- Ph.D., Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2006
- M.A., Urban Studies, Temple University, 2002
- B.S., Geography and Environmental Systems, University of Maryland-Baltimore County,
- Quality Matters Peer Reviewer, VoiceThread Certified Educator
Dr. Crossney's research encompasses many facets of housing and community development
and in particular, spatial patterns of predatory lending and the populations that
are most at risk. Dr. Crossney is also interested in public policy and administration
pedagogy, with a focus on technology and student engagement.
- 2016 - present: Professor, Department of Public Policy and Administration, West Chester University. West Chester,
- 2008 – 2016: Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Planning, West Chester University. West Chester, PA.
- 2007 – 2008: Lecturer, Department of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University. Philadelphia, PA.
- 2006 - 2007: Postdoctoral Fellow, National Center for Neighborhood and Brownfields Redevelopment, Bloustein School
of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University; New Brunswick, NJ.
- 2004 – 2007: Research Associate, The Fannie Mae Foundation; Washington, DC.
- 2003 – 2006: Research Associate, The Center for Urban Policy Research, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy,
Rutgers University; New Brunswick, NJ.
- 2002: Consultant, The Reinvestment Fund; Philadelphia, PA.
- Johnson, Sunayna, Aaron Johnson, Kristen Crossney, and Emily Devereux. Forthcoming.
Brief report: Employees’ perceptions of stress and support during a pandemic mandated
telework. Irish Business Journal.
- Johnson, Sunayna, Aaron Johnson, Kristen Crossney, and Emily Devereux. Forthcoming.
Women in higher education: A brief report on stress during COVID-19. Management in Education.
- Johnson, Sunayna, Aaron Johnson, and Kristen Crossney. Forthcoming. Telework and
managerial style. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance.
- Crossney, Kristen B. 2019. Inner Borders and Public Policy: The Case of Deferred Action
for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) in the United States. Revise and Resubmit.
- Crossney, Kristen B. 2017. Who’s At-Risk? A case study of the demographic and socioeconomic
characteristics of census tracts experiencing predatory and abusive mortgage lending
in Philadelphia. Geoforum 81: 129-143.
- Crossney, Kristen B. 2016. Redlining in Philadelphia. In: Phila_pedia, C. Adams and
H. Gillette (ed.)
- Anacker, Katrin B. and Kristen B. Crossney. 2016. Exploring the Relationship between
the Proportion of Seriously Delinquent Mortgages and the Proportion of Single and/or
Female Borrowers at the Census Tract Level in the Philadelphia MSA. Housing and Society 43(1): 18-33.
- Ferguson, Aryanne, Joy Fritschle, and Kristen B. Crossney. 2015. The National Wild
and Scenic Rivers Act and Environmental Quality: A Case Study in the Red Clay Creek
and White Clay Creek Watersheds. Middle States Geographer 48:58-68.
- Anacker, Katrin B. and Kristen B. Crossney. 2013. Analyzing CRA Lending during the
Tsunami in Subprime Lending and Foreclosure in the Philadelphia MSA. Housing Studies. 28(4):529-552.
- Crossney, Kristen B. 2012. Redlining. In: Encyclopedia of Housing, A. Carswell (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Crossney, Kristen .B. and Emily Shellenberger. 2011. Urban Food Access and the Potential
of Community Gardens. Middle States Geographer. 44:74-81
- Crossney, Kristen B. 2010. Is Predatory Mortgage Lending Activity Spatially Clustered?
The Professional Geographer. 62(2): 153-170.
- Greenberg, Michael and Kristen B. Crossney. 2007. Perceived Neighborhood Quality in
the United States: Measuring Outdoor, Housing and Jurisdictional Influences. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 41(3):181-194.
- Greenberg, Michael and Kristen B. Crossney. 2006. The Changing Face of Public Concern
about Pollution: A Case Study of New Jersey. The Environmentalist 26:239-250.
- Greenberg, Michael, Henry Coleman, Henry Mayer, and Kristen B. Crossney. 2006. Property
Taxes and Residents' Housing Choices: A Case Study of a New Jersey County. Housing Policy Debate 17(3):571-594.
- Crossney, Kristen B. and David W. Bartelt. 2005. The Missing Link: An Assessment of
the Legacy of the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation. Housing Policy Debate 16(3/4):547-574.
- Crossney, Kristen B. and David W. Bartelt. 2005. Residential Security, Risk, and Race:
The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation and Mortgage Access in Two Cities. Urban Geography 26(8):707-736.
- 2011 – present: Executive Committee, Youth Empowerment and Urban Studies Minor
- 2019 - present: Member, WCU Graduate Council, Executive Committee; Ad-hoc writing committee (co-chair 2019-2021)
- 2021 - present: Member, West Chester University CAPC; Graduate Policies and Programs Committee
- 2020 - present: Member, West Chester University Tenure and Promotion Committee
- 2014 - 2016: Member, West Chester University Tenure and Promotion Committee
- 2017 - 2021: Vice President, APSCUF West Chester University Local Chapter; Chair, Meet & Discuss Team
- 2017 - 2021: Ex-officio Member. Women’s Commission. Campus Climate Subcommittee
- 2016- 2020: Member, West Chester University Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee
- 2020 - present: Co-Chair, NASPAA Doctoral Education Committee
- 2012 – 2020: Professional Organization’s Award Committee Member
- Urban Affairs Association – Best Conference Paper Award Committee.
- Association of the Collegiate Schools of Planning – Marsha Ritzdorf Award
- DPA 700. Doctoral Seminar in Public Policy and Administration
- DPA 701. Advanced Practice and Applied Theories of Public Policy and Administration
- DPA 704. Advocacy and Leadership in Public Policy and Administration
- DPA 705. Research Design for Program and Policy Evaluation
- DPA 706. Quantitative Methods of Program and Policy Evaluation
- DPA 801. Dissertation Seminar I: Research Questions and Framing the Literature
- DPA 802. Dissertation Seminar II: Data and Measurements