Student Hiring Information

Job Posting

Investing in the job posting preparation is the first step in finding and retaining the best candidates. This includes creating, reviewing and/or updating the job posting, registering as an employer on Handshake, posting the position, and finding creative ways to spread the word about the job opportunity.

  • Create a job posting to describe the responsibilities, minimum and preferred qualifications, rate, hours, and duration of the job to attract the best student candidates.
  • Use Handshake, WCU’s online job portal where undergraduate and graduate students can apply for both non-Federal Work Study and Federal Work Study positions.
  • Start by registering your employer profile in Handshake to promote your position and engage with students at WCU.
  • Post the position on Handshake.
  • We also encourage you to spread the word about the position in other ways.


During the selection process, the Hiring Manager reviews applications and interviews candidates using job-related qualifications. Selection should be timely, consistent, and efficient to secure the strongest candidates and leave applicants with a positive impression of employment at WCU.

  • Be intentional when creating interview questions. Questions should be job-related to assess the knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences of the students.
  • Think fair and equitable. All candidates should be asked the same interview questions and allotted the same amount of time.
  • Schedule and complete interviews.


Once the Hiring Manager has selected a candidate, an offer can be made. When the student accepts the offer, the Hiring Manager should submit a hiring request through the Student Employment Portal to initiate the onboarding process.

  • Extend the offer and communicate job details such as start date, end date, hours, pay rate, dress code, and other job-related information.
  • Submit a Hiring Request through the Student Employment Portal once the offer is accepted to initiate the onboarding process.


The onboarding process integrates the student into the new role and includes completing new hire forms, clearances, in-person I-9 verification, signing and returning their contract (if applicable), and FERPA Training. Departmental onboarding also includes providing the student the necessary training and resources needed to be successful in the new role.

  • A contract is an employment agreement that must be signed and returned to accept a Federal Work Study (FWS) position or Graduate Assistantship. Operating Budget and Grant Funded positions do not receive a contract. A student will not be onboarded in our systems until the contract is signed.
  • Tell students to lok for emails from DocuSign. All new hire forms are sent through DocuSign and must be completed before a student can start working. If a student has questions about new hire forms, please encourage them to contact Student Employment or visit Human Resources. 
  • Tell students to check their WCU email account for emails from the WCU Compliance Department and CBY Professional Services, Students who are required to complete background check clearances and do not have valid clearances on file from previous employment through WCU payroll or PASSHE will be prompted with emails to start the clearance process. The three (3) mandatory clearances are: PA State Police Clearance, PA Child Abuse Clearance, and FBI Clearance. 
  • For the student employment positions that require background check clearances, no employee is permitted to begin work until all three (3) clearances (Child Abuse Clearance, PA State Police Check, and FBI Check) are completed and submitted to the Compliance Department for review. The Compliance Department will not accept any clearances conducted outside of the WCU process.
  • Remind new student employees to bring the original (unexpired) copies of their I-9 documents to Human Resources to verify their employment eligibility in person. Many students do not have their original copies on campus so please emphasize that in-person verification of original documents is needed before starting or within their first three workdays
  • To verify, students can visit the Office of Human Resources or go to a paid notary to complete the in person verification. We will accept an original, notarized I-9. Please be sure to include copies of  identification. Notarized I-9's should be sent to
    WCU - Human Resources
    Attn:  Student Employment
    201 Carter Drive, Suite 100
    West Chester, PA 19383
  • All employees are required to complete Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) training. The Student FERPA Training module is assigned in D2L and should be completed in the initial days of employment. West Chester University has a legal obligation to ensure compliance with the FERPA, which governs the release of, and access to, student education records.


After students complete the required new hire forms and sign their contract (if applicable), they are processed in WCU’s payroll systems and eTime, where they can enter and sign their hours worked.

  • Notify the new employee of eTime processes.
  • Mark your calendar to review and sign the student employee’s hours each pay.
  • Remind the student to sign their hours.
  • Check out "APPROVING HOURS IN eTime”.