Sykes Murals

Please visit our murals located on the 2nd floor of Sykes Student Union.

Sykes Mural #1

Title: Justicia en el Humedal/Justice in the Wetlands (Installed September 2023)

Artist: Alejandro ‘Mono’ González (Chile)

Realization: Dr. Daniela Johannes (Languages and Cultures) and Professor David Jones (Art+Design)

Sponsor: Professor Emeritus John Baker

Sykes Mural #2

Title: We Gather Together (Installed April 2024)

Artist: Ben Scott Miller

Sponsor: Department of Anthropology and Sociology and Sykes Union and Student Activities

The mural tells a vivid story through its use of colors and symbols, drawing the viewer into the rich heritage of the Lenape, or Delaware Tribe of Indians, one of the 574 federally recognized tribes in the United States. The outermost panels celebrate unity, combining red and black to represent the colors of the Delaware Tribe of Indians with purple and yellow to represent the West Chester University community. On the left, the black panels honor Lucas Miller, Artist Ben Miller’s brother who passed away in January 2024 from diabetes, which is sadly a leading cause of death among American Indians and Alaska Natives. Miller complemented the black with green to symbolize the Sacred Oak, a 500+ year old Chinkapin Oak tree located in Oley Valley, approximately 60 miles from West Chester University. The next panel features the colors of the medicine wheel—black, red, yellow, and white—depicting balance and healing. Three eagle feathers appear at the top of the mural symbolizing tradition and prayer. There are three of them in reference to The Three Sisters, a traditional Lenape meal, which also acknowledges the essential role of Lenape women who are the key decision-makers and caretakers.