Stacey Schlau

Stacey Schlau
  • Stacey Schlau
  • Professor of Languages
  • Email Stacey Schlau
  • Ph.D., City University of New York
  • B.A., M.A., Queen's College

Research Interests

Seventeenth and twentieth century Spanish American women writers (especially narrative), seventeenth century Spanish women writers, Spanish American literature (colonial and contemporary), Women's Studies, Latin@ Studies, Transatlantic Studies, literary theory (especially narrative genres), Caribbean literature, early modern Spanish literature, autobiography.

Recent Publications/Activities

Gendered Crime and Punishment: Women And/in the Hispanic Inquisitions. Leiden: Brill, 2012.

Untold Sisters: Hispanic Nuns in Their Own Works (with Electa Arenal). Revised second edition, University of New Mexico Press, 2010.

Mujeres alborotadas: Early Modern and Colonial Women's Cultural Production. (A Festschrift in Honor of Electa Arenal.) Co-edited with Amanda Powell. Letras femeninas (2009).

"'[T]antas las energumenas': Una endemoniada monja visionaria del Perú provincial colonial." Los cinco sentidos del convento: Europa y el Nuevo Mundo. Ed. Josefina López. Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, 2010. "¿Mujeres alborotadas o amas de casa espirituales?: Dos beatas en la urbe andina colonial." Poéticas de lo criollo. Eds. David M. Solodkow and Juan M. Vitulli. Editorial Corregidor, 2009. 167-92.

"A Judaizing 'Old Christian' Woman and the Mexican Inquisition: The 'Unusual' Case of María de Zárate." Gender and Religion in the Atlantic World (1600-1850). Eds. Dana Kostroun and Lisa Vollendorf. University of Toronto Press, 2009. 223-51.

"María de san Alberto: Spanish Popular Poetic Traditions Made Sacred." "En desagravio de las damas": Early Modern Women Poets of Spain. Ed. Julián Olivares. Tamesis, 2009. 218-32.

"Teaching Untold Sisters: Hispanic Nuns In Their Own Works" (with Electa Arenal). Letras femeninas 35.1 (2009): 171-89. "Sor Juana Oversees the Subversion of Gendered State Power: Feminist Gestures in De noche vienes, Esmeralda." Representaciones modernas de Sor Juana. Ed. Mario A. Ortiz. Spec. issue of Cuadernos de música, artes visuales y artes escénicas, 2008-2009. 235-62.

"El cuerpo femenino y la Inquisición colonial: Dos casos ejemplares." PROHAL MONOGRAFICO, Sección VITRAL Monográfico, 2008.

"From Alienation to Consolation in Madre Castillo's Su Vida." Women's Voices and the Politics of the Spanish Empire: From Convent Cell to Imperial Court. Eds. Jennifer Eich, Jeanne Gillespie, and Lucia Guzzi Harrison. University Press of the South, 2008. 31-54.

Classes Regularly Taught

SPA 202, 330, 331, 403, 413.
ESP 311, 324, 333.
WOS 315, 405.

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