Mission Statement

The Department of Educational Development Services strives to enhance the mission of West Chester University by further strengthening comprehensive learning of students, enhance retention and promote student success by providing intentional academic advising and support services for students.

We foster the potential of each student by encouraging responsibility, empowerment and self-advocacy and to collaborate with other academic departments to provide support for all students at West Chester University.

As an academic support program, the focus of our department include, but not limited to:

  • Advisement of students in Exploratory Studies and Academic Development programs.
  • Provision of individual and group tutoring services.
  • Fostering the academic and individual development of university students.
  • Provision of academic support services to students with disabilities.
  • Provision of classroom and individual Supplemental Instruction toward development of academic success skills.
  • Provision of instruction in courses related to services provided in the department as approved by the university's Curriculum and Academic Policies Council (CAPC).
  • Promotion of a supportive environment which fosters academic success and student retention.
  • The Department functions as an evaluation vehicle for tenure and promotion of its faculty, as exhibited through performance of professional responsibilities in various service areas.

Chairperson: Dr. John Kinslow

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