Language Tutors

Tutors at the LARC Center:

  • The LARC Center offers tutoring in Spanish, German, Italian, and French. These sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis during the first weeks of the semester. Check the tutor information and contact them here.

Language tutors for 101, 102, 201 and 202 courses in the Department of Languages and Cultures:

Tutors are available in the Mitchell Hall computer lab in the basement, unless stated otherwise.

Spring 2024 Tutors

Language Tutor Hours
Elissa Odeh


ASL Luna Block


ASL Brianna Breschard

By apt only

during these times on Zoom:

R 1pm-8pm

F 8am-9pm

Chinese James Park By apt.
French Zoe Spritzer

MW 11-12:30

T 12:11:15

French Fatoumata Toure

M 1-2

W 4-5

F 1-3

German Blake Gault


Italian Alessandra Cedrasch

M 11-12:45

T 9:30-10:45

W 11-1

Italian Faith Paulson M 10:55-1:55
Japanese Sarah Hauser

M/F 11:30-12:30

W 11-1

Japanese Christina Haagen W - by apt.
Russian Emily Karreman by apt.
Russian Aleksandra Ivanskaia

MW 3-5

Spanish Edith Bradley

M 1:30-3:00

And by apt.

Spanish Christina Haagen

W - by apt.

Spanish Sarah Hauser

M/F 11:30-12:30

W 11-1