SRCA Award Application - Spring 2025

Student Profile Information
First Name is a required field.
Last Name is a required field.
Student Pronouns is a required field.

Ethnicity is a required field.

Email is a required field.
Current GPA is a required field.
Type of Student is a required field.

Status of Student is a required field.

Completed Project Status is a required field.

Citizenship is a required field.

Mentor Information
Mentor Name is a required field.
Mentor Email is a required field.
College or School is a required field.

Department is a required field.
Research or Creative Activity Description Information
Type of Work is a required field.

Category is a required field.

Compliance Information
Research or Creative Activity Day Abstract is a required field.
Application Information
Background to the Topic is a required field.

(no more than 250 words)

Project Description

Research Questions with Hypotheses/Predictions OR Vision for the Creative Activity is a required field.

(no more than approximately 300 words)

Methodology OR Design is a required field.

(no more than approximately 200 words)

Results is a required field.

(no more than approximately 350 words)

Outcomes is a required field.

(no more than approximately 350 words)

Academic & Career Goals - Please describe the impact of this work on your academic and career plans is a required field.

(no more than approximately 350 words)

(no more than approximately 500 words)