continuous
resource to share what’s happening, what is next, how to learn more, how to get involved
and what initiatives are in progress. The information provided here will be updated
throughout the academic year. In partnership and solidarity, we invite faculty, staff,
students, departments, offices, and student organizations to actively increase your
awareness and understanding while engaging in anti-racism work.
Indigenous/Native Women’s Equal Pay Day. This is the day Indigenous/Native women must work into 2021 to make what White men
made at the end of 2020. Indigenous/Native women are paid 60 cents for every dollar
paid to white men (Source: AAUW Equal Pay Day Calendar). Interested in learning more
about the gender wage gap, follow the Center for Women & Gender Equity @wcu_cwge on
Instagram or @wcuCWGE on Facebook.
- Wednesday, September 8, 2021, Virtual

9/11 Town Hall: We Commemorate, We Commit (Intersections of race, ethnicity, and religion):
Alia J. Bilal, Deputy Director of the Inner City Muslim Action Network will commemorate
the 20th anniversary of a profound moment in US life, the terrorist attacks on the
World Trade Center, alongside fellow civic leaders and panelists: Valarie Kaur (Revolutionary
Love Project), John Inazu (Washington University in St. Louis, The Carver Project),
Dr. Robert Klitzman (Columbia University), and Eboo Patel (Interfaith Youth Core)
will share how they've been affected by that day and its aftermath, as hate crimes
against religious minorities in the U.S. rose. This town hall will focus on questions
from the participants. All participants will receive a We Commemorate, We Commit
toolkit with resources and tools to mobilize your own religious, civic, and educational
institutions and communities to continue to build Interfaith America.
Sponsored by the Interfaith Youth Core
- Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 12:00 PM- 1:15 PM EST;
EqualiTea Speaker Series — 55¢: The Value of Latinidad featuring Marisol Rosado-Perez.
Members of the WCU community are invited to explore gender justice issues, navigate
pathways to success, and build community. The theme for 2021-2022 is Gender and Jobs.
COVID19 has exacerbated existing gender inequities in the job market. In this series,
we tackle topics such as the gender wage gap, careers in tech, pay equity, and the
long-term impact of the global pandemic. Latinas are among the most adversely affected
by the gender pay gap, earning just 55 cents to the dollar earned by white men. Come
learn more and identify strategies to take action. For more info, email CWGE.
- Monday, September 13, 2021 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Location TBA, Register on RamConnect
Cultural Heritage Month Speaker Series: Latinx Heritage Month: For more info, please visit the Dowdy Multicultural Center website, email multicultural@wcupa.edu
or call (610) 436-3273.
- September 15-October 15, 2021
Transitional Justice- SEMINAR WITHOUT WALLS. This “seminar without walls” was inspired by the federal government’s new recognition
of Juneteenth as a holiday, while at the same time so many policies to address racial
inequality (voting, education, climate justice, health, economics, safety, and others)
are under attack. We are holding drop-in learning, outdoors as one way to say we refuse
to go “back to normal.” For more info, email Hannah Ashley. Co-sponsored by African
American Studies, Peace & Conflict Studies, Center for Women & Gender Equity, Philosophy,
Political Science, English, Psychology, and Dowdy Multicultural Center, and Rustin
Urban Community Change Axis. Wednesdays, 10:00 am — 10:45 am (Beginning September
15th - October 13th) on the Quad (Outdoor Classroom near Anderson). Learning, Talking,
Listening. In the event of rain, check Twitter@WCU_YESminor for an update.
- September 15, 2021: Dr. Hannah Ashley — Some Truths about “Normal”: Normal Was Not Ok, but We Are
- September 22, 2021: Dr. tonya thames-taylor — What Happens When You Breathe and Die: Environmental Justice
and Class
- September 29, 2021: Dr. Michael Burns — The Truths of Afropessimism & Imagining Afrofuturism
- October 6, 2021: Dr. Sendy Alcidonis & Mx. Tess Benser — Some Truths about Gender, Race and Transitional
Justice in 2021
- October 13, 2021: Dr. Dean Johnson —More Truths about Conflict and Struggle
Decolonizing and Reforming Child Welfare: An Examination of How Implicit Bias and
Racism Shape Child Welfare Policy and Practice. Dr. Ginneh Akbar, Associate Professor, Chair – WCU Department of Graduate Social
Work. Dr. Nina Mendez-Diaz, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology — LaSalle
University This virtual live training critically examines child welfare policies and
the legal, political, and social forces that influence the structure and function
of child welfare systems. We will focus on some of the major challenges of providing
safety, permanency, and wellbeing to children in the system, and how the stakeholders
— including social works, teachers, lawyers, judges, etc. often help to maintain and
perpetuate the racism and bias embedded in the system. Sponsored by WCU Education
and Programming for Integrated Care (EPIC).
- Wednesday, September 15, 2021 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Register here.
“Nice White Parents” looks at the 60-year relationship between white parents and the public school down
the block. Join us for our Fall 2021 Social Justice Podcast series discussions! Listen
to the podcast HERE. Sponsored by Graduate Social Work.
- Friday, September 17, 2021 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, Join the Zoom meeting
INSIGHT INTO DIVERSITY WEBINAR SERIES: Combatting Asian American Pacific Islander
(AAPI) Racism and Increasing AAPI Leadership In Higher Education (FREE). Asian and Pacific Islanders have commonly been named “the model minority”
in the United States, a persistent myth that alienates them from other communities
of color and beyond. Our panelists will share strategies for addressing racism towards
the AAPI community as we have all witnessed across the country in recent months. In
addition, AAPI people remain underrepresented in leadership positions at U.S. colleges
and universities, according to the American Council on Education. Our panelists include
AAPI professionals whose careers have taken them to top positions in higher education.
They will discuss the role that current leaders can play in supporting institutional
practices and policies that can increase AAPI achievement and promotion. Click here
to watch a livestream through INSIGHT Into Diversity's Facebook page.
- Monday, September 20, 2021, 1 PM EST

13th Annual LatinaXo Communities Conference. In 2021 the LLC will be a hybrid event with one day of virtual presentations on September
29 and a second day of in-person celebrations on September 30. Each year, this interdisciplinary
conference provides a creative space to enhance the understanding of Latina/o/x issues,
contributions, and cultures. We pride ourselves in serving as a link between academia
and local communities, institutions and organizations. This year’s theme focuses on
celebrating Afro-Latinx and Caribbean identities, bringing forth the potential of
diversity and intersectionality present in our community, which we often see being
neglected. For more information, visit the LCC webpage or email Emily Aguiló-Pérez,
Daniela Johannes, and/ or Raúl Olmo Fregoso Bailón.
- Wednesday, September 29 – Thursday, September 30, 2021
13th Annual LatinaXo Communities Conference Keynote Speaker, Author Yolanda Arroyo
Pizarro. Join us as Yolanda Arroyo Pizarra discusses her book, Pelo Bueno (Good Hair). For
more information, visit the LCC webpage: https://www.wcupa.edu/arts-humanities/languagesCultures/latinoconference/
- Wednesday, September 29, 2021 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Respect the Process: Examining Our Social Justice Perspectives. The College of Education and Social Work is excited to host Dr. Bettina Love, professor
and co-founder of Abolitionist Teaching Network. This campus-wide event expands focuses
on fostering social justice practices across our communities in our daily lives. Advanced
registration required (by September 30, 2021): https://wcupa.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrdOmsrzIsGNRLtRDNhKpu8vaVXEaXZrE6
- Thursday, September 30, 2021 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Annual Clifford DeBaptiste — Frederick Douglass Institute Lecture Series featuring
Rev. Dr. Wayne E. Croft, Sr. In a fitting tribute to the great abolitionist, orator, and statesman, this annual
lecture examines issues of social justice to improve the present by learning from
the past. It serves to commemorate the abolitionist’s last public lecture on WCU’s
campus at his statue which was erected on the campus in 2003 by the Pennsylvania Historical
and Museum Commission. Sponsored by the Frederick Douglass Institute.
· Thursday, October 7, 2021 4:00 pm — 5:30 pm, Location: Frederick Douglass
Ruby Jones Conference on Race, Social Justice, & Civic Leadership. The Dowdy Multicultural Center’s Ruby Jones Conference on Race, Social Justice,
& Civic Leadership is designed to create an educational environment where students
can engage in learning that will raise awareness and promote action-oriented dialogue
about racial, cultural and social issues that impact how they experience life on campus,
in communities and in society. Our 2021 conference keynote will be nationally renowned
speaker, social justice education scholar, spoken word artist, and educational consultant,
Dr. Jamila Lyiscott. For more information, please visit the Dowdy Multicultural Center
website, email multicultural@wcupa.edu or call (610) 436-3273. Advanced Registration
- Saturday, October 9, 2021, Sykes Student Union

1619 Join us for our Fall 2021 Social Justice Podcast series discussions! “1619” hosted
by Nikole Hannah Jones, examines the long shadow of how slavery has transformed America.
Listen to the podcast HERE. Sponsored by Graduate Social Work.
- Friday, October 15, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, Join the Zoom meeting link HERE
Latinas’ Equal Pay Day This is the day Latinas must work into 2021 to make what White men made at the end
of 2020 (Source: AAUW Equal Pay Day Calendar). Interested in learning more about the
gender wage gap, follow the Center for Women & Gender Equity @wcu_cwge on Instagram
or @wcuCWGEon Facebook.
- Thursday, October 21, 2021

Cultural Heritage Month Speaker Series: Native American Heritage Month. For more info, please visit the Dowdy Multicultural Center website, email multicultural@wcupa.edu
or call (610) 436-3273.
Love for Liberation: African Independence, Black Power, and a Diaspora Underground
by Dr. Robin J. Hayes. Dr. Hayes will discuss her recently published book Love for Liberation, which details
how African American activists connected with African independence leaders after they
became frustrated with the pace of progress toward racial justice in the United States.
As these young idealists engaged within what Dr. Hayes calls “emancipated spaces”
across the continent, they innovated ideas about how their communities could unite
to overcome the international human rights issue of racism. Dr. Hayes develops a theory
of diaspora underground that brings together the relationship between the African
independence and Black power movements.
- Thursday, November 4, 2021 3:30 pm – 5:30, Sykes Ballroom A
Race and Trauma: Urban Identity Development. Join the discussion with Dr. Ebony E. White, Assistant Clinical Professor, Program
Director — Master in Addictions Counseling, Counseling & Family Therapy Department
— Drexel University and Dr. Kimberly McClellan, Assistant Clinical Professor, Undergraduate
Nursing / Accelerated Career Entry BSN Department — Drexel University. Click HERE for more info. Sponsored by WCU Education and Programming for Integrated Care (EPIC).
- Monday, November 8, 2021 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Register at here

Courageous Conversations about Race: How did we get here? How do we move forward?
(Series 1 of 3) An opportunity to engage diverse groups across the West Chester community
in meaningful, open and honest discussions, information sharing, and skill-building
about race and related topics that have fractured our society. Discussion topics will
include: Bystander Intervention, Healing and Restoration, Implicit Bias, Race Relations
in the Workforce, White Fragility. Registration opens August 26, 2020. Sponsored by
WCU and St. Paul’s Baptist Church. Advance registration required. See the event flyer for complete details. This event was held on Saturday, September 26, 2020, 11:00
am – 2:00 pm via Zoom Event Recording with captioning
Courageous Conversations: Voting Matters! (Series 2 of 3) This session will address upcoming elections and the importance participating
in citizenship as a voter. Featuring: Kamryn Davis, Students of Color Voting Initiative,
and Christopher Jaramillo, Norristown, NAACP. Practical topics related to voting and
the US Census will be covered. Discussion topics will include the growing importance
of the Latino vote, changing demographics, the Black vote, and the youth vote. Sponsored
by WCU and co-sponsored by Ethnic Studies and Frederick Douglass Institute. For details
and to participate visit: https://www.wcupa.edu/arts-humanities/ethnicStudies/seminarEvents.aspx.
This event was held on Thursday, October 8, 2020, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm via Zoom. Event Recording with Captioning
Courageous Conversations: Policing- (Series 3 of 3) Topics discussed will include recent events of policing in the news,
the Black Lives Matter movement, and the history of policing. Sponsored by WCU and
co-sponsored by Ethnic Studies and Frederick Douglass Institute. This event was held
on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm via Zoom. Event recording with captioning
Anti-Racist Trauma-Informed Educational Practice Panel: Three Undergraduate Social Work Faculty, Dr. Hadih Deedat, Dr. Ebonnie Vazquez, and
Dr. Brie Radis will discuss ways to integrate in Anti-Racist Trauma Informed Education
Practice (TIEP) into the classroom. First, they will briefly share the framework.
Then they will share techniques, exercises and perspectives that they use to connect
and support their students in both their Philadelphia and West Chester classes. This
panel is open to all faculty, staff, and students. Event recording with captioning This event was held on Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm via Zoom

2nd Annual Ruby Jones Conference on Race, Social Justice and Civic Leadership, featuring
keynote address by activist, author and professor, Angela Davis: Sponsored by the Dowdy Multicultural Center and the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement, this three-day conference is
designed to create an educational environment where students can engage in learning
that will raise awareness and promote action-oriented dialogue about racial, cultural
and social issues that impact how students experience life on campus, in communities
and in society. Our 2020 conference keynote speaker will be activist and social justice
icon, Angela Davis. The conference registration deadline is Friday, September 25. For more information, please contact us at (610)436-3273 or multicultural@wcupa.edu. This event was held on Wednesday, September 30- Friday, October 2, 2020.
2nd Annual Ruby Jones Conference Flyer
Event Recordings with Captioning

Courageous Conversations: Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad: Please join us for Dr. Muhammad’s timely, important talk addressing race and social
justice in post-America. Discussion and opportunities for exchange will follow his
talk. Khalil Gibran Muhammad is professor of History, Race and Public Policy at Harvard
Kennedy School and the Suzanne Young Murray Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for
Advanced Studies. His research examines the intersections of race, democracy, inequality,
and criminal justice in modern U.S. history. His book Condemnation of Blackness: Race,
Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America investigates how the African American
population has been criminalized for the last 400 years through an examination the
history of policing in the North and South. Zoom link found HERE. Meeting ID: 991
2848 6604, Passcode: 559220. Sponsored by the Office for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion,
Institute for Race and Ethnic Studies, Frederick Douglass Institute, and the Departments
of Anthropology and Sociology and History. This event was held on Tuesday, March
9 from 12:30 pm — 2:00 pm. Email Dr. Tracey Robinson at trobinson@wcupa.edu to access the captioned event recording.

Open to all students, faculty and staff the Institute for Cultural Competence and Inclusive Excellence reflects WCU’s commitment to create a learning culture that values diversity, equity
and inclusion. The Institute is a personal and professional certificate program available
to WCU students, faculty and staff. The program consists of a combination of training
and education workshops, self-study readings, books, on-demand video presentations,
and a capstone project, proposal or presentation. Participants develop cultural competencies
and are offered the tools necessary for linking diversity and inclusion to organizational
and work performance. Programs and workshops are offered during the fall, spring,
and summer semesters to provide a full range of required and elective workshops. Applications are online for the Fall 2021 cohort and are due September 30th.

Please check back frequently for updates. In addition, you can contribute content,
plan events, host bold dialogues, create opportunities, share resources and even provide
personal reflections and testimonials of your work and commitment. To connect with
this effort, please email upcoming events, initiatives or resources to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance.

Tracey Ray Robinson, Ph.D.,
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Dear West Chester University Community,
At this truly unprecedented time in our history when lives have been altered significantly
across the globe, we cannot help but halt and reflect upon the recent news of the
tragic events in Minnesota, New York, and Georgia. Our thoughts today are with the
victims and families of all those affected by such horrific acts of hate, racism,
and intolerance. The pain brought on from all that has been lost amid such injustice
and despair prompts us to pause in the midst of our own realities. We, as a community
of educators, must take this moment to underscore our dedication to all of our diverse
communities, which include our students, faculty, alumni, staff, and many friends.
As we strive to prepare our students to be lifelong learners committed to the common
good, it is important to call attention to what we inspire all of our graduates to
embrace as productive activity in our society: Read the full statement .

All West Chester University undergraduate students were invited to participate in
a national racial campus climate survey during the 2019 spring semester. The results
of the survey are posted online and were shared through a dialogue with faculty, staff,
and students during two open forums in February 2020. The findings revealed key opportunities
for WCU to not only reaffirm its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives,
but to go further. A few key recommendations for each area of the survey are noted
- Mattering and Affirmation is defined as others noticing and caring about what students
think and must say.
- Assess and determine whether any groups are excluded from taking part in the construction
of the campus identity.
- Regularly convene university faculty, in conjunction with experienced staff from learning
resource centers and centers for excellence in teaching, to discuss standards of inclusive
teaching and ways to engage instructional personnel in developing culturally sustaining
and affirming practices.
- Train staff across student affairs, auxiliary centers, and campus police and security
in meaningful ways to cultivate inclusive environments.
- Cross-Racial Engagement is defined as whether students feel calm, empowered, open
and encouraged when engaging in conversations about race.
- Create intentional, facilitated opportunities for cross-racial engagement on campus
including, for example, hosting inter- and intragroup dialogues with skilled facilitators
where privilege and marginality are discussed.
- Ask the campus community to be part of problem solving and collaboration when racial
tensions arise.
- Communicate the message that talking about race is hard, but important, and also creates
opportunities to push students to higher levels of critical thinking and toward better
preparation to live in a diverse democracy.
- Racial Learning and Literacy is defined as the extent to which there is racial diversity
reflected in classes, where students learn about race, who on campus helps them to
learn about race, and preparing to live in a racially diverse society.
- Conduct departmental reviews of classroom materials to determine whose voices and
experiences are centered, and whose are missing.
- Provide structured opportunities for students to learn about their own and other racial
- Communicate that the pace of learning about race and discussing race on campus should
not prioritize the hesitancy and/or interests of any one group, over actual progress
toward achieving equity.
- Encounters with Racial Stress is defined as specific harmful acts, behaviors, or attitudes
directed at students based on their race.
- Institute professional development for faculty and staff to prioritize understanding
of the effects of not only racial violence on students, but also microaggressions
and their impact on learning and well-being. This professional development should
include providing faculty and staff with the skills to confront and intervene when
these incidents occur, and asking them to prioritize a consistent message to all students
that they are intelligent, of worth, and capable of scholarship.
- Recognize race related stress and racial trauma on campus, and collectively engage
with those on the margins to objectively hear their narratives and engage for action.
- Boldly confront long-standing racial problems embedded in the systems and structures
at the institution, and communicate that racism is not just individual and overt.
- Appraisals of Institutional Commitment explores the extent to which students believe
that the campus leadership deals with racism/racist incidents effectively, in the
open, and in a timely manner.
- Consider that all faculty and staff search committees should go beyond bias reduction
training to integrating proactive measures throughout the life cycle of hiring, including
retention and promotion, particularly of minoritized faculty.
- Practice race-conscious leadership, which includes, for example, engaging in authentic
conversations and collaborations with people of color and developing an accurate understanding
of the realities of race on campus.
- Impact of External Environments explores feelings of personal well-being in city/town
surrounding campus and in hometown and experiences of racism outside of the University.
- Expect that students will be affected by incidents of racism and hate crimes locally
or nationally and be prepared to support students who have already experienced racial
battle fatigue.
- Be aware that equity initiatives on campus should focus on eliminating conditions
on campus that harm marginalized students and students from marginalized communities,
and not on "fixing" these students.
- When assessing campus and external environments for issues surrounding race and racism,
consider who the representatives and beneficiaries of existing racist systems are,
and policies and practices that have a differential impact by race.
Currently, undergraduate students must take a 3 credit diverse communities course
from the list of courses approved for that purpose. The course is identified with
a “J” attribute on the transcript and the course must be approved as a diverse communities
course at the time it is taken. (For more information). For a listing of courses that fulfill the diverse communities requirement and their
descriptions, visit the Academic Catalog
Here are a few Anti-racist curriculum options for Fall 2020
- ENG206 Black Critical Theory (W) Cherise Pollard
- HIS 314 Latin American Women – Tia Malkin-Fontecchio
- HIS 373 African American History (J) tony thames taylor
- LIT207 Frederick Douglass (W) Rachel Banner
- LIT360 Latinx Youth Literature – Emily Aguilo Perez
- WOS 206 Globalization and Sustainability (E, J) – Tabassum Ruby
- WOS 325 Women of Color and Material Culture – Justin Sprague
- WRH 333 African American Autobiography (W,J) Michael Burns
Academic and Student Affairs Monday, June 1, 2020 Statement (Part 1)
To: West Chester University Community
From: Chris Fiorentino, President; Laurie Bernotsky, Executive Vice President and
Provost, Zeb Davenport, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Jeff Osgood, Deputy
Re: Our response to recent events (part 2)
On Monday (see Part 1 pdf e-mail) we sent the attached message expressing our anger,
grief, and sadness surrounding the wrongful deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery,
Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, and countless others. While we have always experienced
these feelings when hearing of the loss of yet another Black life, our emotions surrounding
the tragic loss of George Floyd have only intensified in the hours and days since
his life was senselessly lost in Minneapolis.
As we have watched the protests occurring not only across America, but around the
world, we cannot help but feel that we are at an inflection point in our society where
there is a collective call to action. We know that it is no longer enough to simply
participate in these protests, although participation in such civil actions are an
important part of a well-functioning democracy. It is not enough for us to write about
our emotions, but we must put those words into action. To that end, we are announcing
the following as an important and critical review of how we educate our students and
the broader community around creating a just and equitable society, engaging inclusively
with diversity, and responding thoughtfully to diversity.
The President, Executive Vice President and Provost, Vice President for Student Affairs,
and Deputy Provost have joined with the leadership of the Curriculum and Academic
Policies Council (Dr. Francis Atuahene, Chair and Dr. Josh Auld, Vice Chair) to announce
the establishment of a taskforce with the explicit charge of reviewing and recommending
revisions to the University’s “Diverse Communities Requirement ,” which is a critical part of our general education program. These are courses that
“focus on historically marginalized groups and are framed by theories that lend understanding
to the analysis of structural inequalities. They also invite students to consider
how marginalized groups resist oppression and have agency in spite of structural exclusion
and discrimination.”
This taskforce will be guided not only by recent events, but by the questions we posed
in our letter on Monday, including: What more can we be doing as an institution of
higher education to ensure that we are changing what is normal and expected in our
society? How are our curricular and co-curricular activities providing students with
an ability to think critically about their own beliefs surrounding issues of race
and ethnicity? And, perhaps more importantly, are we giving our students the tools
necessary to be agents of change in their communities by preparing them to fight against
the bigotry they will inevitably encounter?
This group will be comprised of faculty, staff, and students and will be identified
from an open call that will be distributed to the entire campus community. It is our
goal to have broad representation on this taskforce and it must be reflective of not
only our faculty, staff, and students but it must also reflect the larger diversity
present in our society. Details will soon follow. Ultimately, the goal of this group
will be to make recommendations to the Curriculum and Academic Policies Council that
will reinvigorate and make relevant an important part of our undergraduate curriculum
that informs every single undergraduate student’s educational experience at West Chester
The Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance (ODEI) in partnership with the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) facilitates a Creating an Inclusive Classroom workshop at New Faculty Orientation in August (annually). ODEI also offers a two-hour Unconscious Bias Workshop for faculty, staff and students. These workshops are also available to academic departments upon request.
College of Health Sciences (CHS) Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Learning Community
(DIFLC) Professional Development Opportunity AY 20-21 (Program Flyer )
"Feeling like you belong in a classroom, in a major, at an institution is one of the
most important factors in whether you persist and succeed in college. These kinds
of inclusive learning environments don't just happen, they are intentionally created
by faculty who incorporate deliberate, inclusive teaching practices." .....read more about Why We Need Inclusive Teaching in Every Classroom (Forbes, April 2019).
Faculty and Staff Diversity Matters!
Annually, the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance assesses the diversity of
faculty and staff at all levels of the University for underrepresentation as it relates
to race, gender, disability and veterans status (Annual Affirmative Action Plan)
The 2019 Racial Climate Survey found that White Students and 'Students of Color' felt equally or more affirmed in
classes taught by 'Professors of Color' than classes taught by White professors through
their facial expressions, words of support for class discussion, and availability
outside of class. In addition, there was a significant difference in student's perceptions
of West Chester's commitment to hire 'Faculty of Color' (66% vs. 38%) and hire Staff
of Color (71% vs. 48%). The perception of institutional commitment was far lower for
'Students of Color' when compared to White students.
Tylar Stanley, a student in the College of Sciences and Mathematics shares her thoughts,
Representation in faculty matters, especially in sciences, through an article in The Quad, February 10, 2020.

Below are strategies and best practice for faculty and staff participating on hiring
search committees:
- Advertise in diversity publications and/or job boards
- Attend diversity-focused conferences and recruitment events
- Develop a departmental faculty diversity plan
- Ensure faculty and staff search committees include at least one person from an underrepresented
- Ensure faculty and staff search committee includes gender diversity
- Require all applicants to include diversity accomplishments in their CV or provide
a diversity statement
- Require a diverse pool of applicants in the hiring process
- Provide mentors for diverse faculty
- Recruit scholars to participate in pipeline programs for future faculty (i.e. Frederick
Douglass Scholars Teaching Fellowship)
- Conduct a formal search when seeking to hire adjunct faculty

Open to all students, faculty and staff the NEW Institute for Cultural Competence and Inclusive Excellence reflects WCU’s commitment
to create a learning culture that values diversity, equity and inclusion. The Institute
is a personal and professional certificate program available to WCU students, faculty
and staff. The program consists of a combination of training and education workshops,
self-study readings, books, on-demand video presentations, and a capstone project,
proposal or presentation. Participants develop cultural competencies and are offered
the tools necessary for linking diversity and inclusion to organizational and work
performance. Programs and workshops are offered during the fall, spring, and summer
semesters to provide a full range of required and elective workshops.

Or Learn more about workshops offered to students, faculty and staff by the Office of Equal Opportunity
and Compliance throughout the academic year.
To help facilitate physical distancing and slow the spread of COVID-19, all workshops
during the fall 2020 semester will be presented virtually via Zoom or available on-demand
via Linked-In Learning. Additional workshops tailored for in-person delivery will
be added and offered during the spring 2021 semester, should conditions permit.
To actively engage students throughout the academic year, the Division of Student
Affairs provides a series of Co-Curricular experiences for students in five focus areas including: Community Engagement, Involvement and Leadership, and Social Justice. These opportunities build community at West Chester across student groups, while
educating students outside the of the classroom.
Learn more
A few ways that the University is making progress:
The Underrepresented Minorities (URM) Taskforce is a University-wide effort to identify viable, sustainable and systemic approaches
to closing the equity in retention, persistence, and graduation rates between White
students and URM students. By definition, URM students self-identify as Black/African
American, Latinx, Native American/Alaskan, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, or multiracial.
See the information above and check back frequently for updates.
In August 2020, INSIGHT Into Diversity hosted a webinar for Black women in academia
to discuss how White women colleagues can be allies in the fight for racial and gender
equity. The webinar, Women of Color Need Courageous Allies in the Academy: An Open Dialogue with White
and Black Women, featured six panelists who represent a variety of perspectives across higher education.
To view the dialogue for Part 1 visit: https://vimeo.com/442107894 . On Monday, December 7, 2020, a second dialogue was hosted to continue the discussion. To view the dialogue for Part 2 visit: https://vimeo.com/489236842
International Day of Peace 2020, Sponsored by the Chester County Peace Movement (CCPM), Historic Chester County Court House, High Street, Downtown West Chester (Rain or
Shine). Please join the CCPM in "Shaping Peace Together" - Stand together against
war, violence, inequality and discrimination. "It is certain that ignorance, allied
with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have." James Baldwin (1972). Saturday, September 21, 2020, 6:30 PM-7:00 PM; Event Flyer: International Day of Peace 2020
Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), We Are Each Other's (Gwendolyn Brooks), a campaign to activate and support interfaith leaders responding
to the current national crises. Public Conversation Series- The Day After the Election: Centering Racial Equity in
Building Interfaith America, Wednesday, October 7, 2020; 12:00 PM EST. What do we do the day after the election? What is the America we are building together?
In this molten moment of a global pandemic, centering racial equity in America's civic
life, and reimagining everything from worship to work, we have an opportunity. Join
moderator Hind Makki and panelists Zina Jacque, Pardeep Kaleka and John Wood, Jr.
for a rich discussion of preparing to live and lead in 2021 America. For complete
details and to register visit: https://www.interfaithamerica.org/curriculum/
American Association for Access, Equity and Diversity- The LEAD FUND Authors Program
The Fund for Leadership, Equity, Access and Diversity (LEAD Fund) is seeking undergraduate
and graduate student presentations for its LEAD Fund Authors Program of 2020 -21. The LEAD Fund was established to provide thought leadership in promoting inclusive
organizations and institutions through research and education on issues related to
diversity, social responsibility, human and civil rights. The LEAD Fund is a “Think
and Do” tank, which advances new knowledge and tested strategies aimed at eliminating
prejudice and discrimination. The LEAD Fund Authors Program emphasizes “Diversity
in Action” and is committed to promoting undergraduate and graduate research that
advances new understandings and tested strategies aimed at expanding organizational
or institutional knowledge of access, equity, and diversity. LEAD Fund Authors’ presentations
are intended to disseminate fresh ideas on methods to promote access, equity, and
diversity in employment, education and business/contracting. LEAD Fund Authors also
have an opportunity to become LEAD Fund Fellows after graduation. (For more information and to apply)- Reviews will be done on a rolling basis. Final deadline: April 15, 2021
More to come

(This list was provided by Dr. Katerine Norris, College of Education and Social Work)
Anderson, C. (2001). PowerNomics®: The National Plan to Empower Black America. PowerNomics
of America.
Alexander, M. (2020). The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.
New Press.
Casselman, B., & Tankersley, J. (2020, June 10). Economics, Dominated by White
Men, Is Roiled by Black Lives Matter. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/10/business/economy/white-economists-black-lives-matter.html?searchResultPosition=3
Coates, T. (2015). Between the World and Me. One World
DiAngelo, R. (2019). White Fragility: Why it's so Hard for White People to Talk about
Racism. Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books.
Gaw, R. (2020, July 14). Editorial: 'We are All Brothers and Sisters Under the Same
Kendall, M. (2020). Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot. Viking.
Kendi, I. X. (2019). How to be an Antiracist. One World.
Love, B. (2019). We Want to Do More than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit
of Educational Freedom. Beacon Press.
Wise, T. J. (2012). Dear White America: Letter to a New Minority. City Lights Books.
For an expanded list of books, readings, videos, movies and organizations (Anti-Racist Resources ), compiled by Dr. Diane Santori, Dr. Kathleen Riley, and Dr. Katie Solic, College of
Education and Social Work
Several videos and strategies on the topic of Anti-racism work can be found through
the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Being Antiracist. (2020) Retrieved
from https://nmaahc.si.edu/learn/talking-about-race/topics/being-antiracist
Cooper, Brittney. (2019, March 29). How Has Time Been Stolen From People Of Color?
Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2019/03/29/707189797/brittney-cooper-how-has-time-been-stolen-from-people-of-color (13 minutes)
Ferrucci, Pat. (2019, March 29). How Does The Language Of Sports Journalism Reveal
Racial Biases? Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2019/03/29/707192346/pat-ferrucci-how-does-the-language-of-sports-journalism-reveal-racial-biases (16 minutes)
Jones, Travis. (2019, March 29). How Can White People Be Better Allies To People
Of Color? Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2019/03/29/707193758/travis-jones-how-can-white-people-be-better-allies-to-people-of-color (17 minutes)
Kendi, Ibram. (2020, May). The Difference Between Being "Not Racist" and Antiracist.
Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/ibram_x_kendi_the_difference_between_being_not_racist_and_antiracist?language=en (51 minutes)
McGhee, Heather. (2019, December). Racism Has a Cost for Everyone. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/heather_c_mcghee_racism_has_a_cost_for_everyone?language=en (14 minutes)
WCU Celebrates Diversity for All Calendar of Events is a compilation of diversity-related programs and events sponsored and coordinated
by a diverse cross section of WCU faculty, staff, and University departments. The
calender is compiled by the Office for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (ODEI) every
fall and spring semester. It includes opportunities throughout the year for faculty,
staff, students, alumni and community members to engage and join us as we continue
to build upon our inclusive campus community. The myriad of educational opportunities
are intended to enlighten and empower us as we continue the work of building our cultural
competence as a community.