Wireless Cellular Devices

Wireless Communication Devices (WCD)

Technology which requires a voice or data service plan from a Cellular Wireless Service Provider must have purchase approval by both a department supervisor and Information Services and Technology.

NOTE: Cellular data service will only be provided on cell phones or portable cellular hotspot devices. Cellular data WILL NOT be provided on iPads or tablets.

Role of IS&T

Converged Communications will be the central billing and issuing agent of any University-Owned WCD with carrier services. Converged Communications will bill back departments using the campus charge-back procedures for all equipment and recurring monthly service and usage costs. 

Responsibility of Department / Assignee

  • Log in to ServiceNow to purchase a cell phone or tablet.
  • Departments will be responsible for monitoring the use of and paying for any carrier service charges for any University-Owned WCD assigned to their department or department employees.
  • All app purchases on personally assigned University-Owned WCD will be the financial responsibility of the assignee and are not supported by Converged Communications.
  • All device backups such as pictures, apps, and music are the responsibility of assignee and are not supported by Converged Communications.
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