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Dr. Sharon Began's Publications
Representative Publications
- Bartholomew-Began, S. E. 2009. Juvenile gametophyte development in the Blasiales.
3. Sporeling ontogeny of Cavicularia densa. The Bryologist 112(2): 354-358.
- Crandall-Stotler, B. J. & S. E. Bartholomew-Began. 2007. Morphology of mosses (Phylum
Bryophyta). In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee (eds.), Flora of North
America North of Mexico. Vol. 27. pp. 3-13. New York & Oxford.
- Jones, N. L. & S. E. Bartholomew-Began. 2007. Juvenile gametophyte development in
the Blasiales (Marchantiophyta; Metzgeriidae). 2. Gemma/gemmaling ontogeny in Cavicularia
densa. The Bryologist 110(3): 453-464.
- Bartholomew-Began, S. E. & N. L. Jones. 2005. Juvenile gametophyte development in
the Blasiales (Marchantiophyta; Metzgeriidae). 1. Receptacular gemma/gemmaling ontogeny
of Blasia pusilla. The Bryologist 108(4): 497-505.
- Bartholomew-Began, S. E. 2002. Riellaceae treatise. Bryophyte Flora of North America
North of Mexico. Missouri Botanical Gardens electronic publication. (
- Bartholomew-Began, S. E. 2001. Haplomitriaceae treatise. Bryophyte Flora of North
America North of Mexico. Missouri Botanical Gardens electronic publication. (
- Bartholomew-Began, S. E. & N. L. Jones. 2000. Protonemal and sporeling ontogeny of
Leucobryum glaucum Hedw. Angstr. J. Hattori Botanical Lab. 88: 179-190.
- Bartholomew-Began, S. E. 1999. Additions to the bryoflora of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary,
Berks County, Pennsylvania. J. PA Academy of Science 73(1): 3-9.
- Bartholomew-Began, S. E. 1997. Review of "Phyllotaxis. A Systematic Study in Plant
Morphogenesis" by Roger V. Jean. 1994. xiv + 386 pp. Cambridge Univ. Press, NY. The
Bryologist 100(3): 417-418.
- Bartholomew-Began, S. E. 1996. The sporeling ontogeny of Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda
and P. neesiana (Gott.) Limpr. with special reference to the protonema. J. Hattori
Botanical Lab. 79: 115-128.
- Bartholomew-Began, S. E. & B. J. Crandall-Stotler. 1994. The sporeling ontogeny of
Monoclea gottschei subsp. elongata. The Bryologist 97(3): 244-252.
- Bartholomew-Began, S. E. 1993. The bryoflora of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Berks County,
Pennsylvania. J. PA Academy of Science 67(2): 55-58.
- Bartholomew-Began, S. E. 1991. A morphogenetic re-evaluation of Haplomitrium Nees
(Hepatophyta). 297 pp. + 508 fig. & 11 tab. J. Cramer, Stuttgart. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca,
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