ENG 202 Research Methods for English Studies Seminar Descriptions

In ENG 202 (Research Methods for English Studies Seminar), you will develop your ability to conduct and read research. Built around special topics drawing upon faculty’s research, the course introduces you to the diversity and significance of research in the subfields of English. You will learn how to access and analyze peer-reviewed and other forms of scholarship, consider the ethics of research, and analyze which genres are most effective for conveying your research to your intended audiences. This course is capped at 14 students, giving you the opportunity to work closely with your professor and your classmates on your research in your first few semesters in the program. 

Spring 2023

Action Research, Dr. Seth Kahn
For more information about Dr. Kahn's research interests, see his faculty profile.


Queer Rurality in Youth Lit, Dr. Jason Vanfosson
For more information about Dr. Vanfosson's research interests, see his faculty profile.



PDF Listings and Archive

Please see the links below for PDF versions of current and future ENG 202 listings, as well as an archive of past seminars. 


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