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This Trail

Welcome to the Gordon Natural Area!  Behind you (on the other side of the bridge) is the north-west entrance to the Gordon.  You are currently at the intersection of the Northern Entrance trail with the Northern Lateral Trail.

The Northern Entrance trail runs both north and south from this location (the trail sign shows just a single direction arrow).  Following this trail north (i.e., to the left) will take you to the northern entrance to the GNA.  Following the trail south (i.e., to the right) leads to an intersection with the the Plum Run/Gordon Run Trail (immediately after the bridge over Gordon Run), after which the trail ends at an intersection with the Big Woods Trail.

The Northern Lateral Trail heads east from where you're standing and intersects with both the Northern Entrance Trail (again) and the Plum/Gordon Run Trail.

Note: This is one of the more difficult parts of the trail system to describe.  Taking a look at the map will hopefully resolve any issues.

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