Frequently Asked Questions

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EMPLOYMENT (Faculty & Staff) 

How do I apply for a job or see which jobs are available?

Check out WCU Career Opportunities to see all open positions and apply. We update multiple times a week with current opportunities. 

What if I don't have computer access to apply online?

You can visit the Office of Human Resources to use a WCU computer Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at 201 Carter Drive, Suite 100. 

What happens after I apply?

WCU reviews every application to find the best candidates and to ensure a fair and equitable search.  We do not rely on application systems to make these important decisions so the search process can take longer. 

How do I know if my application was received? 

A confirmation email will be sent to your e-mail address. 

How do I check the status of my application? 

You can contact the Office of Human Resources at or 610-436-2591. 

Will you notify me when the job I applied to has been filled? 

When we are ready to offer you the position or you are no longer in consideration, you will be contacted via email or by phone. 

How long does it take for me to hear back about a staff position?

It takes about two to four weeks to hear back about a staff position after the posting period has closed.

What does “internal” mean on a job posting?

An internal job posting is designed to only consider current employees.  While this type of posting is not available to external candidates, filling a role internally will result in job vacancies and additional future opportunities. 

How do I make changes or add an attachment to an application that I have submitted?

After your application has been submitted, it cannot be modified.  If changes need to be made or new documents need to be added, email and be sure to include your name, the search number, and the document you would like updated. 

Can I apply for multiple jobs? 

Yes, we encourage you to apply to multiple positions to find the one that is right for you. An application must be submitted for each position.

I forgot my password? How do I reset my password?

Simply click Reset Password.  

Where can I learn more about union/collective bargaining agreement information (AFSCME, SCUPA, POA, SPFPA, OPEIU, APSCUF, nonrepresented)? 

To learn about union/ collective bargaining agreement information visit Union Information. 

Can my business advertise hiring students? 

Yes. To advertise a job visit Twardowski Career Development Center. 

What happens after I accept and offer for a position?  

You will receive a DocuSign email with directions on how to complete new hire forms and an email from our Compliance Department with instructions and payment codes to begin the background check process. 


How do I apply for student employment?

To apply for student employment, visit Handshake.

Where do I apply for graduate student employment? 

Enrolled students (those with WCU login credentials) must apply for GA positions through Handshake. You must login to view available positions and submit applications through Handshake.  Newly admitted students (those without WCU login credentials) can view available GA positions here. You must email your application materials to the contact person listed for the position. 

Can my business advertise jobs to WCU students? 

Yes. To advertise a job visit Twardowski Career Development Center. 

I’m a student worker. How will I be paid?

Students receive direct compensation, on a biweekly basis, for the hours worked. Students are encouraged to enroll in direct deposit through the payroll office.

I’m working but I haven’t gotten paid.

Students may not begin working until Human Resources receives and processes new hire forms. If a student has completed the new hire forms and cannot log hours in eTime, please reach out to Student Employment.

Are international students eligible for student employment?

International students may apply for on-campus student employment opportunities. Please note:

  • International students are limited in the number of hours they may work during the semester, as well as during summer and university breaks.
  • International students are not eligible for Federal Work Study positions on campus.
  • Working without proper authorization could jeopardize F-1 status.

For more information, visit the Global Engagement Office. You may also email the Global Engagement Office or call 610-436-3515.

How do I enter my student employment hours in eTime?

Log into the Employee Self Service (ESS) Portal. For help, visit eTime Help.

What documents are acceptable to complete the form I-9 verification?

Visit Acceptable I-9 Supporting Documents for a list of options.

How many hours per week can student employees work?

Students may work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year, with the possibility to work more hours over summer or winter breaks.


Does WCU require clearances to work? How long are my clearances good for employment? 

Yes. WCU requires the PA State Police, Child Abuse, and FBI clearances to be on file in the Office of Human Resources. All three clearances are valid for five years from the date of the clearance results.

Am I financially responsible for the payment of any clearances?  

No. Currently, the University is covering all background clearance expenses for faculty, staff, student workers, contractors, and volunteers. Any employee who has clearances completed on their own will not be reimbursed for associated costs and will need to have the clearances completed again using the codes provided by the Compliance Department. 

Do student employees need to complete background checks?

Yes. All student employment positions require the PA State Police, Child Abuse, and FBI clearances. After the new student hire forms is completed through the Office of Human Resources, the clearance process will begin within 72 hours (about 3 days). 

I’m a student and I completed background checks for my major.  Can I use these for employment at WCU? 

No. Department of Education FBI fingerprint clearances are not acceptable, per Pennsylvania State System legal counsel. New fingerprints must be collected with WCU-HR through the PA Department of Human Services. 

Can I still apply to work at WCU if I’ve been convicted of a criminal offense? 

Yes. Each background clearance is reviewed by the Compliance Department on a case-by-case basis. Failure to disclose criminal convictions on one’s employment application or making false statements during the screening or interview process will result in disqualification from employment, regardless of when the falsification is discovered by the University. 

Do I need to disclose a previous criminal offense within the application? 

Yes. A conviction is an adjudication of guilt, concluding determination before a district justice or in criminal court, resulting in a legal penalty such as a fine, sentence, or probation. Minor traffic violations can be omitted. Disclosure of prior criminal history is not a barrier to employment, depending on the nature of the offense and other considerations. Failure to truthfully and/or accurately disclose a conviction of a criminal offense will result in a bar from employment with West Chester University. 


What documents do I need to bring to Human Resources when submitting my new hire forms? 

It is required by federal law that you verify your employment eligibility within three business days of your appointment start date. Please refer to Form I-9 Acceptable Documents to learn about which identification documents will be accepted.  

Where do I get an employee parking pass? 

Information and instructions for obtaining all parking passes can be found on the  Parking Permits webpage.  Temporary parking passes for newly hired employees can be requested from Human Resources.  Please email  

Where do I get my employee ID?

A Ram eCard ID will be issued to all new employees and faculty.  Ram eCard IDs are issued in person, at the Ram Card Office located at the lower level of the Sykes Student Union (110 W. Rosedale Avenue). The Ram eCard office will have the information needed to process your new ID. Please go to the office during regular business hours to obtain your card. There is no charge for a Ram eCard for new employees.  

How do I sign up for Golden Welcome Orientation?

The Golden Welcome Orientation is an in-person orientation for newly hired staff.  CLICK to view upcoming sessions and register for a session.  With additional questions about this program, contact 

Does WCU have a dress code? 

WCU does not have a formal dress code policy. Employees are expected to dress according to the scope and function of their job. Business casual attire is recommended for office positions. Where necessary or appropriate, we encourage employees to be identifiable by displaying their RamNetID when working on or off campus. 

What on-campus dining options are available to employees? 

WCU offers plenty of options for employees to eat on campus. CLICK to learn about employee meal plans and places to eat on campus. 


How do I know if I’m eligible for benefits?  

To be eligible for coverage under the State System health plan, you must be a permanent, full-time employee (including temporary, full-time faculty with at least an academic year contract) or a permanent, part-time employee (including temporary, part-time faculty with at least an academic year contract) who is scheduled to work every pay period for at least 50% of full-time. 

How do I know what benefits I am enrolled in?  

Your current benefit elections can be found in the EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE PORTAL. Once signed in, go to the Benefits tab, and then select Benefit Participation Overview.  

How do I order new health insurance ID cards?

Upon initial enrollment into coverage, your carrier will send you ID cards. If you need replacement cards, you can reach out to your carrier. Carrier contact information can be found on the Health Care Information Page. Participants can create an online account through the carrier's site that will allow you to print out a temporary ID card.

Where can I find current benefits forms? 

Contact the benefit department at and identify the specific form you are looking for.

Where can I find answers regarding my medical coverage?

View a complete guide of State System Employee Benefits.

When is Open Enrollment?

Health plan open enrollment changes occur in Spring and are effective July 1. Open enrollment for Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA’s) occur in the fall and elections made are effective January 1 of the following year. 

I just had a baby. What do I need to do to enroll them onto my benefits? 

You can find instructions for forms to complete this action on the PASSHE Life Events website.

How do I add or remove dependents to my health insurance? 

You can find instructions for forms to complete this action on Life Events page.

Where do I find information on the Wellness program participation?

For APSCUF, Coaches, nonrepresented, OPEIU, SPFPA and POA, visit HEALTHY U for information on wellness program participation. For AFSCME and SCUPA, visit GET HEALTHY.


If I do not sign up for Long Term Disability, Voluntary Life insurance or Accidental Death and Dismemberment when I am first hired, can I still join?  

Long Term Disability: If the employees would like to enroll after 30 days of employment/ eligibility, the employee completes enrollment form (specify option 1 or 2) and evidence of Long Term Disability insurability .
Voluntary Life: If the employees would like to enroll after 30 days of employment/ eligibility, the employee completes enrollment form and evidence of Voluntary Group Life insurability .
Accidental Death and Dismemberment: Employees are not eligible to enroll in AD&D if beyond 30 days of employment/eligibility.

How can I change my beneficiaries on my life insurance? 

Basic Life insurance (free coverage to benefit eligible individuals) is with Metropolitan Life. To learn more, visit the MetLife web page.


How do I contribute more to my retirement? 

All permanent full-time and part-time employees are required to enroll in a group retirement plan.  These plans have fixed contribution rates which cannot be increased or decreased.  For employees who wish to contribute more or for employees who are not eligible for the group retirement plan, two additional voluntary retirement plans are available for enrollment to all employees upon their date of hire.  There are no employer contributions for the voluntary plans. To learn more, visit the Voluntary Retirement Plans website. 

How do I open a Voluntary Tax Shelter Annuity (403b) or Deferred Compensation Plan (457?  

To learn more about opening a TSA visit the Voluntary Retirement Plans website.

Can I select more than one Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP) company and thereby “split” my contributions? 

Yes, we ask you to pick one investment group upon initial enrollment.   As part of your initial enrollment through retirement@work, you must create an account with the vendor(s) you choose.  Within the retirement@work website, you will be able to view your retirement plan balance across plans and investment vendors.  View the retirement@work website to learn more. 

Once I have made my mandatory Retirement election may I switch between, PSERS, SERS and the Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP)?

No. Your benefit election or default election is irrevocable and cannot be changed. 

How long do I have to elect my mandatory retirement plans? 

Employees have 30 days from the first day of eligibility to select enrollment.  If you do not make an election, you will automatically be enrolled in the SERS plan. 

Is the employee-paid portion of my retirement contribution made before tax? 

Yes. The employees contribution is on a pre-tax basis each pay period.

Where can I get flexible spending reimbursement forms?

FSA Claim submission and Reimbursement information can be found on the Optum Financial website.


Who is eligible for assistance through SEAP?

SEAP is a confidential, free assessment and referral service for State System employees and their family members; this includes everyone who lives in your house, as well as your parents, adult children, and siblings regardless of where they live.​

How can I learn about State Employee’s Assistance Programs (SEAP)?

CLICK to learn more about SEAP. 

Does the State Employee’s Assistance Program (SEAP) cost anything?

SEAP is a free service available to all employees in an active status.

How do I get started with State Employee’s Assistance Program (SEAP)?

SEAP services are available 24/7 by calling 1-800-692-7459 or by logging on to


Am I eligible for FMLA? 

In general, if you have been employed for at least one year and have worked at least 1,250 during the previous 12 months you will be eligible for FMLA. Human Resources will confirm your eligibility for FMLA.

Do I need to take FMLA, or can I decline to take FMLA leave if I have enough sick time to cover my absence?

If you are out of work for a covered Sick, Parental, Family Care or Military Exigency or Military Caregiver reasons, the FMLA process must be followed even if you have enough paid time to cover all absence days. 

What is the FMLA Process? 

  • The employee or supervisor notifies the HR Leave Manager that a leave is needed and/or being requested. 
  • The HR Leave Manager will check eligibility and explain the process to the employee and/or supervisor. 
  • The HR Leave Manager sends an Eligibility Notice to the employee and supervisor. 
  • The employee returns completed form(s) to HR Leave Manager. 
  • The HR Leave Manager sends a leave approval or denial notice to the employee and supervisor. 
  • The HR Leave Manger notifies Payroll when the leave begins. 
  • The Employee submits a clearance notice to the HR Leave Manager before the last day of leave.
  • The HR Leave Manager confirms the employee’s return to work with the employee’s supervisor, then notifies Payroll that the leave has ended.

Additional Information about the FMLA process.

What if I’m not eligible for FMLA but cannot work? 

There may be other leave options available. To confidentially discuss your situation, contact HR Leave Manager.  CLICK for contact information.

What if I’m out of sick leave, but am still not able to work? 

You may use other applicable paid leave available and/or take leave without pay for a limited period of time.  

Does the university offer short term disability? 

The university does not offer short term disability coverage.  It is important to use your accrued time wisely so that you may be prepared for any extended absences you may need in the future.

If I’m out sick, do I need a doctor’s note? 

Yes. If you are out sick for 3 or more consecutive days, you must submit a note from your doctor covering the absence dates. This note should be emailed to

What if I need to take an extended leave of absence? 

Contact HR Leave Manager, to discuss the reason for your leave, your eligibility for leave, the required paperwork and the approval process. CLICK for contact information. 

What happens to my benefits if I am placed on a leave of absence without pay? 

Depending on the type of leave without pay, you may be responsible for paying your portion of any benefit premiums or the full portion of the benefit premiums.  In addition, the length of your benefit entitlement will be explained when you apply for a leave of absence.  While on a leave without pay, you will not continue to accrue paid leave. 

What happens if I separate during my leave of absence? 

Accrued annual, personal and/or holiday leave will be paid out upon separation.  Employees that separate from the University with a negative leave balance will have it taken from final pay, or be billed for those hours.

I am having a medical procedure and will be out for an extended period of time. What should I do and who do I need to notify?  

Notify your supervisor of your expected absence dates and contact HR Leave Manager to discuss your FMLA eligibility and the required paperwork. CLICK for contact information.

What is the procedure for changing or cancelling leave?

A cancellation or change cannot be submitted until the original leave request has been approved. Once approved, the cancellation request may be submitted through the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal. Changes to the original request may be resubmitted after the original request's cancellation is approved. Cancellations and changes must be processed within 30 days of the original request. The payroll office should be contacted to process a cancellation or change if the 30-day period has expired.


How do I put a hold on the covered tuition and fees on my bursar bill?

Eligible employees enrolled in the MGDR Program can put a hold on the tuition and tech fee by using ERP Link.  Employees will be required to pay all other fees at the start of the semester. 

How do I know if I am eligible to participate in the MGDR program?

All nonrepresented employees are eligible to participate in the MGDR program upon completion of their probationary period. 

Are my eligible dependents able to obtain a continued degree through the MGDR program? 

The MGDR program is only available to full-time, non-temporary employees in the nonrepresented employee class that are in an active status. 

How can I find out more about the programs that are offered? 

Visit The Graduate School to view all degree and certificate programs.

Am I able to take a class or do I need to be enrolled in a degree program? 

Yes.  Upon approval from their supervisor and department head, eligible nonrepresented employees can take a class(es) or enroll in a degree program.

What is a class audit and how can I pursue this option if interested?

Auditing a course means that you are officially registered for the course - it appears on the official transcript, but the course will not count towards the GPA or degree requirements.  Upon approval from their supervisor and department head, eligible nonrepresented employees can enroll in and audit a class. For additional instructions on how to audit a class, visit the Registrar’s website.


How often does WCU evaluate employee performance? 

Informal performance development conversations and coaching will occur throughout the year.  The formal appraisal and evaluation process for all employees occurs at the end of the probationary period (at 3, 6, and 9 months also for SUA employees) and then once a year. 

How are salary increases determined and when do they occur? 

For employees covered by a union contract, general pay increases and service increments (longevity) are negotiated and agreed upon by the union and management and are noted within the applicable collective bargaining agreement. nonrepresented employees (managers) may be eligible for performance-based merit increases if approved by the Board of Governors. 

Where can I find the job description for my position? 

The job description or Management Position Questionnaire (MPQ) for managers can be obtained from your supervisor.  For additional support, please contact Human Resources at  

How can I obtain support with managing an under-performing employee? 

Supervisors seeking guidance or support with under-performing employees should work directly with their chain of command.  For additional support, please email Organizational Development at

How often should I meet with employees that report to me? 

While there is no specific guidance for meeting with employees, both formal and informal coaching and feedback is encouraged throughout the entire performance management cycle.  Goal setting, ongoing feedback, training, and employee development should be a focus throughout the entire year.  With specific questions, please reach out to

How do I access my review from a previous year? 

Requests for previous performance reviews should be directed to the supervisor or to nonrepresented employees can find their previous appraisal in their management appraisal portal. Questions should be directed to

What is the difference between a PDP and a PDC? 

A Performance Development Plan (PDP) is a formal document and tool designed to support underperforming employees and is administered in a collaborative manner involving the individual, their supervisor, and Human Resources. A Pre-disciplinary Conference (PDC) is administered by Employee and Labor Relations to provide an employee with the opportunity to respond to the notice of the charges against them.  An employee shall be granted an opportunity to respond in person, and they have the right to a union representative (if position covered by a CBA). The outcome of the PDC could result in no action, warning, suspension or removal. 


How do I change my email address to reflect my new name? 

For name changes and/or email changes, submit a ticket with Information Services and Technology (IS&T) using ServiceNow. 

Will I need a new RamCard after my name changes? 

No, unless you want to get one. Please note there will be a $25 or $27 ($2 credit card fee) for a new RamCard. 

Where do I send my student loan forgiveness form?

Please email your Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) application to  

Where do I send my ACT168 request form? 

All Act 168 requests must be forwarded to Requests for faculty and staff will be completed by Employee and Labor Relations, and requests for student employees will be completed by the Student Employment team. 

What is Employee Self Service (ESS) and/or FIORI Self Service?  

Employee Self-Service Portal (ESS) and FIORI are web-based tools that provide employees with payroll and personnel data related to their employment within the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE). The information covers: personal information (personal data, address, emergency contacts and bank information), benefits (medical/vision/dental, life insurance, disability, AD&D and Retirement), leave and time (balances and absences), and payroll (pay statement, savings bonds and W-4).   

How would I request out of class pay for an employee?

To request Temporary Working Out of Class (TWOC) complete the form found on the Budget Resources and Forms website. Your Business Manager can assist you with this Budgeting form.

What is my employee group?

Your employee group designates the bargaining unit under which you are covered or indicates your nonrepresented status. The employee group is included in every employment offer letter. Please check your letter. If you are still unsure, please ask your supervisor or reach out to

What are deferred holidays?

Deferred holidays are minor holidays earned while the university is in session which are deferred for usage during the week which falls between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Deferred holidays are President’s Day, Columbus Day, and Veteran’s Day.

What are the eligibility requirements for earning holidays?

At the time of a holiday an employee must be in active pay status the last half of the employee’s scheduled workday immediately prior to the holiday and the first half of the employee’s scheduled workday immediately after the holiday. “Active pay status” means that you must either be working or using paid leave to compensate for hours not worked. If the employee uses any type of leave without pay during the times noted above, the holiday will not be earned. This applies to major and minor holidays.


How do I make a request for reasonable accommodation?

To make a request for reasonable accommodation, an Accommodation Request Form and Medical Certification Form must be filled out and returned to Access the Accommodation Request Form.

I am a nonrepresented employee at WCU. What are the terms and conditions of my employment?

nonrepresented employees with a classification of 190 and below are governed by Policy 1983-01-A: Merit Principles and university policies. nonrepresented employees with a classification of 200 or above are governed by Policy 1984-14-A: Terms and Conditions of Employment of Senior Policy Executives and university policies. nonrepresented employees are not governed by a bargaining unit contract.

Where can I find information about my bargaining unit, contracts, and important contacts?

There is a section labeled Bargaining Unit in each appointment letter for employees covered by a Union. This section will list the specific Union your position is covered by (SCUPA, SPFPA, POA, OPEIU, AFSCME, APSCUF). If the appointment letter does not have a Bargaining Unit section and states (Manager ###), this position is not covered by a union and is considered nonrepresented. Information on each Bargaining Unit Contract and local President contact information can be found on the Employee & Labor Relations website homepage.

I want to review the classification of a position, what are the proper steps to take?

Review the Classification Process Overview before taking any steps. If you are an employee seeking a reclassification of your position, contact your supervisor to discuss the accuracy of job duties and changes that may lead to the request. Any questions regarding the classification process can be directed to

EMPLOYMENT (Faculty & Staff) 

How do I apply for a job or see which jobs are available?

Check out WCU Career Opportunities to see all open positions and apply. We update multiple times a week with current opportunities. 

What if I don't have computer access to apply online?

You can visit the Office of Human Resources to use a WCU computer Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at 201 Carter Drive, Suite 100. 

What happens after I apply?

WCU reviews every application to find the best candidates and to ensure a fair and equitable search.  We do not rely on application systems to make these important decisions so the search process can take longer. 

How do I know if my application was received? 

A confirmation email will be sent to your e-mail address. 

How do I check the status of my application? 

You can contact the Office of Human Resources at or 610-436-2591. 

Will you notify me when the job I applied to has been filled? 

When we are ready to offer you the position or you are no longer in consideration, you will be contacted via email or by phone. 

How long does it take for me to hear back about a staff position?

It takes about two to four weeks to hear back about a staff position after the posting period has closed.

What does “internal” mean on a job posting?

An internal job posting is designed to only consider current employees.  While this type of posting is not available to external candidates, filling a role internally will result in job vacancies and additional future opportunities. 

How do I make changes or add an attachment to an application that I have submitted?

After your application has been submitted, it cannot be modified.  If changes need to be made or new documents need to be added, email and be sure to include your name, the search number, and the document you would like updated. 

Can I apply for multiple jobs? 

Yes, we encourage you to apply to multiple positions to find the one that is right for you. An application must be submitted for each position.

I forgot my password? How do I reset my password?

Simply click Reset Password.  

Where can I learn more about union/collective bargaining agreement information (AFSCME, SCUPA, POA, SPFPA, OPEIU, APSCUF, nonrepresented)? 

To learn about union/ collective bargaining agreement information visit Union Information. 

Can my business advertise hiring students? 

Yes. To advertise a job visit Twardowski Career Development Center. 

What happens after I accept and offer for a position?  

You will receive a DocuSign email with directions on how to complete new hire forms and an email from our Compliance Department with instructions and payment codes to begin the background check process. 



How do I apply for student employment?

To apply for student employment, visit Handshake.

Where do I apply for graduate student employment? 

Enrolled students (those with WCU login credentials) must apply for GA positions through Handshake. You must login to view available positions and submit applications through Handshake.  Newly admitted students (those without WCU login credentials) can view available GA positions here. You must email your application materials to the contact person listed for the position. 

Can my business advertise jobs to WCU students? 

Yes. To advertise a job visit Twardowski Career Development Center. 

I’m a student worker. How will I be paid?

Students receive direct compensation, on a biweekly basis, for the hours worked. Students are encouraged to enroll in direct deposit through the payroll office.

I’m working but I haven’t gotten paid.

Students may not begin working until Human Resources receives and processes new hire forms. If a student has completed the new hire forms and cannot log hours in eTime, please reach out to Student Employment.

Are international students eligible for student employment?

International students may apply for on-campus student employment opportunities. Please note:

  • International students are limited in the number of hours they may work during the semester, as well as during summer and university breaks.
  • International students are not eligible for Federal Work Study positions on campus.
  • Working without proper authorization could jeopardize F-1 status.

For more information, visit the Global Engagement Office. You may also email the Global Engagement Office or call 610-436-3515.

How do I enter my student employment hours in eTime?

Log into the Employee Self Service (ESS) Portal. For help, visit eTime Help.

What documents are acceptable to complete the form I-9 verification?

Visit Acceptable I-9 Supporting Documents for a list of options.

How many hours per week can student employees work?

Students may work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year, with the possibility to work more hours over summer or winter breaks.



Does WCU require clearances to work? How long are my clearances good for employment? 

Yes. WCU requires the PA State Police, Child Abuse, and FBI clearances to be on file in the Office of Human Resources. All three clearances are valid for five years from the date of the clearance results.

Am I financially responsible for the payment of any clearances?  

No. Currently, the University is covering all background clearance expenses for faculty, staff, student workers, contractors, and volunteers. Any employee who has clearances completed on their own will not be reimbursed for associated costs and will need to have the clearances completed again using the codes provided by the Compliance Department. 

Do student employees need to complete background checks?

Yes. All student employment positions require the PA State Police, Child Abuse, and FBI clearances. After the new student hire forms is completed through the Office of Human Resources, the clearance process will begin within 72 hours (about 3 days). 

I’m a student and I completed background checks for my major.  Can I use these for employment at WCU? 

No. Department of Education FBI fingerprint clearances are not acceptable, per Pennsylvania State System legal counsel. New fingerprints must be collected with WCU-HR through the PA Department of Human Services. 

Can I still apply to work at WCU if I’ve been convicted of a criminal offense? 

Yes. Each background clearance is reviewed by the Compliance Department on a case-by-case basis. Failure to disclose criminal convictions on one’s employment application or making false statements during the screening or interview process will result in disqualification from employment, regardless of when the falsification is discovered by the University. 

Do I need to disclose a previous criminal offense within the application? 

Yes. A conviction is an adjudication of guilt, concluding determination before a district justice or in criminal court, resulting in a legal penalty such as a fine, sentence, or probation. Minor traffic violations can be omitted. Disclosure of prior criminal history is not a barrier to employment, depending on the nature of the offense and other considerations. Failure to truthfully and/or accurately disclose a conviction of a criminal offense will result in a bar from employment with West Chester University. 



What documents do I need to bring to Human Resources when submitting my new hire forms? 

It is required by federal law that you verify your employment eligibility within three business days of your appointment start date. Please refer to Form I-9 Acceptable Documents to learn about which identification documents will be accepted.  

Where do I get an employee parking pass? 

Information and instructions for obtaining all parking passes can be found on the  Parking Permits webpage.  Temporary parking passes for newly hired employees can be requested from Human Resources.  Please email  

Where do I get my employee ID?

A Ram eCard ID will be issued to all new employees and faculty.  Ram eCard IDs are issued in person, at the Ram Card Office located at the lower level of the Sykes Student Union (110 W. Rosedale Avenue). The Ram eCard office will have the information needed to process your new ID. Please go to the office during regular business hours to obtain your card. There is no charge for a Ram eCard for new employees.  

How do I sign up for Golden Welcome Orientation?

The Golden Welcome Orientation is an in-person orientation for newly hired staff.  CLICK to view upcoming sessions and register for a session.  With additional questions about this program, contact 

Does WCU have a dress code? 

WCU does not have a formal dress code policy. Employees are expected to dress according to the scope and function of their job. Business casual attire is recommended for office positions. Where necessary or appropriate, we encourage employees to be identifiable by displaying their RamNetID when working on or off campus. 

What on-campus dining options are available to employees? 

WCU offers plenty of options for employees to eat on campus. CLICK to learn about employee meal plans and places to eat on campus. 



How do I know if I’m eligible for benefits?  

To be eligible for coverage under the State System health plan, you must be a permanent, full-time employee (including temporary, full-time faculty with at least an academic year contract) or a permanent, part-time employee (including temporary, part-time faculty with at least an academic year contract) who is scheduled to work every pay period for at least 50% of full-time. 

How do I know what benefits I am enrolled in?  

Your current benefit elections can be found in the EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE PORTAL. Once signed in, go to the Benefits tab, and then select Benefit Participation Overview.  

How do I order new health insurance ID cards?

Upon initial enrollment into coverage, your carrier will send you ID cards. If you need replacement cards, you can reach out to your carrier. Carrier contact information can be found on the Health Care Information Page. Participants can create an online account through the carrier's site that will allow you to print out a temporary ID card.

Where can I find current benefits forms? 

Contact the benefit department at and identify the specific form you are looking for.

Where can I find answers regarding my medical coverage?

View a complete guide of State System Employee Benefits.

When is Open Enrollment?

Health plan open enrollment changes occur in Spring and are effective July 1. Open enrollment for Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA’s) occur in the fall and elections made are effective January 1 of the following year. 

I just had a baby. What do I need to do to enroll them onto my benefits? 

You can find instructions for forms to complete this action on the PASSHE Life Events website.

How do I add or remove dependents to my health insurance? 

You can find instructions for forms to complete this action on Life Events page.

Where do I find information on the Wellness program participation?

For APSCUF, Coaches, nonrepresented, OPEIU, SPFPA and POA, visit HEALTHY U for information on wellness program participation. For AFSCME and SCUPA, visit GET HEALTHY.



If I do not sign up for Long Term Disability, Voluntary Life insurance or Accidental Death and Dismemberment when I am first hired, can I still join?  

Long Term Disability: If the employees would like to enroll after 30 days of employment/ eligibility, the employee completes enrollment form (specify option 1 or 2) and evidence of Long Term Disability insurability .
Voluntary Life: If the employees would like to enroll after 30 days of employment/ eligibility, the employee completes enrollment form and evidence of Voluntary Group Life insurability .
Accidental Death and Dismemberment: Employees are not eligible to enroll in AD&D if beyond 30 days of employment/eligibility.

How can I change my beneficiaries on my life insurance? 

Basic Life insurance (free coverage to benefit eligible individuals) is with Metropolitan Life. To learn more, visit the MetLife web page.



How do I contribute more to my retirement? 

All permanent full-time and part-time employees are required to enroll in a group retirement plan.  These plans have fixed contribution rates which cannot be increased or decreased.  For employees who wish to contribute more or for employees who are not eligible for the group retirement plan, two additional voluntary retirement plans are available for enrollment to all employees upon their date of hire.  There are no employer contributions for the voluntary plans. To learn more, visit the Voluntary Retirement Plans website. 

How do I open a Voluntary Tax Shelter Annuity (403b) or Deferred Compensation Plan (457?  

To learn more about opening a TSA visit the Voluntary Retirement Plans website.

Can I select more than one Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP) company and thereby “split” my contributions? 

Yes, we ask you to pick one investment group upon initial enrollment.   As part of your initial enrollment through retirement@work, you must create an account with the vendor(s) you choose.  Within the retirement@work website, you will be able to view your retirement plan balance across plans and investment vendors.  View the retirement@work website to learn more. 

Once I have made my mandatory Retirement election may I switch between, PSERS, SERS and the Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP)?

No. Your benefit election or default election is irrevocable and cannot be changed. 

How long do I have to elect my mandatory retirement plans? 

Employees have 30 days from the first day of eligibility to select enrollment.  If you do not make an election, you will automatically be enrolled in the SERS plan. 

Is the employee-paid portion of my retirement contribution made before tax? 

Yes. The employees contribution is on a pre-tax basis each pay period.

Where can I get flexible spending reimbursement forms?

FSA Claim submission and Reimbursement information can be found on the Optum Financial website.



Who is eligible for assistance through SEAP?

SEAP is a confidential, free assessment and referral service for State System employees and their family members; this includes everyone who lives in your house, as well as your parents, adult children, and siblings regardless of where they live.​

How can I learn about State Employee’s Assistance Programs (SEAP)?

CLICK to learn more about SEAP. 

Does the State Employee’s Assistance Program (SEAP) cost anything?

SEAP is a free service available to all employees in an active status.

How do I get started with State Employee’s Assistance Program (SEAP)?

SEAP services are available 24/7 by calling 1-800-692-7459 or by logging on to



Am I eligible for FMLA? 

In general, if you have been employed for at least one year and have worked at least 1,250 during the previous 12 months you will be eligible for FMLA. Human Resources will confirm your eligibility for FMLA.

Do I need to take FMLA, or can I decline to take FMLA leave if I have enough sick time to cover my absence?

If you are out of work for a covered Sick, Parental, Family Care or Military Exigency or Military Caregiver reasons, the FMLA process must be followed even if you have enough paid time to cover all absence days. 

What is the FMLA Process? 

  • The employee or supervisor notifies the HR Leave Manager that a leave is needed and/or being requested. 
  • The HR Leave Manager will check eligibility and explain the process to the employee and/or supervisor. 
  • The HR Leave Manager sends an Eligibility Notice to the employee and supervisor. 
  • The employee returns completed form(s) to HR Leave Manager. 
  • The HR Leave Manager sends a leave approval or denial notice to the employee and supervisor. 
  • The HR Leave Manger notifies Payroll when the leave begins. 
  • The Employee submits a clearance notice to the HR Leave Manager before the last day of leave.
  • The HR Leave Manager confirms the employee’s return to work with the employee’s supervisor, then notifies Payroll that the leave has ended.

Additional Information about the FMLA process.

What if I’m not eligible for FMLA but cannot work? 

There may be other leave options available. To confidentially discuss your situation, contact HR Leave Manager.  CLICK for contact information.

What if I’m out of sick leave, but am still not able to work? 

You may use other applicable paid leave available and/or take leave without pay for a limited period of time.  

Does the university offer short term disability? 

The university does not offer short term disability coverage.  It is important to use your accrued time wisely so that you may be prepared for any extended absences you may need in the future.

If I’m out sick, do I need a doctor’s note? 

Yes. If you are out sick for 3 or more consecutive days, you must submit a note from your doctor covering the absence dates. This note should be emailed to

What if I need to take an extended leave of absence? 

Contact HR Leave Manager, to discuss the reason for your leave, your eligibility for leave, the required paperwork and the approval process. CLICK for contact information. 

What happens to my benefits if I am placed on a leave of absence without pay? 

Depending on the type of leave without pay, you may be responsible for paying your portion of any benefit premiums or the full portion of the benefit premiums.  In addition, the length of your benefit entitlement will be explained when you apply for a leave of absence.  While on a leave without pay, you will not continue to accrue paid leave. 

What happens if I separate during my leave of absence? 

Accrued annual, personal and/or holiday leave will be paid out upon separation.  Employees that separate from the University with a negative leave balance will have it taken from final pay, or be billed for those hours.

I am having a medical procedure and will be out for an extended period of time. What should I do and who do I need to notify?  

Notify your supervisor of your expected absence dates and contact HR Leave Manager to discuss your FMLA eligibility and the required paperwork. CLICK for contact information.

What is the procedure for changing or cancelling leave?

A cancellation or change cannot be submitted until the original leave request has been approved. Once approved, the cancellation request may be submitted through the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal. Changes to the original request may be resubmitted after the original request's cancellation is approved. Cancellations and changes must be processed within 30 days of the original request. The payroll office should be contacted to process a cancellation or change if the 30-day period has expired.



How do I put a hold on the covered tuition and fees on my bursar bill?

Eligible employees enrolled in the MGDR Program can put a hold on the tuition and tech fee by using ERP Link.  Employees will be required to pay all other fees at the start of the semester. 

How do I know if I am eligible to participate in the MGDR program?

All nonrepresented employees are eligible to participate in the MGDR program upon completion of their probationary period. 

Are my eligible dependents able to obtain a continued degree through the MGDR program? 

The MGDR program is only available to full-time, non-temporary employees in the nonrepresented employee class that are in an active status. 

How can I find out more about the programs that are offered? 

Visit The Graduate School to view all degree and certificate programs.

Am I able to take a class or do I need to be enrolled in a degree program? 

Yes.  Upon approval from their supervisor and department head, eligible nonrepresented employees can take a class(es) or enroll in a degree program.

What is a class audit and how can I pursue this option if interested?

Auditing a course means that you are officially registered for the course - it appears on the official transcript, but the course will not count towards the GPA or degree requirements.  Upon approval from their supervisor and department head, eligible nonrepresented employees can enroll in and audit a class. For additional instructions on how to audit a class, visit the Registrar’s website.



How often does WCU evaluate employee performance? 

Informal performance development conversations and coaching will occur throughout the year.  The formal appraisal and evaluation process for all employees occurs at the end of the probationary period (at 3, 6, and 9 months also for SUA employees) and then once a year. 

How are salary increases determined and when do they occur? 

For employees covered by a union contract, general pay increases and service increments (longevity) are negotiated and agreed upon by the union and management and are noted within the applicable collective bargaining agreement. nonrepresented employees (managers) may be eligible for performance-based merit increases if approved by the Board of Governors. 

Where can I find the job description for my position? 

The job description or Management Position Questionnaire (MPQ) for managers can be obtained from your supervisor.  For additional support, please contact Human Resources at  

How can I obtain support with managing an under-performing employee? 

Supervisors seeking guidance or support with under-performing employees should work directly with their chain of command.  For additional support, please email Organizational Development at

How often should I meet with employees that report to me? 

While there is no specific guidance for meeting with employees, both formal and informal coaching and feedback is encouraged throughout the entire performance management cycle.  Goal setting, ongoing feedback, training, and employee development should be a focus throughout the entire year.  With specific questions, please reach out to

How do I access my review from a previous year? 

Requests for previous performance reviews should be directed to the supervisor or to nonrepresented employees can find their previous appraisal in their management appraisal portal. Questions should be directed to

What is the difference between a PDP and a PDC? 

A Performance Development Plan (PDP) is a formal document and tool designed to support underperforming employees and is administered in a collaborative manner involving the individual, their supervisor, and Human Resources. A Pre-disciplinary Conference (PDC) is administered by Employee and Labor Relations to provide an employee with the opportunity to respond to the notice of the charges against them.  An employee shall be granted an opportunity to respond in person, and they have the right to a union representative (if position covered by a CBA). The outcome of the PDC could result in no action, warning, suspension or removal. 



How do I change my email address to reflect my new name? 

For name changes and/or email changes, submit a ticket with Information Services and Technology (IS&T) using ServiceNow. 

Will I need a new RamCard after my name changes? 

No, unless you want to get one. Please note there will be a $25 or $27 ($2 credit card fee) for a new RamCard. 

Where do I send my student loan forgiveness form?

Please email your Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) application to  

Where do I send my ACT168 request form? 

All Act 168 requests must be forwarded to Requests for faculty and staff will be completed by Employee and Labor Relations, and requests for student employees will be completed by the Student Employment team. 

What is Employee Self Service (ESS) and/or FIORI Self Service?  

Employee Self-Service Portal (ESS) and FIORI are web-based tools that provide employees with payroll and personnel data related to their employment within the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE). The information covers: personal information (personal data, address, emergency contacts and bank information), benefits (medical/vision/dental, life insurance, disability, AD&D and Retirement), leave and time (balances and absences), and payroll (pay statement, savings bonds and W-4).   

How would I request out of class pay for an employee?

To request Temporary Working Out of Class (TWOC) complete the form found on the Budget Resources and Forms website. Your Business Manager can assist you with this Budgeting form.

What is my employee group?

Your employee group designates the bargaining unit under which you are covered or indicates your nonrepresented status. The employee group is included in every employment offer letter. Please check your letter. If you are still unsure, please ask your supervisor or reach out to

What are deferred holidays?

Deferred holidays are minor holidays earned while the university is in session which are deferred for usage during the week which falls between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Deferred holidays are President’s Day, Columbus Day, and Veteran’s Day.

What are the eligibility requirements for earning holidays?

At the time of a holiday an employee must be in active pay status the last half of the employee’s scheduled workday immediately prior to the holiday and the first half of the employee’s scheduled workday immediately after the holiday. “Active pay status” means that you must either be working or using paid leave to compensate for hours not worked. If the employee uses any type of leave without pay during the times noted above, the holiday will not be earned. This applies to major and minor holidays.



How do I make a request for reasonable accommodation?

To make a request for reasonable accommodation, an Accommodation Request Form and Medical Certification Form must be filled out and returned to Access the Accommodation Request Form.

I am a nonrepresented employee at WCU. What are the terms and conditions of my employment?

nonrepresented employees with a classification of 190 and below are governed by Policy 1983-01-A: Merit Principles and university policies. nonrepresented employees with a classification of 200 or above are governed by Policy 1984-14-A: Terms and Conditions of Employment of Senior Policy Executives and university policies. nonrepresented employees are not governed by a bargaining unit contract.

Where can I find information about my bargaining unit, contracts, and important contacts?

There is a section labeled Bargaining Unit in each appointment letter for employees covered by a Union. This section will list the specific Union your position is covered by (SCUPA, SPFPA, POA, OPEIU, AFSCME, APSCUF). If the appointment letter does not have a Bargaining Unit section and states (Manager ###), this position is not covered by a union and is considered nonrepresented. Information on each Bargaining Unit Contract and local President contact information can be found on the Employee & Labor Relations website homepage.

I want to review the classification of a position, what are the proper steps to take?

Review the Classification Process Overview before taking any steps. If you are an employee seeking a reclassification of your position, contact your supervisor to discuss the accuracy of job duties and changes that may lead to the request. Any questions regarding the classification process can be directed to