Let Your Voice be Heard!
First-Year Students and Seniors... WCU wants your feedback!
Look for an email from Jeffery Osgood with a link to complete the NSSE survey
The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) assesses the link between student engagement and a high quality undergraduate experience. Because it is a national survey, it provides comparison information of WCU with many other institutions.

- Beats Headphones (3)
- Complete the survey before March 18, 2016, your name will be entered into a drawing for a pair of Beats headphones worth $300.
For First-Year Students…

- Additionally, 20 randomly selected first-year students will receive gift cards worth $20 each (Ram Bucks or Starbucks).
For Seniors…

- Seniors will be entered into a drawing for ten cap-and-gown fee waivers (or its equivalent in a gift card).

For Additonal Information check out the Teaching and Learning Center site.
For information on the survey or previous years' results contact:
- Office of Institutional Research
- 809 Roslyn Avenue
- West Chester, PA 19383
- 610-436-2835