Peer Tutoring

LARC Tutoring Hours


*The LARC will be closed for Spring Break March 8th-16th

Fall & Spring 2024-2025 LARC Information & Hours

The LARC will offer in-person and virtual tutoring sessions in Fall/Spring 2023. Professional Staff will be available both virtually and in-person to answer your questions in Fall/Spring 2023.

  • Tutoring Hours:
    • 8am-7pm (Monday-Thursday)*
    • 8am-4pm (Friday)*
    • 2pm-7pm (Sunday)*
  • Professional Staff Hours: 
    • 8am-4:30pm (Monday-Friday)

*Tutoring hours vary based on subject. 

**The LARC is closed for Spring Break March 8th-16th

Check your Department/Course Tutoring Hours


Tutoring support is available for introductory anthropology courses (ANT 101, ANT 102, ANT 103) through members of Lambda Alpha Nu Honor Society and the Anthropology Club. Sessions are arranged individually.

Applied Statistics:

Graduate students provide tutoring for all undergraduate and graduate statistics courses, available in person and via Zoom. Undergraduate students may only receive tutoring in person.


Tutoring is available for the following chemistry courses:
CHE 100, CHE 102, CHE 103, CHE 104, CHE 107, CHE 230, CHE 231, CHE 232, CHE 321, CHE 341, CHE 342, CHE 371, CHE 476, CHE 409.

Location: 4th floor of SCS (Chemistry Department)
Format: First-come, first-serve; typically 1-on-1 or small group tutoring if a group arrives together.

Computer Science:

Drop-in tutoring for CSC 141, 142, 240, and 241 is available in UNA 139. The schedule is posted on the department homepage or accessible via Discord.

Criminal Justice:

Peer tutoring is available for CRJ 300 and CRJ 387. Interested students should contact their course instructors, Prof. Morano (CRJ 300) or Dr. Antonio (CRJ 387), for a referral.

Economics & Finance:

Tutoring is available for economics and finance courses:

  • Zach tutors ECO 251 and ECO 351.
  • Marcus tutors ECO 111, 112, 251, 351, and FIN 325.
  • Other tutors provide support for ECO 111 and 112 only.

Dr. Tom Andrews has a separate team of tutors for ECO 112, holding sessions in BPMC 489.

Geographic Info Systems:

Tutoring is available for GEO 104. Hours and contact information are provided by instructors on D2L.


Tutoring is available for NSG 367 and NSG 310.


  • Philosophy Tutoring for Undergraduate & Graduate Students
  • Studying for tests & quizzes
  • Help with papers
  • Help with research
  • General comprehension

McGarrigle (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) - 12:00 PM-5:00 PM
Jacob Tease (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) - 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Tutoring information is shared weekly via email through the Society of Physics Students (SPS) Ramconnect group and posted outside the Physics Forum (SECC 372).

For more information, contact SPS officers:


Students will be referred to their course instructors and directed to course support peers as needed.

Social Work:

A GA Writing Tutor is available for BSW students, with consultation hours accessible at any time. Dr. Greg Tully is the primary contact for the writing GA tutor.

LARC Location

The LARC is located at 224 Lawrence Center (second floor of Lawrence Hall).

  • All in-person sessions will take place at 224 Lawrence Center, except Music Theory and Music History, which take place in Swope.
  • To locate your tutor, see the dotboard at our back entrance (across from the Career Center). It will tell you which cubicle your tutor is located in. If it is past your start time or you have any trouble, visit the front desk at our front door (across from the ASP office and OEA).

Summer 2025 Tutoring Plan

Summer 2025 Tutoring Plan 

The LARC will offer virtual tutoring for SUMMER 2025. All virtual sessions will take place via Zoom. Students can make their own, ask their tutor, or contact the for weekly, recurring sessions. Students will sign-up for as-needed appointments here:

  1. Students must create an account using their WCU email on WC Online. If students already have an account, then they only need to sign-in. There is an option to remember the password and keep yourself signed in. If you need help resetting your password, email 
  2. Students will select a "Schedule"  tab and pick the course schedule.
  3. You must also select a "focus," which means the course.
  4. You can only sign-up for individual appointments. If you'd like a weekly, recurring session, please schedule each yourself, ask your tutor or email
  5. Tutoring appointments are 50-minutes long (per 1-hour slot).
  6. You will be emailed a confirmation email after you sign-up. All tutor zoom links are in their profile on WC Online for virtual appointments or you can access tutor zoom links here.
  7. Email the with questions.


Spring 2025 Tutoring Plan

Spring 2025 Tutoring Plan

The LARC will offer both virtual and in-person tutoring for SPRING 2025. All in-person tutoring (except for Music, which is in Swope) will take place in 224 Lawrence. All virtual sessions will take place via zoom. Students can contact or visit the LARC staff for weekly, recurring sessions. Students will sign-up for as-needed appointments here:

  1. Students must create an account using their WCU email on WC Online. If students already have an account, then they only need to sign-in. There is an option to remember the password and keep yourself signed in. If you need help resetting your password, email
  2. Registration for weekly, recurring tutoring sessions will take place (date will be updated), (date will be updated) (all schedules will open for individual appointments on (date will be updated) at 3pm). Tutor registration will be virtual or visit us in-person at the LARC. Registration instructions will be released in August 2025 through Navigate.
  3. After (date will be updated), students will select a tab for the subject they want. They are divided by content area (Biology, Chemistry, Math, Humanities/Social Sciences, Music, and Business+) and one schedule for virtual options. You must also select a "focus," which means the course.
  4. You can only sign-up for individual appointments. If you'd like a weekly, recurring session, please visit the LARC staff in person at the LARC or online here.
  5. Tutoring appointments are 50-minutes long (per 1-hour slot).
  6. You will be emailed a confirmation email after you sign-up. All tutor zoom links are in their profile on WC Online for virtual appointments or here.

Items to Know

  • If you can no longer attend your session, you must do so with at least 3-hour notice by canceling on WConline. If you do not, it will be counted as a "no show."
  • A total of three "no shows" will lock you out of the system, and you will need to contact if you'd like to sign-up for future tutoring sessions. If a student misses three sessions of the SAME COURSE (e.g. three BIO 110 sessions), the rest of the schedule will be cancelled and a students account will remain locked.
  • UPDATED SPRING 2023: We at the LARC try to provide flexibility to students by allowing cancellations up to 3 hours in advance. We prefer that students stay home if they are feeling ill. If an emergency arises (e.g. illness that required a doctor's visit, car accident, funeral, etc.), please reach out to LARC staff and discuss having the appointment cancelled after the fact. HOWEVER, same day cancellations should be rare and reserved for illness or other emergency.
  • If a student cancels same day 3 times, the account will be locked and LARC staff will reach out to see if the student still wants tutoring for that course. If a student cancels same day 4 times, they will lose the weekly tutoring appointment but can still make individual appointments when needed.
  • After your session, you may be asked to complete an optional assessment survey. We ask that you complete this to tell us about your session so that we can continue to improve our services.
  • Any questions or concerns should be directed to Gabrielle Stanley at

Supplemental Instruction (SI) Tutoring

The Supplemental Instruction (SI) model of student academic assistance helps students in historically difficult classes master course content while they develop and integrate learning and study strategies. The LARC currently employs over 40 SI Leaders who sit in the high-risk Biology and Chemistry courses. The success of the SI program suggests SI has a positive impact on student retention. By continuing and expanding the current SI program, we hope to maintain improvement of the academic achievement of students at risk of poor performance (D, F, or W) in the high-risk courses.

The SI model, developed at the University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) in 1973, is a method to help students succeed in college. The SI Leader facilitates discussion for students to discover gaps in their knowledge and better strategies for learning. The SI Leaders are thus crucial to the success of the program, as they demonstrate proficiency in the subject and model effective reading, writing, and thinking skills necessary for content mastery. SI is a program offered at the LARC for students to voluntarily seek assistance in 100- and 200-level courses in the Biology and Chemistry and SI has three primary objectives: to increase retention, to improve student grades, and to increase graduation rates.

Courses currently offered under SI

  • Biology: 100, 110, 111, 204, 210, 211, 214, 217, 259, 269, & 270
  • Chemistry: 102, 103, 104, 107, 230, 231, & 232

What is an SI Leader?

Our highly qualified and trained student leaders have previously earned an A or A- in the course they are assigned to tutor, have above a 3.0 CGPA, and received two faculty recommendation letters. Also, SI Leaders attend class with the students to serve as a model student in all capacities. SI is a completely free service to students, and it is expected students attend their assigned weekly session in addition to attending class.

Duties of a SI Leader:

  • Attend Supplemental Instruction Leader Orientation prior to the beginning of the semester.
  • Attend all class meetings of selected course.
  • Act as model student, by taking good notes, reading all assigned materials, and being on time to class and study sessions.
  • Schedule and conduct tutoring sessions weekly.
  • Prepare materials for each session when necessary.
  • Make in-class announcements concerning SI sessions.
  • Maintain contact with course professor while maintaining confidentiality of the students.
  • Schedule exam review sessions as necessary.

Academic Success Program Tutoring (formerly ADP)

The Academic Success Program (formerly Academic Development Program), is a special admissions program for students who do not meet current admissions criteria but who still show the potential to succeed in college. Aside from the individualized mentoring and advising, students in ADP are required to attend mandatory tutoring for the classes provided to them through the program. Those classes include:

  • Public Speaking: SPK 208/230
  • Writing: WRT120/123WRT123
  • Math: MATQ20/Q30/113/121

In tutoring sessions, students are required to come with materials and questions regarding content. Tutors will have students work in pairs or independently on material during their sessions, and tutors will also help students with their study skills. Our ASP tutors act as model students and tutors to help implement time management skills and to help students gain academic confidence throughout their first two semesters.

Here are a few anonymous testimonials from ASP students on the Tutor Evaluation given at the end of each semester:

  • "Rachel is very respectful and knowledgeable. She has helped me so much in public speaking and I would have been lost with many speeches without her. She makes sessions fun and enjoyable also." – Anonymous
  • "My tutor was a great tutor. She always helped me during my session or even when we didn't have sessions. I have learned so much from her. She’s a great person to get along with and a great tutor." – Anonymous
  • "He always has things for us to work on; we are never wasting time in tutoring." – Anonymous

Academic Success Program Tutoring Attendance Policy

ASP-Affiliated Student Attendance Policy (Fall and Spring semesters)

In the Academic Success Program, you sign a student contract to attend your weekly tutoring sessions at the LARC. Weekly tutoring is a requirement alongside your coursework and comprises ten percent (10%) of your course grade. We’re glad to work with you consistently because we know weekly support improves your academic performance. If you are not utilizing and/or maximizing your tutoring opportunity, you will consequently be dropped from the tutoring program and your course grade will be negatively affected.

Weekly attendance to your sessions is required; your tutoring time is permanent for the semester.

After the first absence, you are required to meet with the Associate Director of the LARC. You will also be required to schedule a makeup session with your tutor. You may be permanently dropped from tutoring with the LARC in the ASP program after two (2) unexcused absences, whether or not they are consecutive.

Prior to your absence, you should email your tutor and Associate Director of the LARC. In case of emergency, contact your tutor and Associate Director of the LARC as soon as possible via email. If you don’t communicate your prior commitment and absence to your tutor and the Associate Director, it will be considered an unexcused absence, even if you can provide documentation. Only documented emergencies excuse an absence with no prior notice.

The following absences may be considered excused with appropriate documentation:

  • Illness or injury: provide a doctor’s note, ER certificate, or Student Health Center letter
  • School-sanctioned activity: provide verification note from coach, professor, or advisor
  • Court-mandated appointment: provide a copy of court documents bearing your name
  • Funeral: documentation may be required; schedule an in-person meeting with Assistant Director of the LARC
  • Wedding: provide program or invitation bearing your name

Note: Work obligations will not be considered excused absences. Please arrange your work obligations accordingly. According to the Student Contract you sign at the beginning of your tutoring, not being present, not being prepared, or not participating in the session can also result in an absence.

Frequently Asked Questions – ASP tutoring

Can I schedule a/an ___________________ appointment during my tutorial time?

Routine medical, advisory, financial aid, or other appointments should be made outside of your scheduled tutoring sessions. In cases of immediate need, a documented medical appointment may be excused by contacting Assistant Director of the LARC. Visits with advisors or to other campus offices will not be excused.

I don’t need help this week, do I need to attend?

Yes, you need to attend your tutoring session. In the Academic Success Program (ASP), your attendance to every session is mandatory and a component of your grade. You are required to attend tutoring even after completion of major assignments and tests or exams. There’s always a benefit to attending tutoring! Ask, “How can I challenge myself?” Set long-term goals, reinforce concepts, or review your syllabus with your tutor. As an ADP student, your tutoring is required throughout the semester.

I had a prior commitment and didn’t notify my tutor; is that excused?

If you don’t communicate your prior commitment and absence to your tutor and Assistant Director of the LARC, it will be considered an unexcused absence, even if you can provide documentation. Only documented emergencies excuse an absence with no prior notice.

I’d like to petition for my attendance status to be changed.

Please contact Associate Director of the LARC, with your request for a re-engagement meeting. Please share your tutor’s name, tutoring day and time, and the attendance date(s) in question via email with the subject line: “Request for Tutoring Re-Engagement.”

GPA Calculator

NEW Virtual Tutoring Company TUTOR.COM!! 

Did you know that WCU offers FREE Online Tutoring through ( Tutors are trained to provide high quality learning assistance to you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

  • To access, log onto D2L with your WCU email and password. Click on your course and is under "Resources." 

WCOnline Tutorial

 To book an appointment, follow the link below and select the schedule you'd like to see. You will be able to select a meeting time that works for you!

How to register for WCOnline


GRE TestPreparationGuide

Created by one of our previous Peer Tutor Coordinators, Matthew Graves ('21)

Want to become a tutor?