Welcome to the orchestras of West Chester University! We constantly offer new kinds of performances and events, and invite you to experience them with us. If you are a student, come be a part of this dynamic venture!

The orchestras are made up of undergraduate and graduate students. We offer lively artistic performances from the full range of repertoire, past and present. Our concert presentations are vivid, both in sound and sight. We engage audiences on serious matters like poverty and war, and also provide light diversions, such as the Concerts on the Quad. Students receive professional musical instruction, along with practical career training through engaging rehearsals, concerts, festivals, masterclasses, and competitions. Our consistent flow of guest international artists, such as David Kim (Concertmaster of the Philadelphia Orchestra), Ricardo Morales (Principal Clarinet of the Philadelphia Orchestra), and Amy Oshiro (violinist with the Philadelphia Orchestra) join in this exciting endeavor.

To further experience us, feel free to visit www.wcuso.org for upcoming concerts and events. Be a part of something new!


Graduate Studies in Orchestral Conducting

This is a two-year Master’s Degree program offered to especially gifted musicians. These select students receive regular podium time with both orchestras, and also participate in the ensemble growth initiatives, both artistically and administratively. Musicians will graduate having delved deeply into music-making and career development. Students range from aspiring professional conductors to current conductors in education.

Orchestra Festival - February 29, 2020

The first of the West Chester University Symphony Orchestra’s annual Orchestra Festivals will take place on February 29, 2020. This year’s festival is for high school string players (grades 9-12). Our stellar string faculty will be joined by our guest international violinist, Elena Urioste (www.elenaurioste.com/bio).