Good News! The Modern Physics Study Abroad Program for Summer 2023 has been approved and we are moving ahead with plans!
Learn Physics and Explore London all at once!
"Modern physics" is the term usually used to refer to 20th. c. physics which includes an introductory study of quantum mechanics, atomic physics, relativity and nuclear physics. Many of the major advances in physics during the 20th c. happened in Europe and were greatly influenced by the social and political events of the times. For example, we would most definitely not have made such rapid advances in our ability to harness atomic energy if it were not for the "arms race" during the 2nd World War and our need to build the bomb before Germany. And the improvements in travel allowed for meetings of minds between the eminent scientists such as occurred at the Fifth Solvay Conference in Brussels Belgium in 1927. Seventeen of the 29 participants in this meeting went on to win the Nobel Prize. These meetings greatly enhanced the rate at which science was done during this tumultuous century.
This course is typically the first class beyond the introductory physics courses taken by physics majors and minors. Passing grades in PHY130/140 or PHY170/180 are a pre-requisite for participation in this course and program.
For this program, we will spend the first 2 weeks of the 5-week summer session at West Chester University completing the first 1/2+ of the course material and content. Then we will travel to London for the remaining 3 weeks of our course.
Sites & Sights
We will visit a number of sights as a group. The admission costs of these trips will be included in the overall costs, so you will need no additional money for these excursions (other than money for any souvenirs and/or food and drink at the locations.)
Below is a list of some London sights we will see and links to related websites:
- Tower of London Palace, Prison, Castle, the heart of ancient London.
- London Eye The Big Ferris Wheel on the River Thames
- Westminster Abbey Site of Coronations since 1066, and resting place of many Nobel Prize winners and other well known physicists! (Newton, Faraday, Dirac, Thomson, etc.)
- Hampton Court Palace Henry VIII's Palace outside central London.
- Stonehenge & Bath, England A stone henge... and the city of Bath with entrance to the Roman Baths
- Science Museum Lots of great exhibitions on science (James Watt & "power", plastics, etc.)
- British Museum Artifacts from the history of the British Empire
- Greenwich Observatory & Prime Meridian. 0 degrees Longitude and an excellent exhibit on time and clocks.
Get More Information
Add your name to our list if you are interested. There is no commitment necessary at this time, and I will keep you posted on any updates.”
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