Emergency Resources

Emergency Resources

Important Phone Numbers

Counseling Services: 610-436-2301 for behavior or mental health concerns during business hours (Monday - Friday 8am-4pm)

National Crisis Lifeline:

Public Safety: 610-436-3311 

Valley Creek Crisis Center for community help610-280-3270

Chester County's warm line If you are feeling lonely, depressed or anxious and just want to talk: 1-866-846-2722

Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741-741

BlackLine: 1-800-604-5841

TransLifeline.org: 1-877-565-8860

The Crime Victims' Center of Chester County, Inc. (CVC) 

610-692-7273 (sexual assault)

This hotline is used for those who have been a victim of a sexual crime or attempted sexual crime. This can include rape, sexual assault, inappropriate touching, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, incest, trafficking, child pornography, and more. Please call the hotline if you have been a victim of a sexual crime and need assistance, or if you have any questions regarding a sexual crime.

610-692-7420 (other crimes)

This hotline is used for those who have been a victim of any non-sexual crime. This may include domestic violence, physical abuse, arson, homicide survivors, robbery, theft, identity theft, assaults, DUI victims, harassment, stalking, labor trafficking, and all other non-sexual crimes. Please call this hotline if you have been a victim of a crime and need support from an advocate, or if you have any immediate questions about a crime that occurred. 

Physical address is:

135 W. Market Street
West Chester, PA 19382

Our general office number is:


All services provided to victims of crime and their families are completely free of charge and are confidential*, regardless of whether or not the client wishes to report a crime to law enforcement.  

*The Crime Victims' Center of Chester County, Inc. (CVC) treats communications with clients as confidential except in circumstances in which CVC receives information that a child has been or may be abused or that a client is planning to inflict self-harm or harm others.