Apply for Grants with the FAFSA by the Priority Deadline!
Federal Grants
Grants do not require repayment. The information you provided on your FAFSA will be sent directly to your state grant agency by the Department of Education to determine your eligibility for federal and state grants.
Federal Pell Grant
How to Apply: Submit your FAFSA application at
- Awards are determined and funded by the federal government.
- The Pell Grant is awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor's or professional degree.
- Student Aid Index (formerly the Expected Family Contribution) and the student's enrollment each term are used in the determination of the student's Pell Grant.
- The amount of Federal Pell Grant funds students may receive over their lifetime is limited to be the equivalent of six (6) years of Pell Grant funding.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (F.S.E.O.G)
How to Apply: Submit your FAFSA application at
- S.E.O.G. is a Title IV federally funded, campus-based program administered by the Financial Aid office.
- Institutions must give priority to undergraduate, Pell eligible students with exceptional need.
- The Student Aid Index (formerly the Expected Family Contribution) is used in the packaging process. Students with a -1500 SAI are given priority consideration.
- The selection process is part of the automated packaging process.
Federal TEACH Grant
How to Apply: Submit your FAFSA application at
- Complete the online TEACH Grant Initial and Subsequent Counseling at
- Complete the TEACH Grant request form via Campus Logic at
IMPORTANT: Once steps 1 & 2 above have been completed and if students qualify for the program, they will receive an email communication to their WCU email account notifying them of their TEACH Grant eligibility and instructions on how and when to complete the Agreement to Serve. - Complete the online TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve at Students will be emailed and notified when this step can be completed.
- U.S. Citizen or eligible non-citizen.
- Have and maintain a 3.25 cumulative GPA. Transfer and Graduate students may be required to submit official transcripts.
- Be enrolled in an Eligible TEACH Grant Program of Study.
- Participate in the required initial, subsequent, and exit counseling sessions throughout the life of the grant.
- Teacher Candidacy as determined by the College of Education
Estimated PA State Grant FAQs
If the PA state grant is only estimated should I still pay my current balance now or wait until I know the confirmed amount?
I am a new student or continuing student who has not received a PA state grant; what should I be doing to secure a PA state grant for 24-25?
I am continuing student who has had a PA state grant before; how can I secure a PA state grant for 24-25?
Will my Estimated PA state grant amount change and when will I know for sure?
If my PA state grant was removed and I now owe a balance is there funding I can apply for?
If I recently filed a FAFSA form for 24-25, can I still be considered for PA state grant?
If I cannot find an invitation for the new GrantUS portal, who should I contact?
Pennsylvania State Grant
How to Apply: Submit the FAFSA PA State Grant deadline is May 1st of each year (Extension provided for 2024; Revised Deadline: June 1st) --they will not review your FAFSA for grant eligibility if it is received after that date.
First-time FAFSA applicants must also file the PA State Grant form. The form is completed online, and can be accessed at using the new GrantUS portal if the student did not complete it at the same time as their FAFSA form.
State Grant and Special Programs
P.O. Box 8157
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8157
Eligibility Requirements:
U.S. citizen or eligible non -citizen
PA state resident as determined by PA State Grant
High school graduate
Be in an approved program of study that is at least two academic years in length.
Not be in default or pending default on an educational loan.
Students must be enrolled in at least 6 credits per semester in an undergraduate degree program
Students must make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with PA State Grant policy
Full-time students must earn 24 credits each academic year they receive the full-time PA State grant.
Part-time students must earn 12 credits each academic year they receive the part-time PA State Grant.
Financial eligibility for the grant is determined by PA State Grant; other eligibility requirements (satisfactory academic progress, transfer credit monitoring, etc.) are monitored by the University. Therefore, students can be quoted a state grant at the time of application, but then learn after the university completes annual reviews of their enrollment that they are no longer eligible.
Out of State Grants
Some states have reciprocal agreements with Pennsylvania that allow you to receive a state grant while attending a Pennsylvania university. Reciprocal states include Delaware, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Ohio, Vermont, and West Virginia.
Delaware Through the Scholarship Incentive Program, you may be able to receive $1,000 annually up to five years if you attend college in Pennsylvania—with a catch. The school you attend must be a nonprofit, regionally accredited college, and the undergraduate or graduate program you choose to study must be a program that is not also offered at the University of Delaware, Delaware State University, or Delaware Technical Community College.
Students must also:
- Be legal residents of Delaware
- Be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens
- Demonstrate substantial financial need, as determined using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Have a minimum cumulative unweighted Grade Point Average of 2.5 on a 4.00 scale
Deadline: April 15
District of Columbia
The DC Tuition Assistance Grant (DCTAG) is paid directly to the institution and is equal to the difference between the in-state and the out-of-state tuition (up to $10,000 per year). Students must:
- Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
- Have been a DC resident for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the applicant’s first time in college (dependent students’ domicile is established through the parent)
- Have no defaulted status with federal student loans
- Have a high school diploma, GED, or high school equivalency
- Be accepted for enrollment in or working toward a first undergraduate degree at least half-time
- Be in compliance with Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by the college/university of enrollment
- Be 26 years old or younger
Deadline: Application is open Feb. 1st through June 30th
The Massachusetts Assistance for Student Success offers financial assistance up to eight semesters in a four-year undergraduate program at any state-approved public, private, independent, nonprofit institution in PA that awards associate and bachelor’s degrees.
Students must be a permanent legal resident of Massachusetts for at least one year prior to the opening of the academic year and U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens. Students must also be in compliance with Selective Service Registration requirements
- Have no defaulted federal or state loans
- Have no owed refunds on any previously received federal or state financial aid
- Demonstrate financial need as determined by the federal methodology need analysis criteria
- Have a documented Student Aid Index (determined after completion of the FAFSA) between $0-$5,486
- Enroll as a full-time (min 12 credits) undergraduate student
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress in accordance with institutional and federal standards
Deadline: May 1st each year (Extended to July 31st for 2024-25 FAFSA cycle)
The Ohio College Opportunity Grant is available to Ohio residents in an associate degree program, first bachelor’s degree program, or nursing diploma program with a Student Aid Index of $2,190 or less (as determined through your Free Application for Federal Student Aid [FAFSA]) and a maximum household income of $96,000. Grants range $600-$800 for full-time students attending PA schools.
Deadline: Oct.1 each year
The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation offers the Vermont Incentive Grant to Vermont residents who are accepted or enrolled full time in an undergraduate degree or certificate program in PA. One of the more generous reciprocal programs, students may receive up to 10 semesters of full-time grants until earning their first bachelor’s degree and in 2022-2023, awards ranged from $500 up to $10,500.
Grant amounts are determined by financial need, total cost of attendance at your college of choice, and timing (applications are considered on first-come, first-served basis as long as funding is available). Students can apply using the link provided after submitting the FAFSA, or through the VSAC website.
Deadline: No published deadline, but awarded on first-come, first-served basis
West Virginia
West Virginia offers its residents need-based financial aid through the West Virginia Higher Education Grant that is renewable until the student’s course of study is completed (up to four years) to students who want to attend college in Pennsylvania. Eligible students must:
- Be a U.S. citizen
- Have at least one year of West Virginia residency prior to date of application
- Have a high school diploma, GED, or high school equivalency
- Demonstrate financial need
- Demonstrate academic promise
- Enroll at a participating institution (public or independent) in West Virginia or Pennsylvania as a full-time undergraduate student
- Have not previously earned a bachelor’s degree
Deadline: April 15th each year
PA Special Programs
Postsecondary Educational Gratuity Program
*This program offers educational funding to the children of those who lost their lives protecting the citizens of Pennsylvania.
How to Apply: Submit your FAFSA application at
- Access and complete the PEGP application at
- Include a certified copy of your birth certificate with your application. (For more information on how to obtain your birth certificate, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Health website).
- Provide a letter of admission to the postsecondary institution that you attend or plan to attend.
PA State Grant Postsecondary Educational Gratuity Program State Grant and Special Programs P.O. Box 8157 Harrisburg, PA 17105-8157
- PA State resident.
- Be a child by birth or adoption of a police officer, firefighter, rescue or ambulance squad member, corrections facility employee, or active National Guard member who died after January 1, 1976, as a direct result of performing his or her official duties
- Be a child by birth or adoption of a sheriff, deputy sheriff, National Guard member, or other individual who was on federal or state active military duty who died after September 11, 2001, as a direct result of performing his or her official duties
- Be 25 years of age or younger when you apply for the program
- Be enrolled at a Pennsylvania community college, state-owned institution, or state-related institution as a full-time undergraduate student pursuing an associate's or bachelor's degree
Blind or Deaf Higher Education Beneficiary Grant Program
*This program provides financial aid to blind or deaf students attending a postsecondary institution.
How to Apply: Submit your FAFSA application by February 1st at
- Access and complete the Blind or Deaf Higher Education Beneficiary Grant application at
- Contact OVR at 1-866-375-8264 for documentation stating that you qualify for OVR benefits OR contact your physician to complete page 4 of the application.
PA State Grant and Special Programs
P.O. Box 8157
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8157
- PA State resident.
- Supply written documentation to PA State Grant showing that you have been evaluated and are eligible to receive benefits from the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) OR supply documentation from your physician regarding your visual and/or hearing impairment (Page 4 of the application).
Be enrolled at least half-time in a postsecondary institution and maintain satisfactory academic progress (as determined by the postsecondary institution).
PATH (Partnerships for Access to Higher Education) Program
*Students awarded a scholarship or grant by a PA State Grant PATH (Partnerships for Access to Higher Education) Program Partner may be eligible for additional aid.
How to Apply: Submit your FAFSA application at Contact a participating PA State Grant PATH Partner in your area.
- PA State resident.
- Be nominated by a participating PATH Partner from which you received a scholarship (PDF) for the academic year by September 30.
- Have received a Pennsylvania State Grant for the semester or quarter for which you have been nominated to receive a PATH grant.
- Demonstrate financial need for a PATH grant (as determined by the postsecondary institution).
- Be enrolled as an undergraduate, at least half-time in a Pennsylvania State Grant–approved postsecondary institution in Pennsylvania and maintain satisfactory academic progress (as determined by the postsecondary institution).
Pennsylvania Chafee Education and Training Grant (Chafee) Program
*This federally funded program offers grants to Pennsylvania students aging out of foster care.
How to Apply: Submit your FAFSA application by at
- Download and complete the Pennsylvania Chafee Education and Training Grant Program Application (PDF). *The Application will be available in April each year.:
PA State Grant and Special Programs
P.O. Box 8157
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8157
- PA State resident.
- Be eligible for services under Pennsylvania's John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program.
- Be identified as a youth in foster care or a youth discharged or adopted from foster care after age 16.
- Be a new applicant participating in the Chafee Program prior to your 21st birthday, or be a renewal applicant who has not reached your 23rd birthday by July 1 of the upcoming academic year in which Chafee funds will be awarded.
- Be enrolled as an undergraduate, at least half time in a college or career school that is approved by the U.S. Department of Education for Title IV student assistance programs.
- Demonstrate financial need for the grant (as determined by the postsecondary institution).
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress (as determined by the postsecondary institution).
- Not be in default on a federal student loan.