Current high school students and high school graduates who have not enrolled in a
post-secondary institution should apply as a first year applicant. If you are taking
or have taken courses at a college or university while in high school, you are considered
a first year applicant. Learn more about first year admission requirements.
Any student who has attended a post-secondary institution after high school (regardless
of their number of credits earned) or enrolled with WCU on a non-degree basis should apply as a transfer applicant. If you attended WCU as a degree student for
at least one semester but did not register for classes for three or more consecutive
semesters, apply as a readmit applicant. Learn more about transfer admission requirements.
Students who previously attended WCU as a degree candidate, but have not enrolled
in classes for three or more consecutive semesters, must apply for readmission. The
application for readmission is available here.
Non-degree is an academic term used to describe students who are “not formally accepted
into a degree-seeking program” at West Chester University. Registering as a non-degree
student permits high school students to gain experience, gives current college students
an opportunity to learn at another institution and allows community members a chance
to grow on a personal or professional level. More information on non-degree can be
found here.