Critical Information - Please Read!
Does content currently exist in any of the course sections that you want to save?
WARNING: Content can be preserved in ONE section only! We do not recommend combining courses
if students have already submitted work within a course. All student work such as
quizzes, submissions, and discussion posts will be lost when the courses are combined.
Are you the assigned faculty?
You should only request the combination for sites in which you are the assigned faculty.
Additionally, faculty must notify D2L each subsequent semester they wish to have the
course combined. D2L Services will not automatically renew this request.
You should only consider combining a course if:
- You teach multiple sections of the same course
- A course is cross-listed and has two different course numbers
- You are co-teaching a course with another faculty member
Submit Your Request
Course Combines begin 4 weeks prior to each semester. Please note that we do not accept
course combine requests after the first week of the semester.
Please use the Course Combine Request Form to complete your course combine request. Combines are completed in the order they
are received.
The Organizational Request Form should be used to request an organization type site in D2L. Organization sites are
course shells created specifically for department, student organizations, student
assessments, faculty organization and/or special committee use.