Program Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Forensic and Toxicological Chemistry program at WCU cultivates chemistry professionals. Our students acquire a combination of fundamental chemical knowledge, basic forensic science concepts, laboratory and analytical chemical skills needed to analyze physical evidence, communication skills, and ethical principles and practices. Our graduates are well-prepared for graduate degrees and to become highly successful Forensic and Toxicological Chemists at an introductory level in crime or related laboratories.


Program Highlights

  • One of the largest chemistry departments in the Philadelphia region

  • All courses, including laboratories, are taught by faculty

  • All permanent faculty have a doctoral degree and excel at teaching

  • Research is undertaken as an essential extension of teaching

  • Faculty research and publication opportunities with faculty mentors

  • FEPAC accredited


What can I do with this degree?

Our graduates have an enviable record of placement in biochemistry-related fields or in graduate or professional school at the time of graduation. WCU graduates are successful in a variety of industries and can be found at local and international companies including:

  • Merck
  • Janssen
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • NMS Labs
  • Dow
  • Pfizer
  • U.S. Army

In addition, many of our students have progressed to doctoral programs at prestigious graduate schools, such as:

  • Columbia University
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of California San Diego
  • University of Washington
  • Yale University

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