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New Student Lookup Tool

Faculty and Staff can use this new Student Lookup Tool to quickly verify a student's RamNet ID or Banner ID.  Must be on the campus network or VPN at home.

RamNet ID vs Banner ID

The RamNet ID and BannerID could be different for students, staff, and faculty who began at WCU Fall 2024 and forward. The RamPortal person search will display both IDs. Both IDs are correct and can be used to search in RamPortal. This is not an error.

RamNet ID

Students Prior to Fall 2024 Newly Enrolled Students Fall 2024 and Later
Usage:  Campus login to all systems including RamPortal, D2L, email, etc. Usage:  Campus login to all systems including RamPortal, D2L, email, etc.
Importance: ID to use in RamPortal for looking up students without the W0 prefix. Importance: ID to use in RamPortal for looking up students without the W0 prefix.
Format: Seven-digits beginning with 0 or 1 Format: Seven-digits beginning with 0, 1, or 3
Example: 0689040 or 1689040 Example: Seven-digits beginning with 0, 1, or 3
Note: For students with records prior to Fall 2024, this is their historic WCU ID #. Note: For students admitted 2024 or later, RamNetID will not match BannerID.


Students Prior to Fall 2024 Newly Enrolled Students Fall 2024 and Later
Usage: Currently used primarily for reporting and administrative purposes. Usage: Currently used primarily for reporting and administrative purposes.
Format: One letter / eight-digit number beginning with W0 followed by the RamNet ID. Format: One letter / eight-digit number beginning with W02 followed by a unique ID only found within Banner.

Example: W01234567
This number is the SAME at the RamNet ID.

Example: W02045678
Note: This number is DIFFERENT than the RamNet ID.


Advising Notes

Overview of what notes are available and where.

Historical Notes (Any notes entered into myWCU up to 8/1/2024) 
  • The historical notes from myWCU are being moved to RamPortal Advising Notes. This move takes place from 8/1 – 8/16
  • Students can see these: Link will be available when historical notes have moved, approximately by 8/16
  • Faculty/Staff can see these:  Link will be available when historical notes have moved, approximately by 8/16 
Current Notes (Any notes entered 8/2/2024 onward) 

Why are the historical notes and future notes not in the same place? 

We decided not to use RamPortal advising notes for two primary reasons: 

Banner does not natively make advisor notes accessible for everyone to see. Meaning that it isn’t automatic that students would be able to see notes advisors entered, or other faculty would be able to see notes entered by a colleague. Therefore, WCU would need to develop and run a process to run a mass update on all notes entered to make them viewable by students and others. This has a higher risk of delays in making notes available and has a risk of errors.  

Banner advising notes are available on the student profile, but aren’t natively accessible from the student’s curriculum in the degree audit. This means that students and advisors would need to go to two different places to see curricular requirements and course selection recommendations. This felt burdensome to students and advisors.  

For these reasons we opted to make the degree audit notes the location of advising notes moving forward.  

So why didn’t historical notes get added to the degree audit? 

We heard from campus partners that retaining advising notes in an easily acceptable location was critical. We were committed to finding a path forward to retaining historical advising note information. While we knew the degree audit notes would be the best tool moving forward, the degree audit does accept any migrated/historical data. WCU learned that there was no way to move historical data from myWCU in the degree audit notes. Therefore if we wanted to have historical advising notes in our new system, we would need to put them someplace other than the degree audit. 

Are attachments I entered for myWCU Advising Notes being stored in RamPortal? 

We have heard that some of the documents attached to advisor notes in myWCU are important to retain. Unfortunately, there is not a mechanism to migrate attachments into RamPortal. Therefore, we are actively looking into where else we can store attachments for reference. This exploration is underway and we will aim to have an alternative location before we remove faculty/staff access to view advising notes in myWCU. 



Will data requests, access requests, and technical assistance process remain the same?

  • Training for RamPortal will be on going through out Fall 2024. Please review our Training Website (link to training) for more information 
  • AES and the Workstream leads will coordinate security needs for faculty and staff
  • All other requests will remain the same via the AES Service Portal

Can RamPortal support a "student view" that faculty and staff are able to see?

  • This is being reviewed to see if something is available that falls within the current FERPA guidelines

What data will be converted and how far back?

  • This will vary on the data elements, but will be provided to campus in a functional sheet as the conversions happen
  • Example: All academic history for all WCU students will be preserved; but application history will be limited.
  • Learn more by visiting our historical data website.

Will historical data be preserved? Will it be accessible?

  • Some historical data from myWCU will be preserved in external systems even if not part of the RamPortal conversions. 

How do I log into RamPortal?

  • The RamPortal url is https://ramportal.wcupa.edu
  • Login using your WCU credentials (user name and password).
  • For faculty and staff when off-campus: When accessing secure areas of RamPortal it is required to use an encrypted connection provided by a Virtual Private Network (VPN). The VPN ensures that your connection to the server is secure, and that sensitive data is protected. More info on How to Connect to WCU's VPN.

What isn't available in RamPortal?

What data from myWCU will not be available in RamPortal?

Data, Reporting & SAS

How will department and deans be able to monitor fall enrollment and admissions?

  • This data is now available in SAS using the same dashboards. 

What reports will be available to me?

  • At our initial go-live there will very limited reports available for users. If you need data please submit a Data Request Form.

MyWCU Questions

When will myWCU be 'shut down'?

  • This is still a fluid timeline with view only access a possibility. There is expectation to remove transactional access from myWCU as we go live with the Fall 2024 semester.
  • On 2/1 staff and faculty will lose access to completing the following functions in myWCU, as a result of the conversion of data to RamPortal:
    • Holds
    • Advisor Assignments
    • Updates to major/minor, etc.
    • Change of grade
    • Posting transfer credit
    • Applying for graduation after summer 24
    • Petition process (for terms prior to spring 24)
    • Updating academic standing
    • Conferring degrees
    • Academic Forgiveness processing
    • Residency updates
    • Student test scores
    • Student milestones

Other FAQs

Why are students not listed alphabetically by last name on class rosters and advisee lists?

  • The listing of students by either their IDs or First Names is standard Banner functionality. With the move to a cloud hosted environment, West Chester does not have the ability to edit this configuration. We are working on creating reports that will allow the sorting of students by last name, but this will not be possible for the advisee lists or class rosters accessed from the Faculty Center Card.  

Why is the login process two steps for ARGOS?

  • The two-step login process for reports within the Argos component is related to single sign-on and security. We recognize the extra steps that this requires of our end users and will be investigating enhancements this year.