Lencioni, P. (2005).Overcoming The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. San Francisco, CA. Jossey-Bass.
Collaborative Analysis Content:
Did you describe relevant team effectiveness processes from the first three Collaborative
Did you include examples of team communication processes from your team?WTWdata?
Did you incorporate teamnormsandroles? Explain how they changed from week one-to week fifteen!
Did you address dysfunction # 4 & 5 Accountability & Results?
Explain without defining your teams accountability policy. Provide detail as to how
the policy has changed throughout the semester!
Results-oriented teams establish their own measurements for success. Discuss how your
team measured collaborative success. This is apart from PG feedback.
Team Evolution:
Have you thoroughly applied Tuckman’s stages to your team for the entire semester?
Did you list examples of developmental stages from team experiences semester for the
entire semester?
Have you clearly presented, illustrated, and explainedwho-to-whomdata for the entire semester?
Did you include a complete table of problems and solutions?
Problems Encountered / Barriers to Effectiveness & Solutions:
Most significant challenges
Most helpful solutions
Lessons learned
Did you integrate Collaborative Analyses I, II & III?