
Wireless Network & Internet

WCU wireless networks are maintained by the WCU Networking department with user support provided by the IT Help Desk.

SSID: WifiRamNet (For Faculty/Staff/Students)
SSID: WifiRamNet-Guest (For Visitors and Entertainment/Gaming Consoles/IoT Devices )

In order to secure the wireless network from unauthorized access, user authentication is required to connect to our encrypted RamNet wireless network. In addition, WCU now requires all entertainment, gaming consoles, and IoT devices to be registered using our ClearPass device registration system before they will be allowed to connect to RamNet-Guest. Please follow the instructions below in order to access the wireless network where available.

Directions for Registering Wireless Devices

Directions for Connecting to Wireless


Where do I go to get help with RamNet wireless networks?

Please open a ticket with ServiceNow or call the IT Help Desk at 610-436-3350 (x3350)

Is the Entire Campus Wireless?

Yes, all buildings on campus have dense wireless coverage. In addition, most outdoor locations on North and South campus provide wireless coverage.

Who can Use the Wireless Network?

WifiRamNet should be used by all WCU students, faculty and staff.
Visitors to the campus and registered entertainment, gaming consoles, and IoT devices should connect to WifiRamNet-Guest.

How do I connect my smart devices to the wireless network?

Devices such as smart TV's, streaming devices (Roku, FireTV, etc.), and gaming consoles should be connected to WifiRamNet-Guest. Before connecting these types of devices, please visit the Wireless Device Registration page to register your device. However, if you experience any problems, please contact the IS&T Helpdesk.


Wired Network & Internet

West Chester University buildings are equipped with dual high speed (10/100 Gbps) wired connections to both on-campus data centers, with 100 Gbps fiber-optic backbone. The campus is connected to the Internet using multiple Service Providers, each at 10 Gpbs speeds, and peering arrangements with providers such as Netflix, Amazon, and Google (as well as many others) over a dedicated 100 Gbps connection, sufficient enough to accommodate any sudden demand.

Faculty/Staff may request:

  • Activation for existing network jacks, change or relocation of service, or have new network jacks installed 
  • Statically assigned IP addresses for network devices

Please submit a ticket through ServiceNow and include a description of the need and location.

Poor Wireless Signal & Interference

Wi-Fi communication is very susceptible to interference caused by competing radio transmissions that operate in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. Wi-Fi interference can result in low to no wireless signal, extremely slow download speeds, dropped Wi-Fi connections, and increased delay for Internet browsing.

WCU's Wireless Networks and Interfering Sources

WCU’s RamNet Wireless service utilizes state-of-the-art technology.  However, there are still ways that the service can be impacted by interfering sources.  Some interfering sources are more impactful than others (such as personal Wi-Fi access points), but all of the following can cause poor Wi-Fi service.  A list of commonly seen interfering devices are listed below.  Please eliminate the use of these devices while on campus and make sure they are not broadcasting wireless signals in the background.  Doing this will create a positive wireless network experience for all those located on campus, including yourself.

Interference Source Impact Course of Action

Personal Wi-Fi access points and routers


Personal Wi-Fi access points and routers degrade the overall speed of the network for all users and does not increase personal connection speed. Removal of these access points is the best way to improve the wireless experience for all users. Please note that personal Wi-Fi access points and routers are strictly prohibited from being used on WCU’s campus locations including in the residence halls.

Hotspots / MiFis / Wi-Fi Tethering


Like personal Wi-Fi access points, using a hotspot (such as the hotspot feature on your mobile phone) interferes with other wireless devices and degrades the overall speed of the network for all users.

Please note that the use of hotspots on WCU’s campus are strictly prohibited, including in the residence halls.

***Wireless hotspots are only permitted to be used off campus.***

Wireless Printers


Wireless printers can degrade the wireless connection for users in the vicinity of the printer. The interference can be easily addressed connecting the printer into an Ethernet port and/or turning off the Wi-Fi functionality.

Wi-Fi Wireless video cameras


Wireless computer webcams can cause a small amount of network degradation. Replacing the camera with a wired model will remove the interference.



Microwaves sometimes operate on the same frequency as the network, causing interference. Newer microwaves will likely not cause degradation.

Cordless home telephones


Cordless home phones may cause interference with the wireless network speed. Cordless phones without 2.4GHz or 5.8GHz frequency will not interfere with WCU’s campus network.

Wireless gaming console controllers


Wireless gaming console controllers may interfere with the network speed. The impact is minor but can be eliminated entirely by using wired gaming controllers.


Wifieduroam is a secure, world-wide roaming internet access service developed for the international research and education community. Individuals from eduroam-participating institutions can connect to the Wifieduroam wireless network using the credentials from their home institution to utilize free and secure wireless connectivity.


WCU students, faculty and staff have access to wireless services when visiting participating eduroam institutions.

Visitors to WCU’s campus from participating eduroam institutions can access WCU’s wireless network anywhere on campus.

For a list of participating US institutions, see the eduroam-US institutions page.

For a full list of participating institutions including international locations, see the Where can I eduroam page. On the page, you can browse through a scroll list or review an alphabetical list at the bottom. 


When you visit a participating eduroam institution, look for the wireless network Wifieduroam and log in using this format:

WCU and password

If you are visiting WCU from a member eduroam institution, look for the wireless network Wifieduroam and log in with your university account, in the format specified by your institution.

Additional Information and Policies

eduroam Website

WCU IS&T Acceptable Use Policy

VPN - Off Campus Network Access

Some services at West Chester University are restricted to on-campus access, such as file servers, databases, websites, and privileged applications. Anyone who needs to use these campus-only services can either physically travel to the campus, or connect remotely through a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN provides a secure, encrypted connection on WCU's on-campus network services to an off-campus computer or device. 

Note: VPN connection at WCU requires multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Request VPN Access

Login: WCU VPN (Virtual Private Network)

VPN Installation Instructions

Duo Multi-Factor Authentication


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