
Tutor.com Logo

Did you know that WCU offers FREE Online Tutoring through Tutor.com? Tutors are trained to provide high quality learning assistance to you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! When a time or tutor is not available at the LARC, use Tutor.com! Tutor.com provides free virtual 24/7, expert, individualized academic support to WCU students. You can access Tutor.com in any course D2L page under the "Resouces" tab.

Basic Math
Gen. Chemistry
Intro. Finance
Intro. to Human A&P
Liberal Arts Math
Organic Chemistry

Tutor.com "strives to assist students in developing successful learning and problem-solving strategies that will help them succeed in the classroom." The addition of Tutor.com to the services currently offered by the LARC will allow students the opportunity to access free online tutoring 24/7 in the comfort and convenience of any space where internet access is available.

If you would like further information about Tutor.com or to schedule an in-class presentation/ demonstration please contact us.

Tutor.com is ideal for…

  • students who have not been able to take advantage of the LARC’s "in-person" tutoring because of commuting and/or scheduling conflicts
  • athletes
  • commuter students
  • non-traditional students
  • working students

Tutor.com provides students the flexibility and freedom to use tutoring services at their own pace, in their own timeframe, and in a variety of locations.

If you have any questions regarding Tutor.com, please email the LARC@wcupa.edu.

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