Report a crime online to West Chester University Police

If this is an emergency, dial 911 or contact campus security at 610-436-3311 (campus extension x3311)

Please use this form to report a crime on or around West Chester University's campus. Be advised this form is used only to collect information regarding incidents occurring on or around campus. Submitting this form WILL NOT result in an investigation and we will not trace the origin of the person who submits this form unless such is deemed necessary for public safety.

Provide as much detail as you can. Provide information on the suspect (ie. name, address, physical description), dates and time of the crime, etc. Explain how you know the crime occurred. Do you know if the crime has already been reported?

If you wish for a follow-up investigation to occur, please select either the Sexual Misconduct Form or the General Campus Misconduct Form. Staff from the Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion or the Office of Student Conduct will contact you.

Crime Details
Date of the crime is a required field.
Location of the crime is a required field.

Please put as much information as you have about where the crime occured (ex. on campus, residence hall, street, etc…).

Information about the crime is a required field.

Please put as much information as you know about the crime.

Do you know if the crime has already been reported? is a required field.