Distance Education Components

Expectations for Student Success in Distance Education

An online course uses technology to provide you, the student, with greater flexibility regarding when and where you learn. To be a successful online learner you must capitalize on this increased flexibility by doing the following.

Self-Motivation and Self-Discipline

Active participation in online activities is expected. This means that you login to the course frequently, engage with the provided materials, and read and respond to communications in a timely and thoughtful manner. Online courses require you to take more responsibility for your learning.

Planning and Organization

You will need disciplined work habits, effective time management skills, and the ability to work both alone and collaboratively if you wish to be successful in a remote distance education program. You should expect to devote 9 to 12 hours per internship course. These hours are in addition to the rotation hours you spend at your sites.

Communication Skills 

In an online course communication takes place primarily through the written word. You need strong English reading and writing skills to express your thoughts. Online courses also expect you to proactively reach out to your instructor for assistance when you need it. Finally, pay attention to communication guidelines and be respectful of your fellow students when you communicate.

Minimum Student Technical Skills

You are expected to be competent in the use of computers, the World Wide Web, and commonly used software programs such as the Microsoft Office Suite of applications and Adobe PDF readers. In addition, you should be able to utilize a web-camera and microphone. You should have a basic understanding of how to use the common elements of the university learning management system. Students without experience using the university’s learning management system Desire2Learn (D2L) can contact the Student Help Desk to arrange instruction, can contact Distance Education Support, or can complete tutorials in Navigating Digital Learning. Hours for support services may vary. Check their websites for times of operation. The recommended computer configuration can be found by clicking here.

General Technical Support

Contact the WCU IT Helpdesk  
call 610-436-3350
email helpdesk@wcupa.edu

Distance Education Support

Contact The Office of Digital Learning & Innovation 
call 610-436-3373
email distanceed@wcupa.edu 
Additional technical support information will be provided for tools as needed throughout the course.

Accessibility Policies, Privacy Policies, and Support Site Information

Distance education and hybrid courses use a variety of tools. To access a tool’s accessibility and privacy policy, navigate to the Distance Education Accessibility and Privacy Policies website.

Student Academic and Support Services

Student academic and support services provided by the university can be found on the Ram’s Eye View Services website. WCU’s Learning Assistance and Resource Center (LARC) has expanded its tutoring workforce and instituted online tutoring for students.

Library Resources for Distance Education Students

The West Chester University Library makes resources available online. Please review their Library Services for Distance Students website for specific information.