Graduate Certificates
Student Professional Development Resources
Student & Alumni Accomplishments and Networking Opportunities
- Join our community on social media
- Peruse our WCU MPH Connections Newsletter
- Network with MPH Alumni
- Mentorship with MPH Alumni at Ram Nation: Consider joining the Public Health Alumni & Student Group on the Ram Nation Mentor Network to connect with public health alumni who are working in jobs or agencies you may aspire to. The Ram Nation online community is sponsored by the Office of Alumni Engagement and the Twardowski Career Development Center.
- WCU Public Health Alumni Chapter: WCU MPH alum and current students are invited to join the newly created Public Health Alumni Chapter! Find out more on their chapter webpage. The chapter is excited to be heading into an anniversary year with their new charter and hoping you will join them for their networking events and to provide mentorship to our current undergraduate and graduate public health students.
Graduate Assistantships (Department of Public Health Sciences and Campus-Wide)
A graduate assistantship (GA) is an opportunity to gain professional experience in research and/or service on campus while earning a tuition waiver and stipend. MPH students are encouraged to apply to GA opportunities both in our Department of Public Health Sciences and across the campus. To be eligible for a GA position, students must be fully matriculated into the MPH program and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. The application process is different for positions within the Department of Public Health Sciences and across the campus; hence, please see below for more information.
Department of Public Health Sciences GA Positions
All matriculated MPH students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 are invited to complete an electronic application to be considered for an internal Department of Public Health Sciences graduate assistant (DPHS GA) position. You may apply at any time but please note that at our university, you can only be offered a formal GA contract if you are fully matriculated into the program inclusive of paid deposit and secured international student visa.
Review Cycle: The call for DPHS GA applications begins in February for academic year (fall and spring semesters) and fall semester-only positions, and in October for spring-only positions. The call for applications will be in MPH Student Announcement emails. Individual DPHS faculty members with open GA positions review all applicant materials and put forward a ranking of their top candidates. Students who are selected will receive an award letter from the Graduate School. Applications of students not selected will continue to be considered for all future DPHS GA position openings during their academic career, unless noted otherwise.
Application Content: Students are asked to complete and submit the electronic internal DPHS GA application in REDCap. The application will ask for the following information: (1) basic student information, (2) program status and position format preferences (in-person, remote, or combination), (3) experience with specific professional skills, (4) open-ended short answer questions, and (5) resume/CV upload. You may apply at any time.
Position Availability and Hours: Most internal DPHS GA positions are hired in May for the next full academic year (Fall and Spring semesters). There are fewer positions available starting in Spring. Most DPHS GA positions are 3-credit (5-hr/week) positions with some 6-credit (10-hr/week) positions available. Due to the limited number of DPHS GA positions, the application process is competitive. We recommend applying for both DPHS and campus-wide GA positions at the same time.
Compensation: For university compensation package details, please refer to the Graduate School GA FAQ.
Questions? Contact Dr. Stacie Metz, MPH Program Director/Graduate Coordinator.
Campus-Wide GA Positions
Since our Department of Public Health Sciences GA position availability is limited, we highly recommend that students also apply for GA positions across the WCU campus. These positions external to our department are available for viewing at our WCU Twardowski Career Development Center website. For more details about campus-wide GA positions, view the Graduate School’s Graduate Assistantships’ webpage.
- Current matriculated students (those with WCU login credentials) must apply for GA positions through Handshake. Students must login to view available positions and submit applications through Handshake. Once logged into Handshake and select Job Type On-Campus Student Employment. GA opportunities will specifically have Graduate Assistant in the title. If you have questions about logging into Handshake or searching for available campus-wide GA positions, contact the Career Development Center (
- Newly admitted students (those without WCU login credentials) can view available GA positions can view available GA positions here. Students must email application materials to the contact person listed for the position. Please note that students cannot be formally offered a GA position until they are fully matriculated into the MPH program.
MPH Program Advisory Board Membership
MPH Student Advisory Board (SAB)
The purpose of the MPH Student Advisory Board MPH SAB) is: (1) to identify MPH program strengths and areas for improvement to then be funneled to the MPH Faculty for discussion/action, (2) to nominate/elect a MPH student representative to attend monthly MPH Faculty Meetings, and (3) to address any other needs of the MPH student body (i.e., social, community involvement, career development, etc.). Student leadership is annually elected. Meeting announcements are placed on the WCU MPH Instagram which is maintained by MPH SAB leadership. All MPH students are encouraged to join. For more information, contact current MPH SAB leadership by clicking MPH SAB contacts on Instagram or go to the new SAB website.
- MPH SAB Faculty Advisor:
Harry Holt, PhD, JD, MBA
MPH Community Advisory Board
The MPH CAB committee consists of key leaders and representatives from health organizations and educational institutions in Chester County, Pennsylvania, and the greater Delaware Valley region. Members include alumni, health and human service providers, and community group representatives. The committee is charged to review the overall MPH Program in terms of community needs and future directions in public health. Committee members review the MPH curriculum and MPH accreditation documents related to the program. The members of the committee provide recommendations for program revisions and changes along with support for practicum and career advisement. Members also provide opportunities in public health related to internships, careers in public health, and opportunities for MPH students and faculty to engage in public health-related research, service activities, and continuing education activities. Members will support in increasing capacity for workforce development through awareness of regional opportunities for networking and continuing education.
- Review and provide feedback of MPH curriculum and accreditation documents for quality improvement purposes
- Two virtual 1-hour meetings per year
- Support of workforce development strategies and/or initiatives
To be considered for membership, email your interest and resume/CV to Dr. Stacie Metz, MPH Program Director.
- MPH CAB Co-Chairs:
Chrissie Dziembowski, MPH, CHES
Instructor and WCU MPH Alumni
Department of Health | West Chester University
Email: | Phone: 610.436.2101 - MPH CAB Co-Chairs:
Stacie M. Metz, PhD, MPH, MSW, MA
Professor | MPH Program Director | Graduate Coordinator
Department of Health | West Chester University
Email: | Phone: 610.436.2101
Delta Omega Public Health Honorary Society
Delta Omega Public Health Honorary Society is the honorary society for graduate studies in public health. The purpose of Delta Omega is to recognize academic merit and sincere commitment to public health work inside and outside of the classroom. For more information about Delta Omega, visit the Delta Omega National Chapter’s website. Membership in Delta Omega is by election only. Therefore, students may nominate themselves for an opportunity to be inducted into the society by completing an electronic application.
Eligibility: Our Chapter (Beta Xi) annually can only induct a select number of graduating students. Only students in the top 20 percent of the graduating class are eligible for membership according to Delta Omega by-laws. Hence, all applicants must have completed a minimum of 35 credits by the end of the semester they are applying and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75 at the time of application. We encourage applications from students from all tracks who meet the guidelines. Due to the maximum number of students we can induct into our chapter per year, this process is competitive.
Review Cycle: Calls for application occur in March via MPH Student Announcement emails. Our Chapter’s Selection Committee reviews all applications to determine which graduating students demonstrate current and/or potential qualities of outstanding leadership in the field of public health. Students selected will be invited to participate in an induction ceremony as part of our end-of-semester Spring MPH Poster Session event.
Application Content: The electronic application in REDCap includes: (1) basic student information, (2) open-ended short answer questions, (3) resume upload, and (4) unofficial WCU transcript upload.
Questions? Contact Beta Xi Chapter Faculty Advisor Dr. Chiwoneso Tinago
Delta Omega Board
Graduate Student Association
The Graduate Student Association has made every effort to assist in your transition to the university. Whether you have just recently graduated with your undergraduate degree or have taken a few years off – we are sure you will enjoy your time here at WCU! Visit the GSA Webpage
WCU Educational Services & Twardowski Career Development Center
- Writing Center
- Office/virtual appointments
- Writer resources
- Office of Educational Accessibility
- Learning Assistance & Resource Center
- Library
- Twardowski Career Development Center
- Office/drop-in/virtual appointments
- Resume and cover letter review
- Interview practice
- Virtual career fairs
- Handshake – search for campus jobs/internships, schedule career appointments, and RSVP to career or professional development events
- Ram Nation – virtual network of alumni
MPH Career Tips and Resources
Today's career paths are full of twists and turns, requiring the skills to navigate a lifetime of job searches and career shifts. The WCU MPH program offers the necessary tools to enable you to market yourself for a variety of positions across sectors. Take advantage of the services available and be alert to opportunities posted on program social media. You are the architect of your own future and we are here to support you!
- Website links to Public Health Job Banks:
- General Public Health:
- American Public Health Association (APHA) Public Health Career Mart
- Emory Public Health Jobs Bank
- MD Anderson Cancer Center – The Cancer Prevention Research Training Program & Related Fellowship Opportunities
- Public Health Jobs: Uniting the Public Health Workforce
- Community Health
- National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC) Careers
- Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) Career Hub
- Environmental Health
- Healthcare Management
- American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Career Resource Center
- ACHE Chapter of the Delaware Valley - Healthcare Leadership Network of the Delaware Valley
- American Hospital Association (AHA) Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) Career Center
- Global Health:
- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Global Health Jobs & Opportunities
- Global Health Council Job Board
- Global Health Jobs
- USAID Vacancy Announcements
- General:
- Searchable Job Titles Unique to Public Health:
- Students often request ideas for what job titles they should search for beyond the terms public health, community health, environmental health, and health care management. Here is a list of job titles of some of our alumni that may assist in your search.
Post-MPH Fellowship Opportunities
General Public Health Fellowships:
- American Public Health Association (APHA) Internships & Fellowships
- Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) Fellowships & Internships
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Fellowships & Training Opportunities
Community Health Fellowships:
- Independence Foundation and Philadelphia Health Partnership Health & Human Services Fellowship
- Organizing Fellowship with Network Delaware to fight for social change
- Rothman Opioid Foundation Summer Research Fellowship
- Society for Public Health Education Internships and Awards, Fellowships, & Scholarships
- Stoneleigh Foundation Emerging Leader Fellowship to advance systems change to improve the lives of youth
Environmental Health Fellowships:
- Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education STEM Internships and Fellowships
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Research Fellowships and Scholarships
Health Care Management & Administration Fellowships:
- American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Postgraduate Fellowships
- American Hospital Association (AHA) Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) Fall & Spring Enrichment Programs
- ChristianaCare Administrative Fellowship in Health Administration
- Jefferson Health Administrative Fellowship Program
- Main Line Health Administrative Fellowship
- The Penn Medicine Administrative Fellowship
Global Fellowships:
Certification Exams
Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)
Certified Health Education Specialists are professionals who plan, implement, and evaluate activities and programs that help improve the health of all people. These programs can take place in a variety of settings including schools, communities, health care facilities, businesses and colleges and many more.
Note: Students in the Community Health Concentration are eligible for the CHES Exam as the required courses in this concentration prepares students for the exam. Students from other concentrations may also be eligible for this exam if they take the required community health courses in order to prepare for it. Contact a Community Health Concentration advisor to help determine eligibility.
The CHES Exam is more specialized than the CPH exam and signifies that an individual has met eligibility requirements for, and has successfully passed a competency-based examination demonstrating skill and knowledge of seven areas of responsibility upon which the credential is based. The student fee for this exam ranges from $210 to $265 depending on the date of registration.
MPH community health track faculty Chelsey Price, MPH, MCHES© and Dr. Stacie Metz hold a virtual multi-session CHES exam study group each Spring from January to March. This study group is free and open to WCU public health students and alumni. Information on the Spring study group will be disseminated in December via MPH Student Announcement emails and program social media.
Certified in Public Health (CPH)
Public health professionals will be confronted by complex health issues, such as controlling infectious diseases, reducing environmental hazards, public health preparedness and substance abuse. This is why they need to be dedicated to staying at the forefront of their field by understanding the interaction between the different specialized areas of public health.
Becoming a Certified Public Health Professional Has Multiple Benefits:
- Sets a standard of knowledge and skills in public health
- Encourages life-long learning
- Adds credibility to public health profession
- Increasing public health awareness
- Fosters environment of a professional community
- Adds credibility to public health profession
- Increasing public health awareness
- Fosters environment of a professional community
The Public Health Exam is rooted in five basic core competencies of public health to reflect the nature of the field and the way one area of knowledge blends into another. The certification exam is administered to graduates of CEPH-accredited schools and programs of public health. The student fee for this exam is $400 or $425 depending on the date of registration. More information can be found on the website.
Certified Industrial Hygienist, American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH)
Since 1960, American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH), a not-for-profit corporation, has been the world's largest premier organization for certifying professionals in the practice of industrial hygiene. ABIH is responsible for ensuring high-quality certification including education, experience, examination, certification maintenance and ethics enforcement.
Registered Environmental Health Specialist/Registered Sanitarian
(Through the National Environmental Health Association)
Receive the recognition you deserve for your expertise by earning one of the environmental health credentials offered by the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA). Founded in 1937 by practitioners who wanted to establish a standard of excellence for the profession, that standard has come to be known as the Registered Environmental Health Specialist or Registered Sanitarian (REHS/RS) credential. Since that time, NEHA has developed additional credentials that evidence mastery of specialized knowledge.
NEHA is striving to make the credentialing process as convenient as possible. Computer testing has now been added, and an online Continuing Education Submission process has been developed. These marks of distinction assist both employers and the credentialed individual. Employers can be confident that a credentialed employee has acquired the knowledge necessary to competently perform their duties. Credentialed individuals may find positions easier to obtain, and may increase their earnings.
Professional Organizations
Membership in a professional organization is an important part of professional growth. Before program completion, WCU MPH students are required to join at least one professional organization. Membership often offers such benefits as job banks, conferences, networking, social and professional support.
AcademyHealth - As the preeminent professional society for health services researchers and health policy analysts, AcademyHealth collaborates with the health services research community and other key stakeholders to advance research, policy and practice by supporting the development of health services research, facilitating the use of the best available research and assisting health policy and practice leaders in addressing major health challenges
Go to the website to join: $40 annual student membership fee
Air & Waste Management Association - The Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional organization that enhances knowledge and expertise by providing a neutral forum for information exchange, professional development, networking opportunities, public education, and outreach to more than 8000 environmental professionals in 65 countries. A&WMA also promotes global environmental responsibility and increases the effectiveness of organizations to make critical decisions that benefit society. TheMissionof A&WMA is to assist in the professional development and critical environmental decision-making of our members to benefit society. The corePurposeof A&WMA is to improve environmental knowledge and decisions by providing a neutral forum for exchanging information.
Go to the website to join: $35 annual student membership fee
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, AAHPERD envisions a society in which all individuals enjoy an optimal quality of life through appreciation of and participation in an active and creative, health-promoting lifestyle. Members of AAHPERD and its national, district, and state associations are recognized as dynamic role models in the realization of this desired future. Members and staff are fully committed to accepting responsibility for continued determination of this future. AAHPERD’s mission is to promote and support leadership, research, education, and best practices in the professions that support creative, healthy, and active lifestyles.
Go to the website to join: $50 student annual membership fee (choose an association within AAHPERD upon joining)
American College Health Association - The American College Health Association (ACHA) has linked college health professionals throughout the nation (and more recently around the globe), forming a powerful, collaborative networking base. This unique synthesis of vision and knowledge, of practice and policy, can guide and support you and your health service, your health programs, and your professional development. ACHA will provide advocacy, education, communications, products, and services, as well as promote research and culturally competent practices to enhance its members' ability to advance the health of all students and the campus community.
Go to the website to join: $35 student annual membership fee
American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) - The American College of Healthcare Executives is an international professional society of more than 30,000 healthcare executives who lead hospitals, healthcare systems and other healthcare organizations. ACHE is known for its prestigious FACHE® credential, signifying board certification in healthcare management, and its educational programs including the annual Congress on Healthcare Leadership. ACHE's established network of more than 80 chapters provides access to networking, education and career development at the local level.
Go to the website to join: $75 membership fee for students enrolled in a health services administration program
American Dietetic Association - The American Dietetic Association is the world's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. ADA is committed to improving the nation's health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy. It does this by empowering its members to be the nation's food and nutrition leaders.
Go to the website to join: $50 annual student membership fee
American Evaluation Association - The American Evaluation Association is an international professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of program evaluation, personnel evaluation, technology, and many other forms of evaluation. Evaluation involves assessing the strengths and weaknesses of programs, policies, personnel, products, and organizations to improve their effectiveness. AEA has approximately 5500 members representing all 50 states in the US as well as over 60 foreign countries
Go to the website to join: $30 annual student membership fee
American Industrial Hygiene Association - Science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, prevention, and control of those environmental factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace which may cause sickness, impaired health and well being, or significant discomfort among workers or among citizens of the community. Industrial hygienists are scientists and engineers committed to protecting the health and safety of people in the workplace and the community.
Go to the website to join: $10 annual student membership fee
American School Health Association - The mission of the American School Health Association is to build the capacity of its members to plan, develop, coordinate, implement, evaluate, and advocate for effective school health strategies that contribute to optimal health and academic outcomes for all children and youth. The American School Health Association envisions healthy students who learn and achieve in safe and healthy environments nurtured by caring adults functioning within coordinated school and community support systems.
Go to the website to join: $45 annual student membership fee
American Society for Clinical Oncology - A tax exempt, not-for-profit organization, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) was founded in 1964 by a small group of physician members of the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) who recognized the need for the creation of a separate society dedicated to issues unique to clinical oncology. For 26 years, the Society’s affairs were handled by an external management company. ASCO established a publications office in 1983 and a government relations office in 1989. ASCO began working towards becoming a self-managed organization and hired the first Executive Vice President, John R. Durant, MD, in January 1995. By 1996 the transition to self-operation went into full effect when ASCO established its headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. ASCO currently has more than 280 dedicated full-time staff to manage its growing number of programs, services, and interests in cancer public health issues.
Go to the website to join: Membership available to experienced licensed physicians, $540 membership plus a $35 one-time initiation fee
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) - The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), founded in 1903, is a worldwide organization of scientists, clinicians, and program professionals whose mission is to promote global health through the prevention and control of infectious and other diseases that disproportionately afflict the global poor. Research, health care and education are the central activities of ASTMH members, whose work bridges basic laboratory research to international field work and clinics to country-wide programs.
Go to the website to join: $15 student membership fee
American Public Health Association (APHA) - The American Public Health Association is the oldest and most diverse organization of public health professionals in the world and has been working to improve public health since 1872. The Association aims to protect all Americans, their families and their communities from preventable, serious health threats and strives to assure community-based health promotion and disease prevention activities and preventive health services are universally accessible in the United States. APHA represents a broad array of health professionals and others who care about their own health and the health of their communities.
Go to the website to join: $60 annual fee (student), $195 annually (regular membership)
American Water Works Association - AWWA is the authoritative resource on safe water, with members’ worldwide sharing knowledge on water resource development, water and wastewater treatment technology, water storage and distribution, and utility management and operations. AWWA provides knowledge, information and advocacy to improve water quality and supply in North America and beyond and advances public health, safety and welfare by uniting the efforts of the full spectrum of the water community. AWWA is an international nonprofit and educational society and the largest and oldest organization of water professionals in the world.
Go to the website to join: $28 annual student membership fee
Eta Sigma Gamma - Eta Sigma Gamma (ESG), is the National Health Education Honorary. ESG has enjoyed a rich history of partnering with other professional health organizations to promote the profession of health education and health promotion since 1967. Our local chapters, at more than 100 universities and colleges in the U.S., enhance the professional development of students through involvement in health education activities, providing leadership and advocacy opportunities, recognizing academic achievements, and networking experiences with health professionals and fellow Gammans.>
Go to the website to join: $40 initiation fee plus additional requirements found on the website
Global Health Council (GHC) - The Global Health Council works to ensure that all who strive for improvement and equity in global health have the information and resources they need to succeed. To achieve this goal, the Council serves as the voice for action on global health issues and the voice for progress in the global health field.
Go to the website to join: $60 student membership fee
International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research - SPOR promotes the science of pharmacoeconomics (health economics) and outcomes research (the scientific discipline that evaluates the effect of health care interventions on patient well-being including clinical outcomes, economic outcomes, and patient-reported outcomes) and facilitates the translation of this research into useful information for healthcare decision-makers to ensure that society allocates scarce health care resources wisely, fairly and efficiently.
Go to the website to join: $35 student membership fee (or $105 for ISPOR Connections subscription in hardcopy)
National Environmental Health Association - NEHA’s mission is to advance the environmental health and protection professional for the purpose of providing a healthful environment for all. Advancement has been defined by NEHA in terms of both education and motivation. The basis for the association’s activities is the belief that the professional who is educated and motivated is the professional who will make the greatest contribution to the healthful environmental goals which we all seek. Accordingly, great emphasis is placed on providing, through each of NEHA’s programs, both an educational as well as a motivational opportunity.
Go to the website to join: $25 annual student membership fee
The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) - The New York Academy of Sciences is the world's nexus of scientific innovation in the service of humanity. For nearly 200 years — since 1817 — the Academy has brought together extraordinary people working at the frontiers of discovery and promoted vital links between science and society. One of the oldest scientific organizations in the United States, the Academy has become not only a notable and enduring cultural institution in New York City, but also one of the most significant organizations in the international scientific community. The Academy has a three-pronged mission: to advance scientific research and knowledge, support scientific literacy, and promote the resolution of society's global challenges through science-based solutions.
Go to the website to join: Student memberships are $36 for one year, $57 for two years, and $82 for three years
Pennsylvania Public Health Association - PPHA is a membership organization working to promote the health of Pennsylvania residents through the advancement of sound public health policies and practice. PPHA members from across the state have interest, experience, and expertise over a wide range of health-related issues, including those related to policy, education, private and public sector health services and healthcare delivery, legislation, and health-related research. The PPHA is a state affiliate of the American Public Health Association (APHA).
Go to the website to join: $10 annual student membership fee
Society of Behavioral Medicine - The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. That's the perfect metaphor for the Society of Behavioral Medicine, a multidisciplinary, non-profit organization founded in 1978. Each part, each discipline, can stand alone. But together - when nursing, psychology, medicine and public health form an interdisciplinary team - new perspectives emerge on human behavior, health and illness. When you join SBM, you contribute to that unique multidisciplinary team, and your disciplinary experience and expertise is an essential part of the Whole.
Go to the website to join: $97 annual student membership fee
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry -The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry is a not-for-profit, worldwide professional organization comprised of individuals and institutions dedicated to the study, analysis and solution of environmental problems, the management and regulation of natural resources, research and development and environmental education. Our mission is to support the development of principles and practices for protection, enhancement and management of sustainable environmental quality and ecosystem integrity.
Go to the website to join: $40 annual student membership fee
Society for Nutrition Education - The Society for Nutrition Education (SNE) represents the unique professional interests of nutrition educators in the United States and worldwide. SNE is dedicated to promoting effective nutrition education and communication to support and improve healthful behaviors and has a vision of healthy communities through nutrition education and advocacy. SNE provides forums for sharing innovative strategies for nutrition education, expressing a range of views on important issues, and disseminating research findings. Members of SNE educate individuals, families, fellow professionals, and students, and influence policy makers about nutrition, food, and health.
Go to the website to join: $60 annual student membership fee
*First year fee based on the month your application is approved
Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) - The Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) is an independent, international professional association made up of a diverse membership of health education professionals and students. The organization promotes healthy behaviors, healthy communities, and healthy environments through its membership, its network of local chapters, and its numerous partnerships with other organizations. With its primary focus on public health education, SOPHE provides leadership through a code of ethics, standard for professional preparation, research, and practice; professional development; and public outreach.
Go to the website to join: $75 annual student membership fee