Hybrid Class Student Engagement Selection on Faculty Class Roster

A minor edit has been made to the Class Roster located within Faculty Center; faculty teaching hybrid classes will see an additional column on their Class Roster titled Covid Hybrid Select. This column will only display information for students who have indicated their comfort engaging in-person for the class.

Class Roster

Navigation: Faculty Quick Links > Faculty Center

  • Access Class Roster by clicking on the Class Roster tab or icon next to the class information
    myWCU Screenshot
    myWCU Screenshot

Updated roster for hybrid classes

  • >The Covid Hybrid Select column is populated with the selection students make from the new Hybrid Class Selection pagelet on their myWCU homepage. Students select from a drop-down to indicate whether they will or will not engage in-person.  Please note: student may continue to alter their engagement selection.
    myWCU Screenshot

Content Manager: Registrar's Office