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Dr. Brandon Mitchell Headshot West Chester University media relations managers are happy to assist journalists with interview requests for this expert. Call 610-436-3383 or email HSchwarz@wcupa.edu

Dr. Brandon Mitchell

Associate Professor

College of Sciences and Mathematics - Physics


Dr. Brandon Mitchell's research centers on characterizing the optical, magneto-optical and structural properties of semi-conductor systems with a focus on solid state lighting, optoelectronic, and photonic applications. Mitchell attempts to unveil the mechanisms responsible for the efficient energy transfer between the host crystal and optically active dopants, and ferromagnetism, which exist in systems that don’t naturally favor them. The optically active dopants he has focused on are the rare earth ions, Eu, Er and Nd, in their trivalent form. These atoms display optical transitions between the intra-4f electron levels, which are quite sharp due to the shielding provided by fully filled outer 5s and 5p shells. It is this shielding that makes the rare earths good probes for the properties of the host crystal, as well as the environments into which they are incorporated.

Mitchell also explores the evolution of structural defects such as vacancies and dislocations, under various growth conditions, and make connections between the electrical and optical properties to optimize the device compatibility of the materials. Future applications include full-color tunable single LEDS for microLED displays, single photon emitters for quantum information technology, and pocket sized electrically driven rare earth lasers.


  • B.A., SUNY Fredonia, 2010
  • M.S., Lehigh University, 2012
  • Ph.D., Physics Lehigh University April 2014