Tours of Swope Music Building:
Interested in getting a chance to see the Swope Music Building? Join us for a tour
of our facilities. You’ll get the chance to look at classrooms, performances spaces,
practice spaces as well as our own Presser Music Library.
Register Here!
Senior Academic Shadow Days
These shadow days are a great way to get to see what it would be like to be a real
student at the Wells School of Music! During this program students will have the opportunity
to sit in on two different music classes, participate in a studio hour with their
primary instrument faculty/current students, and get to eat lunch with the WSOM Student
These dates are for students in their senior year who have been admitted or students
looking to transfer*
Sophomore/Junior Shadow Days are Below
Spring 2025 registration is now open!
Sophomore/Junior Shadow Days
This program is designed for prospective student just starting the college search
process in their Sophomore or Junior year! During this program, students will have
the opportunity to sit in on a WSOM Ensemble rehearsal, tour the school of music facilities,
and hear about our audition & application process.
Spring 2025 registration is now open!
RamBand Ready Shadow Days
Wanting to learn more and experience our Incomparable Golden Rams Marching Band in
person?! This is the opportunity for you! Get the chance to meet with our Marching
Band leadership, learn about the audition process and even get to sit-in and participate
in the rehearsal that day!
Fall 2025 Registration will open in late August!
Step One:
Apply to the University. First Year and Transfer Students should apply using The Common Application.
Step Two
After your university application has been submitted, you will be able to register
for an Audition Day in your Admissions Portal. Attending an Audition Day is required
for admission to the Wells School of Music. Our Audition Days will be held in person this year. If you are not able to attend
an in person day please reach out to us at for other arrangements.
2024-2025 Audition Days
- Tuesday, December 3rd
- Saturday, January 25th
- Tuesday, February 4th
- Saturday, February 8th
- Tuesday, February 18th
*Please note there are instrumental and degree requirements for auditions*
Step Three:
Notification of Acceptance: Students are required to earn a minimum audition score
for acceptance into their chosen major program within the Wells School of Music. We
will notify you of your audition results by email. You will only hear if you have
been admitted to West Chester University if your application and audition is complete.
Final admissions decision will be sent by the Office of Admissions.