Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

About Us

The Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) helps faculty identify engaging and innovative ways to improve their teaching practices resulting in improved student learning. 

Funding Opportunity

The CELT Professional Development Award Application for 2024-2025 is available (due March 31, 2025 to Infoready by 11:59 pm) for projects to improve student learning. These funds are to encourage the implementation of new and innovative projects that would not be possible without this financial support. Up to four projects will be selected for funds up to $2,000 per project.




Writing in the Classroom

Service-Learning/Community Engaged Learning

Technology & Pedagogy

Universal Design in the Classroom

WCU Faculty Teaching Tips

  • New to teaching at WCU? Read the Practical Strategies to Help New Teachers guide put together by our faculty.
  • Are you interested in learning how to evaluate student learning and gain immediate feedback on your teaching? Learn how to use the idea spinner in your courses to maximize the learning experience for your students. For additional ways to evaluate student learning, review this worksheet.
  • Maura Sheehan, Professor from the Department of Health, shares an interesting pedagogical tool: iRubric. This tool has a ton of free rubrics for faculty to adapt within their courses. Maura also discusses how to incorporate this tool into D2L.
  • Listen to Tina Selvaggi from the Department of Literacy discuss how to use E-Portfolio within a course. Follow the link for more information on how to use E-portfolio within D2L.
  • Are you interested in using current event topics to promote class discussion and student interaction. Listen to Assistant Professor Nicole Cattano discuss how to use Scoop. It! effectively within your course(s).
  • Student centered learning is creating discussion across higher education. Read the following article to discover techniques that can be used to accomplish this within a course syllabus and grading procedures.
  • Are you teaching or considering offering a course in a blended/hybrid format? If yes, review this article on blended course design to help avoid common mistakes.

2024-2025 Committee Members

Faculty Associate: Janneken Smucker

Co-chairs: Alessandra (Sandy) Sarcona and Dara Dirhan

Committee Members: 

  • Eric Sweet
  • Megan Heckert 
  • Laura Fiorenza 
  • Dara Dirhan
  • Esther Smidt 
  • David Thomas
  • Janneken Smucker (Ex-officio) 
  • Patricia Davidson 
  • Paul Sylvester 
  • Maria Cabrera-Puche 
  • Christopher Roemmele 
  • Dawn Patterson 
  • Jenn Raskauskas
  • Alessandra (Sandy) Sarcona

This committee has several ad-hoc positions. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact our Faculty Associate.