Submit Proposal

Submission Process:

  • Electronic approvals of your Chair and Associate Dean must be received (via the WCU ORSP: Proposal Routing form for External Grants/Contracts) by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at least one week before the grant is due.
    • ORSP will obtain signatures of the Associate Vice President for Research and the Provost and notify you when all approvals are in place. (Grant cannot be submitted until these approvals are in place)
  • 5 days before the deadline you must send your grant specialist all final documents required for submission
    • You grants specialist will assemble your application in the appropriate web-based tool, and return it to you for final review and approval
    • You must review and approve the application via e-mail
  • After receiving your approval, your grants specialist will submit the application
  • Your grant specialist will ensure that the application is successfully received by the sponsor
  • You will be provided with submission confirmation.