Prospective Members

Which Council to Join

The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) and Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)

While each organization has different requirements and process, most NPHC & MGC groups encourage men and women to observe current members and educate themselves on the history and philosophies of each group. There will be many activities throughout the year sponsored by the organizations. Once a man or woman identifies the group he or she would like to belong to, he or she should attend a social or interest meeting sponsored by the organization. Note that most NPHC & MGC organizations require a standing college GPA and some require sophomore standing in order to apply for the intake process.

Important information and tips to keep in mind:

  • Attend an interest session of organization you are interested in joining
  • Each organization ranges in membership dues from $300.00 - $1,000.00
  • Meet the requirements of the National Organization you are seeking to join

For more information, visit the NPHC's or MGC's Ram Connect page and/or contact Elisa Oliver, the FSL Staff Advisor for NPHC and MGC.

The Interfraternity Council (IFC)

At the beginning of each semester, there are a number of informational and social events that take place where all chapters participate in to provide interested men the opportunity to meet active members from several fraternities. Chapters will also host several individual events during this time for potential members to attend and learn more about a particular fraternity in a more personalized setting. No registration fee is required, and it is up to the student to decide which events to attend.

Thinking about joining an IFC fraternity? Register for IFC's Fall 2023 Recruitment using this link.

IFC's Recruitment will begin with the IFC Kickoff event where students can meet members from each organization

Important information and tips to keep in mind:

  • Register for IFC Recruitment
  • Attend individual chapter info sessions to learn more about individual groups
  • Follow organizations on social media to learn more about their events and programs
  • Each organization ranges in membership dues from $250.00 - $500.00
  • IFC Recruitment Contact:
Reilly Helmer


For more information, visit IFC's RamConnect page and follow IFC on Instagram @ifcwcu 

The Panhellenic Council (PHC)

Some Panhellenic organizations, who have open spots, will participate in an informal recruitment in the fall semester. Given the Deferred Recruitment decision, only upperclassmen with 12 or more WCU credits and a 2.5 GPA, OR transfer students with 12 transfer credits are eligible to join in the fall semester. Informal recruitment is chapter-based, but PHC will advertise these informal recruitment events on their social media pages. Traditional first-year students will need to wait for the spring semester to go through the recruitment process.

Important information and tips to keep in mind:

  • Register for recruitment, including payment of the registration fee
  • Attend required programming for interested new members, hosted by the PHC
  • Formal Recruitment will take place the weekend before classes begin in the spring semester. PNMs must attend all events.
  • Each organization ranges in membership dues from $250.00 - $500.00
  • PHC Recruitment Contact:
Bethany Claxton

For more information, visit the PHC RamConnect page and follow PHC on Instagram @wcu_panhellenic

Questions regarding membership in an NPHC or MGC fraternity or sorority can be directed to

Elisa Oliver

and questions regarding membership in a PHC sorority or IFC fraternity can be directed to

Stephen Hopson