Killinger Hall

Killinger Hall was named for Coach and Dean of Men W. Glenn Killinger. The hall was erected in 1959.

Killinger Hall Virtual Tour!

Check out our new virtual tour of a Killinger Hall room. Within the tour, there is a helpful information and a measurement tool. (Click the ruler in the bottom left of the screen).

Room Set Up

Killinger Hall is set up in a typical residence hall layout with two students per room and community bathrooms. Each room comes equipped with a bed, dresser, desk, and closet space for each student. Killinger Hall rooms are approximately 13' X 12' with a window measuring 59" high by 69" wide. Each room in Killinger Hall has two built-in closets, two-moveable 5 drawer dressers, two separate, but bunkable beds with 80" mattresses, and two desks. All rooms have air conditioning units.

Themed Housing 

Gender Inclusive Housing

Gender-Inclusive Housing (GIH) provides space for students to live in the same bedroom and share the one inclusive bathroom with other students, regardless of biological sex, gender expression, gender identity or sexual orientation. This living environment is designed for students who are transgender, gender nonconforming, or who do not identify as a gender, as well as for students who desire to live with a friend or family member of a gender different from themselves.

There are four bathrooms on the floor, designations are two female, one male and one gender inclusive. This community welcomes anyone who is open minded and social justice minded in assisting with creating a welcoming community where everyone feels they belong. This floor is located on the 2nd floor of Killinger Hall.


Utility Description
Elevators: There is one elevator located in the center of the building.
Kitchenettes: There is one kitchenette located in the basement.
Laundry Rooms: There are 10 washer machines, and 10 dryer machines in the laundry room located in the basement.
ResNet: ResNet is the computer network provided to students living on campus. ResNet is a student's access to the university network and the World Wide Web.
Television Lounges: There are 2 TV lounges, located in the lobby (27" TV) and basement (60" TV)

Hall Staff

Killinger Hall employs a Graduate Hall Director, 6 Resident Assistants, and 7 Front Desk Attendants.

Employee Title Phone
Lexi Coleman Graduate Hall Director 610-436-2422


The phone number at the front desk of Killinger Hall is: 610-436-2422


Fall 2024 Hours
Monday-Sunday 11:00am-8:00pm (when halls are open)


You will be issued a mailbox and combination when you check into your room. Mail is picked up from and delivered to the residence halls and apartments Monday through Saturday. There is no mail delivery on Sundays or holidays.

Please advise your family and friends to address mail to you as follows:

  • Student Name
  • 115 W. Rosedale Ave and Room Number
  • West Chester University
  • West Chester, PA 19383-2006