FAST offers classes on a variety of programs and topics, shaped to fit your personal needs.

Explore the tabs below to learn more about each course. Once you have found a course you may be interested in, please view the training schedule to see when the next available class is offered.

You can register from the scheduled session by clicking on the "Register for this session" link in course description.

Beginner Classes Beginner Class introduce the topic, build a strong foundation, and provide users with a better understanding of the overall functionality of the program. Once familiar with the basics of each topic, FAST provides Advanced Classes Advanced Class for those who wish to expand their knowledge.

Technology Resources for Student Success Click for Technology Resources for Student Success



Learn the basics of navigating 25Live to reserve and document the use of space on campus for all events, whether academic, athletic, cultural or community oriented.

Training Resources for 25Live

Basic SAP Navigation

Training Materials | Finance and Budget Reports Website

This Basic SAP Navigation online training session is a prerequisite for obtaining a SAP user ID which allows access to the SAP Financial system. Only employees who, as part of their official duties and responsibilities, are required to access budget, financial, and procurement information or to process purchasing requisitions should complete this online session. Click here to access SAP Basic Navigation online training in SharePoint.

Building Classes in PeopleSoft

Training Videos

This course building work shop will teach academic department class builders how to build courses, provide tips for building, and update them on any changes that may have taken place with PeopleSoft.

Sessions are By Appointment - contact

Introduction to PeopleSoft for Faculty

Training Videos

During this session you will learn how to view faculty workloads, class rosters, student records, student advisement information, on-line grading and much more. Participation in this class is a requirement for account and security privileges.

Introduction to PeopleSoft for Staff

Training Videos

You will learn how to navigate the Student Services Center, obtain information on Work/Study students within your department, class information -- including faculty work schedules and rosters, and how to run departmental reports. Participation in this class is a requirement for account and security privileges.

SAP BI Financial / Budget Reports

Course Outline | Course Outline

Training Materials | Finance and Budget Reports Website

Our Business Intelligence (BI) reporting system allows users to access detailed information about all accounting and budget transactions … actual expenses, requisitions, purchase orders, budget transactions, vendor payment information, etc. that impact their SAP fund centers. Reporting information is available for Fiscal Year 2007 through the current fiscal year.

Only a fund center manager or an official designee should register for this session. BI accounts will only be issued to those individuals completing a training session.

"NEW!" SourcePoint Portal - PASSHE Ariba Implementation

PeopleSoft: Department Chair / Academic Secretary Training

Training Videos

The Department Chair / Academic Secretary session offers advanced training for newly appointed Chairs and Academic Secretaries. You will learn how to Add/Drop/Swap and Override courses; assign students to/or change an Advisor; and run departmental reports including graduation applicants for a department and degree progress reports.

BI Reporting To 

Training Materials

Finance and Budget Reports Website

Do you have some specific questions about using the SAP BI reports? Don't want to sit through an entire class again? Then this is the place for you. Just "drop in" for a few minutes to cover your specific questions and then "drop out" when you are comfortable with the answers. Questions will be answered on a "first come ~ first served" basis.

Note: For existing BI users only. New users must take the full intro class.

SAP Requisition Training

Training Documentation

Training Video Tutorial (must login with WCU Credentials)

Finance and Budget Reports Website

A requisition is a document requesting the purchase of goods or services. Electronic requisitioning empowers employees to create and manage their own requisitions while making the procurement process both faster and more responsive. Requisitions are electronically routed to Purchasing and Contract Services for the issuance of purchase orders. This electronic purchase requisitioning class covers how to create and manage purchase requisitions. Only employees who, as part of their official duties and responsibilities, are required to purchase goods or services should take this session (pre-approval of appropriate cost center manager is required).

PREREQUISITE: SAP Basic Navigation (available online)