Drone Flight Plan Approval Form

Request Approval for Drone Purchase

Please complete this form at least seven (7) days prior to any flight of a drone over WCU campus airspace. Changes in any of the items below requires a resubmission. You must also submit a flight location map with this form. If approved, a copy of this form must be available during flight.

All flights are considered commercial flights (i.e., hobby flights excluded) and must be on or over the confines of WCU campus airspace. Every team must include a Pilot-in-Command (PIC), who must have a current FAA UAS remote pilot license. By signing, the PIC and auxiliary members comprising the flight team are responsible for upholding the rules and regulations set forth in the WCU Drone Policy, local township (e.g. noise restriction and flight elevation restriction), and FAA.

Flight Plan Submitted By
First Name  is a required field.
Last Name  is a required field.
WCU Email or Email of WCU Point of Contact  is a required field.
Office/Department is a required field.
Pilot (PIC) Info:
First Name  is a required field.
Last Name  is a required field.
Pilot License #  is a required field.
Expiration Date  is a required field.

Drone Info:
Make  is a required field.
Model  is a required field.
Registration #  is a required field.
Flight Info:
Purpose of Flight  is a required field.
Date of Flight  is a required field.
Flight Start Time  is a required field.
Flight End Time  is a required field.

Click on the map to create coordinates.

Coordinates is a required field.
Flight Area Description  is a required field.