Can I apply electronically?

Yes, you may apply using our online application.

Can I transfer courses from another graduate institution?

Credits earned through previous graduate study at another college or university may transfer credit under certain circumstances. Application forms for transfer of credit may be obtained on The Graduate School website. The following conditions are the minimum requirements for acceptance of transfer credit:

  1. The credits must have been earned at an accredited graduate school.
  2. The courses taken must be approved by the department or program in which the applicant intends to enroll at West Chester and by the Dean of The Graduate School.
  3. The maximum number of credits number of transfer credits that may be applied to a student's degree/program shall not exceed 30 percent of the total required.
  4. The grade earned for courses to be transferred must be B or better.
  5. An official transcript and a course catalog description or syllabus must be submitted. Transcripts must be sent directly to The Graduate School by the institution that granted the credits, and they must clearly indicate that the courses to be transferred are graduate courses for which graduate credit was given.
  6. Current WCU students who wish to take course work at other institutions for credit at West Chester University must obtain approval from their chairperson or graduate coordinator and the Dean of The Graduate School prior to enrollment.

Is it possible to work full-time and complete the MPH program?

Yes, students can enter the program with part time or full time status. Students who maintain part time status are registered for 3-6 credits per semester. Students who maintain full time status are registered for 9 -12 credits per semester. Most students working full time prefer to complete the MPH program on a part time basis.

How much does the MPH program cost?

West Chester University offers flat tuition billing for full-time students (9+ credits per semester) and our tuition is competitive as compared to annual tuition of the regional universities. The current tuition and fees can be found at the WCU Bursar's Office.

Is financial aid available?

The purpose of financial aid at West Chester University is to provide financial assistance and counseling to students who can benefit from further education, but who cannot obtain it without such assistance. Financial assistance consists of gift aid in the form of scholarships or grants and self-help aid in the form of employment or loans. The main responsibility for meeting educational expenses rests with students. Financial aid is a supplement to family contributions and is to be used for educational expenses. Eligibility for financial aid, with the exception of some assistantships and scholarships, is based on demonstrated financial need. Please direct questions concerning financial aid to the Office of Financial Aid. For more information on Graduate Assistantships and Scholarships, please visit our program’s page on Financial Support & Assistantships.

What are the residency requirements for an International Student?

International students seeking admission to a master's degree program must complete an admission application via the online Graduate Admissions Application. For up-to-date information on the requirements, please visit the Global Engagement Office website.

Can I take courses before being admitted into the MPH program?

A non-degree student may be admitted to take a workshop or other credit-bearing class. Non-degree students may schedule up to nine credits of course work on a non-matriculated basis. Students taking courses under this policy are expected to meet the minimum GPA required for graduate work and may need to seek permission prior to enrolling. Taking courses on a non-degree basis does not guarantee admission and credits earned may not necessarily be applied to a degree program at a later date. Additional course work may be taken only after the student has applied and been accepted as a matriculated student into the MPH Program. Students taking only special courses, such as workshops, are the exception to this rule. Courses taken under non-degree status may not necessarily be applied to degree programs at a later date. Students should begin the formal application process immediately after they have decided to pursue a graduate degree at West Chester University.

What is the time limitation for MPH program completion?

All requirements for the master's degree including course work and the Applied Learning Experience I and II must be completed within six years of admission into the MPH Program. It is important to note that MPH Track advising sheets offer two course rotations to complete the degree within two or three years. Students do have the option of taking one course a semester but this may take up to six years for program completion.

What if I have more questions about the WCU MPH program?

If you have any additional questions about the MPH program, please contact Dr. Stacie Metz, MPH Program Director and Graduate Coordinator.

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