Roger Barth


  • B.A., LaSalle College
  • M.A., Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University

Courses taught:

  • CHE 103 General Chemistry I: 3 Credits.
  • CHE 160 Chemistry of Beer: 3 Credits.
  • CHE 491 Seminar in Chemistry: 1 Credit.
  • CRL 103 Experimental General Chemistry I (LAB): 1 Credit.
  • CRL 104 Experimental General Chemistry II (LAB): 1 Credit
  • CRL 107 General Chemistry Lab for Allied Health Services: 1 Credit.

Research Blurb:

Beer and brewing: Effect of water alkalinity and hardness on the pH of barley mash. Robust analytical methods for malt, wort, and beer. Improved analysis for hops and beer flavor compounds.

Research Interests:

  • Physical Chemistry
  • Research:Chemistry of beer and the brewing art

Selected Research Publications



Barth, R. and Zaman,* R. Influence of Water Alkalinity and Hardness on Mash pH, J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. 73 (2015) 240-242.

Barth R and Moran M. 2014. Improved Method for Determining the Heat Capacity of Metals. J. Chem. Educ., 91 (12): 2155–2157.

*Undergraduate author