Media Guide to WCU Faculty Experts
Dr. Christopher Roemmele
Associate Professor
College of Sciences and Mathematics - Earth and Space Sciences
Dr. Christopher Roemmele develops and collaborates on new activities and scaffolds that promote active 3-dimensional teaching and learning, weaving science content, scientific process skills, and a cross cutting concept or theme. Prior to WCU, he taught high school and middle school science for 15 years in New Jersey. Since arriving at WCU, he has written an introductory geology textbook, and has created a growing series of instructional demonstration videos and virtual reality field trips, which can be viewed here. He has published in NSTA's Science Teacher, Science Scope, and Science and Children, and NESTA's The Earth Scientist and NAGT's In the Trenches and serves as the President of the Teacher Education Division for NAGT. He and his colleagues in the Secondary Education Department received a $1.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Track 2 Division to start WISER - WCU Improving STEM Education Through Residency, a residency M.Ed. in STEM fields that will focus on teacher retention through professional development, mentoring, and teacher leadership.
- Science Education
- Curriculum Development
- Instructional and Lesson Design
- Earth Science Education
- Science Teaching Methods
- B.A., Franklin and Marshall College
- M.A., Kean University
- Ph.D., Purdue University