
Reference List

  • Brown, S., Mittan, R., & Roen, D. (1997). The writer’s toolbox. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
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  • Treadwell T. W. (1999, August). "Teaching and Learning on the Internet Web-Based Courses and Resources". Invited Address to the American Psychological Association, held in Boston, MA.
  • Treadwell, T. W., Arsenault, P., Barimani, A., Edmiston, P., Ashcraft, D. M. & Boury, M. (1999, October). "Merging Information Technology and Collaborative Teaching, Learning and Research Over the Internet". Interactive Poster Presented at EDUCAUSE ’99 Celebrating New Beginnings, held in Los Angeles, California.
  • Treadwell, T.W., Mittan, R., Leach, E.A., Kellar, H., & Lewis, R.. (1998). "Collaborative Teaching and Research Over the Internet". Journal of Management Education, 22, 4 498-508.
  • U. S. Department of Education (1999). "Forum of Technology in Education: Envisioning the Future". Proceedings of a working meeting sponsored by the Office of Educational Technology. Washington, D.C


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