Dr. Jea Sophia Oh, PhD

Contact information


Anderson Hall 225


B.A., Ewha Women's University, Seoul Korea

M.A., Ewha Women's University, Seoul Korea

M.A., Austin Presbyterian Seminary

S.T.M., Yale Divinity School

M.Phil., Drew University

Ph.D., Drew University

Jea Sophia Oh

Associate Professor



Asian & Comparative Philosophies

Religion & Ecology/Environmental Ethics

Postmodern/Postcolonial Theories

Feminist Theories


Recent Courses

PHI451/551 Religion and Ecology

PHI531 Asian Philosophies

PHI480 Environmental Ethics

PHI204 Karma, Darma, and Buddha

PHI205 Yin-Yang, Dao, and Zen 


Dr. Jea Sophia Oh is Associate Professor of Philosophy at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. She received a Master of Sacred Theology with a focus in feminist theology from Yale Divinity School and a Master of Philosophy and a PhD in Philosophical and Theological Studies from Drew University with a concentration in Women’s and Gender Studies and Comparative Philosophy/Theology. Her research primarily focuses on the fields of Asian and comparative philosophies, religion and ecology, and postcolonial theory. Her first book A Postcolonial Theology of Life: Planetarity East and West (2011) is a path-making work in Korean ecofeminist theology and comparative philosophy. She is the editor and co-author of Nature's Transcendence and Immanence: A Comparative Interdisciplinary Ecstatic Naturalism (2017), Suffering and Evil in Nature: Comparative Responses from Ecstatic Naturalism and Healing Cultures (Lexington Books, 2021), and Emotions (Jeong/Qing 情) in Korean Philosophies and Religions (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022). She is the chair and initiator of ‘Comparative Religion and Ecology’ in the American Academy of Religion (MAR-AAR) and a board member of the ‘Women’s Caucus’ at AAR. She is the chair of the ‘Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy’ (SACP) at the Central division and the ‘International Society of Chinese Philosophy’ (ISCP) at the Eastern division of APA. She also serves as the chair of the ‘Society of Study of Process Philosophy’ (SSPP) at both Central and Eastern divisions of APA.