Readmission applications are available for students who were previously enrolled at
West Chester University as degree candidates but did not earn a degree. To file a readmission application the student must have completed at least one semester
of course work as a degree candidate but has been separated from the University for
three or more consecutive semesters, regardless of reason.
All readmission applications, including all supporting documents, are to be filed
by August 1 for the fall semester and December 1 for the spring semester.
West Chester University is committed to taking every precaution possible to ensure
the health and safety of all students, employees, and visitors to our campus amidst
this global public concern. With this information in mind, our Office will be provide
services remotely: Monday – Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm. We will be accepting applications
for readmission electronically. Please see instructions below for more information.
Any student who was previously enrolled in a degree program at West Chester University
and has not attended the University for three or more consecutive semesters and did not earn a degree, must follow the outlined procedures to be considered for readmission to the University.
- Please complete the application for readmission. You will need to print, complete,
sign and date your application . Return directly to Because we are working remotely, we recommend submitting via email. If you submit
via mail, please expect delays in the shipping and processing of your application.
West Chester University
Office of the Registrar
25 University Ave
West Chester, PA 19383
- You will need to select an academic plan of study. Please refer to this form, Major Code Reference Sheet, for options.
- If you have completed college course work at another institution(s) since leaving
West Chester, have an official transcript(s) sent to the Office of the Registrar.
You can send it directly to
- If you left the University with less than a 2.0 cumulative grade point average or
were dismissed for disciplinary reasons, you must also submit a personal statement and include:
- the factors which contributed to your poor academic performance while enrolled at
West Chester
- a brief overview of your experiences since leaving the institution
- if applicable, circumstances resulting in your dismissal for disciplinary reasons
Upon receipt of all requested materials, your application will be forwarded to the
Assistant Registrar for Degree Completion for review and final decision regarding
your eligibility for readmission.
- Recommended deadline dates for completed readmission applications and all supporting documentation:
- August 1 for the Fall semester
- December 1 for the Spring semester
- Students are readmitted into the program of study in which they had previously been
enrolled. If you indicate a desire to change your major, a form will be included with
your acceptance letter. There is no guarantee that a change of curriculum will be approved. Students must meet the specific departmental
requirements for admission to the program of their choice and all required signatures must be on the form in order to process the change. It is the student's responsibility to return the "Change of Curriculum" form to the Office of Admissions prior to the start of the semester.
- All students are readmitted as commuters.
- The Office of the Vice Provost, through the special assistant for academic policy,
at its discretion, offers academic renewal to students at the time they apply for
readmission. Please see the Academic Renewal Policy page for more information.
- Students will receive scheduling information at the time of acceptance. Candidates
for readmission are ineligible for pre-scheduling.
- If you have a disability that you have not previously disclosed and wish to do so,
please contact the Office of Educational Accessibility (OEA) at 610-436-2564. They will inform you of the appropriate documentation to submit and the assistance
and support services available to students with disabilities. If you believe that
a disability had an effect on your previous course work at the University and wish
to have that fact considered, please include that information in your personal statement.
You may also wish to seek the support of the OEA in the readmission process.